Hi!! I am undergoing ivf treatment and after egg retrieval embryos have stopped growing in the lab. What are the reasons of it despite of the fact that 13 eggs were fertilized ?
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ivf challenges

hello, so sorry to hear this, not easy news to receive. This usually suggests a problem with egg quality or the sperm itself (or both). If you have a male partner, did they do a semen analysis or sperm DNA etc? If the results are fine then usually this signals a problem with egg quality.
there were altogether 20 eggs 13 were fertilised had around 25 plus trigger shots also and they extracted sperms through Testicular biopsy. I am confused as do all eggs had bad quality and not a single to make up to blastocyst. The doc said one cant find a reason for embryo arrest as it can be genetic or chromosomal defect.
did they do IVF or ICSI? Sounds like there’s an issue with the sperm for which ICSI tends to work better (or even IMSI). We have male factor so ICSI was used, standard IVF wouldn’t have worked for us.
they have done icsi and they do not have any substantial reason for the embryo arrest. She wasnt sure either its egg quality or sperm. How did it go for you?
we ended up with embryos through ICSI but all transfers have failed. We’re doing the sperm DNA fragmentation soon (suggested below) to see how big the sperm issue really is. Our new clinic is also suggesting IMSI next time, which selects better shaped sperm (my husband has low morphology I.e. shape isn’t great).

Hi Eva. One for your embryologist I think. He/she is the one watching over them. Maybe a sperm DNA fragmentation test if you have to go again. See what your specialist recommends. Diane
she didnt have any rational reason. Seems like trial and error. Mybe genetic as i have history of one miscarriage already the growth stopped at week 4. Didnt know about this test whats it like?
Hi Eva. Obviously done on sperm to see whether there are any defects in what appears to be normal looking sperm. Speak to your embryologist to see if it might be beneficial . Diane