Hi everyone,
I would like to get some advice regarding treatments abroad, please. We are with a great private clinic in London, but our last attempt was disastrous.
Would you please be able to share your treatment plan or protocol and how it was different from the one received here in Uk? According to our specialist (who we still admire), there is no more test we can do, no other advanced method we can use....
So, my question is, why are clinics in Spain, Greece, Cyprus, or... more successful? And would we be able to receive more advanced treatment abroad?
We used IMSI+ Calcium Ionophore + Time-Lapse incubation and imaging + Assisted zona hatching + PGT-A. Before we transferred our only blastocyst (euploid) we also did ERA, EMMA, ALICE, and NK cells. All tests were normal and everything looked great. Before transfer I also got intralipids. On the day of the transfer, we did hCG flush. As said, everything looked great, and I felt great, but I still didn't get pregnant.
After this unsuccessful attempt, we started with Traditional Chinese medicine (acupuncture + herbal products), and last month we had a very disappointing egg collection, only 3 eggs were collected and only one achieved fertilization (PIMSI + Calcium Ionophore + Time-Lapse incubation) but unfortunately, our only embryo did not survive not even to day 3. To say that we are heartbroken is an understatement.
Is there any other technique/procedure they perform abroad but not here in the UK? Our consultant advised us to use donor eggs for any future treatments.
This was supposed to be our last ivf cycle, but I just can't let it go. I can't let go of our dream. As difficult as this journey is, I find it easier to keep going than to give up.
Before we go down the donor route I would like to be sure that we really used the latest technique possible, so ladies please share your experience of why you think going abroad is better & more successful.
Thank you for reading this long post.
I wish you all the best on this journey