Hi all,
Just wondered what experience people had of having a large number of eggs retrieved?
This is my 7th ivf cycle, and my 5th fresh one.
First fresh I had 22 eggs retrieved, second cycle I had 17, 3rd cycle I had only 3 eggs (doctors have put this down to a bad month), fourth cycle I had 25 eggs retrieved and I've been to my first scan for this cycle this morning and they've found 44 eggs and to possibly expect there to be even more by the time I go to my next scan in two days time 🙄
I'm not feeling too positive about it, because I've been told that the optimum amount of eggs retrieved is somewhere between 10 and 15 and that it affects the quality if you have alot of eggs.
I've certainly found this to be true in each cycle as my first cycle on gonal f I only had one good quality embryo, all of the other cycles I've had menopur and all embryos have not been good quality.
My third and fourth ivf cycles were both frozen - third one resulted in the birth of my 4 year old son and fourth cycle ended in a chemical pregnancy.
This cycle they've put me on a mix of menopur and ovaleap. I've not took ovaleap before but was told by a nurse this morning that it is used more to increase the quantity of the eggs, whereas menopur is apparently more to help with the quality?
So I now am left wondering why I'm on a mix of ovaleap and menopur - ovaleap 150 and menopur 75. Surely it should be the other way round?!
Feeling really confused 😕