I have just been told that I have eight eggs which have made it today one. How many eggs am I likely to end up with four blastocyst I am really worried and I feel like I won’t have any at this point or or a really low number. Please advise.
8 eggs on Day 1 advice please - Fertility Network UK
8 eggs on Day 1 advice please

On amount collected is good as it averages between 8-14 and now hoping that they all develop well in the next couple of days
Thinking of you
8 is a good number to start with. They will know if they stand a better chance as day 3s or day 5s. My sister had 6 retrieved and 5 went up to blastocyst stage.
She turns 39 this year and had a successful cycle in 2020 when she was 36
That’s good fertilisation rate from 11. Like others have said, it depends vastly! The attrition rate is brutal. I think ours was between 30% and 50% from day 3 which is average and I’m 39. Last round I had 8 fertilise from 13. And 3 blasts from that which I was pleased with.
I’ve seen people get 5 eggs and 5 blasts though and 20 eggs and nothing.
First round I got 5 eggs and had one nearly blast and was heart broken! So it Varys round to round too and depends on your issues.
Best of luck
it’s too unpredictable to tell but you have started with a great number in day 1 so fingers crossed for a couple of blasts for you 🤞🏽 here’s my numbers to show you what I mean about ‘unpredictable’
Round 1: 13 eggs, 10 mature, 7 fertilised, 6 blasts (age 36)
Round 2: 7 eggs, 7 mature, 6 fertilised, 3 blasts (age 40)
Round 3: 9 eggs, 7 mature, 6 fertilised, 2 blasts (age 40)
As you can see I’ve had about the same number fertilised on day 1 but different numbers by day 5 but there are so many factors at play, not just age 😊 lots of luck for your day 3 & 5 updates I know it’s really hard to wait for the phone calls xx
Thanks I’m absolutely petrified. Did you have any fertility issues? We have unexplained fertility and I’m absolutely devastated by all this I know I need to be strong but can’t stop crying and feeling like rubbish I don’t know if I’ll ever have a child and it’s destroying me x
no known issues having IVF as we are same sex couple but took us years of trying to be successful (IUIs before this too) and now trying for a sibling taking a while too it’s a really tough journey and defo harder than I expected and I have to dig deep for patience at times but defo worth it xxx
you have a good number to start with as others have said it’s so unpredictable. As someone who never had many to start I completely understand your worries and anxiety. I always tried to focus on quality over quantity but I only ever had 3 to start on my first round and my second 4. Out of each cycle I got one good blastocyst. Wishing you the best of luck.
Hi Rhea,
I had 9 eggs recently, and have only good 4 eggs
But only 1 left which is the best..the 3 didnt make it. Its sad However i still fell lucky to have my blastocyst for my 2nd ivf. We are waiting for reault now..i stipl have a week to wait. And 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 alot. I lm getting crazy cause i didnt have any side effect or symptoms aftet egg transfer and im worried However i keep on believing it will turn out ok.