5 failed transfers and looking for ho... - Fertility Network UK

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5 failed transfers and looking for hope (and NK cells…)

LittleT123 profile image
22 Replies

Not posted for a while but today feel like it’s suddenly really hard again. Does anyone else deal with things well and have hope and belief they will get their baby then suddenly it just all feels like it’s never going to happen?

Got my period today following a double frozen embryo transfer 9 days ago. This was my 4th transfer and 5th embryo transfer. The first 3 were all fresh. Had so much hope that I would be one of those women that a frozen transfer is more successful for, but that’s not the case.

The last 3 embryos were 4AA, 4BB and 4CB so looked good quality but all 3 failed to implant. We have had lots of tests and so far the infertility is unexplained. Next stop is to test for uNK cells via endometrium biopsy which I can’t say I’m looking forward to.

I’m 39 in March and starting to loose hope.

Is there anyone out there who got their baby after having 5 or more failed transfers.

I need some inspiration to help me believe so that I can keep going with it all.

Also, has anyone had uNK cells detected and gone on to have a baby with the right treatment?

thank you and merry Christmas. Xx

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LittleT123 profile image
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22 Replies
Boo718 profile image

hello I’m so sorry your going through this. This journey is so hard. Have you had the era emma and Alice tests the might shed some light for you and can all be done at the same time xxx I hope your ok xxx

LittleT123 profile image
LittleT123 in reply to Boo718

hi Boo thanks for your message. I have heard of these tests and I suggested them to my doctor but he seemed to dismiss them and their reliability. I’m currently seeking another clinic as feel the one I’m at isn’t thorough enough. Today was difficult but I guess I just have to keep going xx

Boo718 profile image
Boo718 in reply to LittleT123

I was told that I wouldn’t need it as I’d had a chemical so implantation was fine. Turns out I needed an extra day on progesterone and I’m now 16 weeks xxx

river242 profile image

Hi. Not sure I'm going to be much inspiration but just wanted to say you're not alone. I just had my 4th failed transfer, the last 2 were with donor eggs. I've had ERA and immune testing. I don't have NK but do have high thyroid antibodies. We've tried steroids, tacrolimus, IVIG and now clinic wants to try granocytes ( I haven't had time to read about this yet so not sure about it). Definitely recommend the testing as I at least feel like I'm trying everything possible. Happy to chat about it if it helps.

Msze profile image

I’m so so sorry! I had a similar situation. I finally demanded a steroid protocol and now have a beautiful 18 month old.

LittleT123 profile image
LittleT123 in reply to Msze

congratulations and also what is a steroid protocol? Thank you

Rainbowretrieval profile image

Hi Little I’m just turned 39 and awaiting my first transfer next month and I have endometriosis (they could see it on my baseline as I was previously undiagnosed despite having some painful exploration work) so like you I’m very nervous about the future. I’m rooting for you x Did you have PGTA testing on your embryos? X

LittleT123 profile image
LittleT123 in reply to Rainbowretrieval

good luck for your transfer. No we didn’t have pgt-a my doctor doesn’t seem to think it’s of any value as doesn’t increase pregnancy rate. I would be keen to do these tests though

Rainbowretrieval profile image
Rainbowretrieval in reply to LittleT123

thanks ☺️ I’ll let you know about my PGTAs, I guess I wanted to see if on the surface of it my embryos were viable as there is a higher chance of miscarriage with chromosomal abnormalities and is it continued we wouldn’t be faced with the heartbreaking decision of a TFMR later on in any pregnancy (if we even made it that far of course) as don’t think I could handle that (probably be worse than no pregnancy at all) My age was a factor too as more likely to have issues with my ‘older eggs’- so trying to give myself every chance. Because I was hoping for a fresh transfer and couldn’t as was at risk of overstimulation and they did a freeze all I guess it presented the opportunity to do the PGTA when I hadn’t thought of it before. Hope everything goes well with your next tests… have you had an endo diagnosis?

LittleT123 profile image
LittleT123 in reply to Rainbowretrieval

no I don’t have any diagnosis at all just that my eggs are older at 38. I’m really sick of it all

Gabriella89 profile image

So sorry you have to go through this. I had multiple implantation failures too - never even had a chemical after 3 years of constant treatment. Along with everyone else I do recommend ERA Emma and Alice tests and PGT-A (If you need to do any more retreivals) I also had complete NKC testing - I had to change clinics to an immune specialist who specialised in implantation failure and it was the best thing I ever did - I think a lot of doctors try to do immune treatment but it’s so specialist only a few do it really well.. I think your plan to move to a new clinic and do the tests sounds sensible, keeping doing transfers without all the right information about why it wasn’t working was just too tough for me. Wishing you all the best of luck - new year, new start xx

Gabriella89 profile image

sorry also I see you said you’re doing a biopsy for NK cells - I would recommend a biopsy and bloods - I only ever did one for years but it’s important that both are balanced which was really important in my case…

Sdegirl_09 profile image

I’m in the same boat as you and feels like time is ticking… we are awaiting fir final fresh transfer in March and this will be our very last. I too have been thinking about NK cells testing but I’ve had miss carriage bloods and understand it tests something similar so probably not going to do NK cells. So much information out there about tests just don’t know what to do…

honeybeanbee profile image

we’ve gone to a clinic and had NKcells tested. They seem really good and thorough although it was just bloods rather than biopsy. Could give you their details if that would help? Wishing you all the best for the future xxx

LittleT123 profile image
LittleT123 in reply to honeybeanbee

yes please send me a private message with the details that would be great thanks xx

IVFat40 profile image

Hello hun, my situation sounds quite similar to yours and I now have my baby sleeping next to me. I had 5 failed transfers of 7 embryos, all 5 day blastocysts, which failed to implant or were an early chemical. I then had uterine NK cell testing, was put on an appropriate protocol (mainly steroids, and also the scratch), and my first transfer (8th embryo, 6th transfer) is now asleep next to me. I started at 40 and the egg for my baby was collected a week before my 41st birthday (I did not do PGT). Wishing you so much luck, I would massively recommend uterine nk cell testing and steroids if they're high.

I heard the fresh transfers are very hard because of our bodies still coming off the medications. Frozen can still work! A blood test for natural killer cells should work as well. Diet or exercise changes can help - reducing inflammatory foods (coffee, sugar, gluten, alcohol) can help too. Are you doing more egg retrievals or do you have more embryos to transfer? Also consider transferring one at a time when you have worries about implantation.

Hope-and-faith profile image

I had 8 failed transfers. On the 9th we got our DD which was a month before my 39th birthday. Im now 35 weeks pregnant with twins (our 10th transfer).

On the 9th and 10th transfer we tried a different protocol and it worked for us. I took steroids and metformin. I also had a transfer done after 6 days of progesterone because I had ERA test done which showed I needed an extra day of progesterone.

Good luck!


Bookbroad profile image

hello. 6 failed transfers for me. In case it’s not been advised above - instead of doing the nk cell testing my clinic are just adding the steroids that would be prescribed from this test to the my next transfer anyway. The reason for this is It’s much cheaper (steroids are about £20) less invasive (I think it’s tablets you take leading up to and during the 2ww) and takes less time as you’re not waiting back on results. The steroids do slightly dampen your immune system but as it’s such a short period taking them my clinic aren’t concerned. Maybe an option for you if you want to try something different without the time and wait. Wishing you luck.

LittleT123 profile image
LittleT123 in reply to Bookbroad

thank you very much I’m going to discuss steroids with my doctor at my next appointment

Millbanks profile image

Hi lovely,

Sorry to hear of your position - it’s hard isn’t it.

Have a look at my profile, our stories sound very similar. I was successful on my 6th transfer after treatment for NK cells - prednisolone and intralipids…


LittleT123 profile image
LittleT123 in reply to Millbanks

hi millbanks thanks for your reply and I’ll take a look now. I’m becoming more hopeful hearing everyone’s success xxx.

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