Hey all…
This might be a really silly question but how is egg quality tested ? X
Hey all…
This might be a really silly question but how is egg quality tested ? X
hello I’m not sure how it’s tested but our embryologist said he could tell they were not the best quality when he did the icsi something to do with the edge of them as the sperm was injected xxx
I was always told egg quality is the one thing that they cannot test. I have always had a high AMH for my age and so we just naively assumed that meant great egg quality but that was not the case! Our clinic advised on egg quality based on what happened post fertilisation and as the embryo developed but that can be sperm influenced too so isn't always 100% guaranteed. So long story short there is sadly no current test for egg quality x
ah ok thank you! X
This is exactly what I have been told too. It would have saved me a lot of time, heartache and money if they could have tested egg quality. X
I went through three rounds of ivf which all failed, I had 7 embroyos transferred none of which were high quality however I did get pregnant naturally last year and I. Kw have a 5 month d little boy who is perfect so I must of had one good at some point. I think egg quality differs each month, maybe to do with lifestyle. When I got pregnant I was eating lots of avacado and salads which this helped. Always worth a try xx
reproductive endocrinologists have certain visual markers when looking at blastocysts that they use to rank them. But as I understand it, there’s no correlation between ranking and success.
High I was told I have poor egg quality as we had a high number of eggs fertilise however they didn't divide past 2-4 cell stage - if they stopped dividing later it could have been either sperm or egg so they can tell its the egg as the egg's nutrients support its division in the early stages. Aside from that you can't really tell - AMH level gives an indication of your egg reserve - but not always about how good the quality is - as my AMH was normal before our IVF