Hi ladies, I had my scan this morning to check how I’m responding to the stimms. They told me I’ve responded well in a short period of time, had a 16mm, 3x14mm, an 11mm and a few pluses (whatever that means) and that’s my right ovary, on my left I had a couple of 12mm, a 14 and a few pluses. They told me to continue with the injections and come in for another scan on Monday with possible egg collection on Tuesday. They took blood and I’ve just had a call to say they want me to come in for another scan on Sunday instead of Monday now. Was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience? Xx
Positive Follicle Scan: Hi ladies, I... - Fertility Network UK
Positive Follicle Scan

Hi, I believe they think that your follicles are developing well and you may require fewer injection so they want to see you earlier to monitor you so that you don’t over develop them. Congrats on having good follicles...x
You’re welcome and doing great! It’s definitely positive that they’re monitoring you closely and modifying your plan based on your progress. All the luck in the world to you...x
Thank you so much. It’s definitely a blessing and I’m very grateful but you do also realise that this journey is something that you take day by day even after you get that positive test result.
Good luck for Sunday and keep us posted. It might be that you have your egg collection on Monday depending on Sunday’s results. Exciting times...x
Aww I totally understand. I was delighted last April to get a positive result but I then had an ectopic pregnancy at 6 weeks 3 days. I am still so hopeful that it’ll happen but I know I won’t allow myself to get too ahead of myself.
Just you look after yourself and enjoy a day at a time. I’m sure everything will be absolutely fine 😊 xx
A..really sorry to hear that and really hope things go differently this time. I think after a loss or a long time of trying to conceive many of us are cautiously optimistic.
Thank you. Praying so 😊x
Sounds positive! Sounds like you have responded well and that they think you might be ready sooner than initially expected. I have experienced similar on a previous cycle. Best of luck for your scan on Sunday xxxx
Thanks very much, I hope that’s the case! Unfortunately when I was there this morning they said that the egg collection wouldn’t happen Monday because it’s a holiday, so I just hope that doesn’t affect things. Would they just tell me to stop my injections on Sunday if my follicles are where they should be and do the egg collection on Tuesday? Xx
Sorry not sure what they will do but have no doubt that you are in safe hands and they will have a plan to make sure they collect your eggs at the best time. I imagine it’s quite common that they have to work around holidays etc so will just adjust your meds accordingly. But I totally get how anxiety provoking it all is. I had concerns as my new clinic doesn’t do egg collections or scans on sundays so I was worried I might miss the optimum time for retrieval - but I’ve had to just try and have a word with myself that they are a business and really want it to be successful so they wouldn’t do it that way if it didn’t work. Hopefully you’ll be much clearer on Sunday so hold on in there and stay positive xx
Thanks so much 💕. You’re right, I just need to relax and trust that they know best! I see you’ve just started your stimms again, wishing you so much luck 🙏🏽! Hope you’re doing well! Xx
Thank you, yes we are on 5th day of stimms. Got our follicle scan on Monday (day 9 of my cycle) which is a day later than they would normally do, because they are closed on sundays. I was a bit worried because I’m on a much higher dose than previous cycles and I was concerned they might be scanning me too late. But I’ve had to just try and let that go and have faith in them that they know what they are doing 🤣🙏 xx
Well as you say, they know what they’re doing but I can completely your worries. It’s such a massive thing, and no matter how much you try not to think about it all, it’s always with you! I have just tried to keep really hopeful and feel more positive now that I’ve actually started the process! I hope Monday goes really well for you 🙏🏽💕. Keep me posted xx
Hello. I had my scan done today and also due to have my egg collection on Tuesday, but it is subject to the doctor reviewing my blood test results as hormones have to be a certain level or they may delay it by one day. So I think it’s all fine, they defo know what they are doing, they just want to make sure it all happens at the right time. Well done on your amazing follicles, stay positive and good luck 🍀🍀🍀
Hey, had a scan and bloods today and got a call to say they are going ahead with the egg collection on Tuesday so I’m feeling excited but nervous! Taking my booster injection 9.15pm tonight! Good luck to you too! Have you found out whether or not your EC is going to be Tuesday? Xx
Mine is on Tuesday too. I’ve taken my normal ones earlier at 7pm and I’ve to take my trigger injection at 9.30pm. Really exciting times ahead. I’m slightly anxious about egg collection and also hoping my follicles on right grow as they have been quite slow. I was going to treat myself and get my nails done but luckily read you have to remove nail polish lol. I hope we both have some very good news to share xxx
It really is and I just feel while I’m not getting too ahead of myself it’s better to be really optimistic and hopeful that all will work out 😀! My right follicles were better than my left, I guess we all must have a better one ☺️! I just got my nails done on Friday and the nurse told me I’ll need to remove them which is disappointing, but I guess not the end of the world! Here’s hoping we do 🙏🏽! Keep me posted xxx