Looks like I’m going to egg collection with around 8 … I’m concerned as had more last time!
Has anyone had success from low follicles count on egg collection !?
Thanks! X
Looks like I’m going to egg collection with around 8 … I’m concerned as had more last time!
Has anyone had success from low follicles count on egg collection !?
Thanks! X
Hi there. I know it's disappointing when you have less follicles than you expected but just to reassure you 8 follicles isn't actually that low! You have a great chance of getting some really good quality eggs and embryos x
For this round, my last scan before the egg collection only showed 3-4 mature follicles. The nurse said we would be lucky to collect 4 eggs, but they ended up collecting 10 eggs!!
Yes, on the round I had loads of follicles I got 9 eggs and was a little disappointed and then fertilisation wasn't great, the next round I only had 5 follicles but got eggs and blasts from all those and I've just done a round where I had two follicles and got only one(!) egg but that made a top quality blast. I think the rounds are so different each time, especially if you change anything in the protocol, but also just from natural variation. Sometimes fewer eggs = better quality too.
yes I had 6 follicles, 3 eggs and a baby boy. It’s the quality that counts and the right egg can be there no matter the number of follicles.
For me, the lowest follicle number was my successful cycle 🍀🍀
Hi. I had 4 follicles and only got one egg. I am in the 10% of woman that have a low response to IVF drugs and empty follicle syndrome.....but I am currently 13+2 weeks pregnant from that 1 egg that was collected. I hated people telling me you only need one and it's quality over quantity so I won't say that to you. But I will say 8 seems awesome, that's 8 chances of getting the baby you want and that's amazing. Good luck
Oh wow! Thank you for sharing this. You’re totally right and I am lucky to have that 8 for sure! It all seems lick of the draw with this! 🙏🏽
Massive congrats, lovely news x
Hey Bonaire, I got told 8, they collected 9. I was Always conscious it's on the low side, but my doctors said 8-9 is really ok. Fertilized 7 and out of the seven we got 5embryos, could transfer one and freeze 4. don't worry too much about the number, it's the quality that'll count after all, I know it's easier said than done, but try to stay positive and optimistic that it'll work.fingers crossed for you.
I've just gone through a donor round in Spain and they collected 8 eggs and I remember thinking that didn't feel like many - the clinic were really happy and we ended up with 4 blastocysts from those 8 eggs and I'm currently 8+4 weeks pregnant. 8 can certainly be enough 💕