HPV positive - low grade dyskaryosis - Fertility Network UK

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HPV positive - low grade dyskaryosis

Skittles11 profile image
24 Replies

Hi there ladies

I have received the result of a smear test and the result is HPV Positive - low grade dyskaryosis. I will be having a colposcopy.

Has anyone on here had this result who can help provide reassurance? I've never had this result before. How does it impact upon IVF treatment?

Thanks all xx

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Skittles11 profile image
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24 Replies
Klndmr profile image

Hey hun. I had HPV back in 2014 and one of the most risky groups. I had a colposcopy done and now I get smear tests privately once a year to make sure everything is fine. No problems so far, I only got a little scar on one of my tubes which isn't causing any concerns. Nothing to worry about, they'll just get a biopsy to check for testing. With mine they've found some abnormal cells and I had them removed while they were doing the procedure. I believe once you have the colposcopy done you'll have to wait a few months before you are able to have transfer. A friend of mine had to wait for 6 months before having a transfer, but this was back in Bulgaria. Xx

ButtercupGarden profile image

I had this a few years ago, but high grade. I had a colposcopy and was discharged from the yearly smear tests after 3 years. It hasn't impacted IVF at all. I was scared that it was the reason we weren't getting pregnant but I've been assured it is all fine up there! Try not to worry too much, hopefully the procedure won't be too bad xx

Boo718 profile image

hiya I’ve had this, I had part of my cervix removed as it was high grade. Then like buttercupgarden was discharged from the yearly smear test after 3 years. It hasn’t caused a problem for ivf. xxx

Hey lovely, I had this too and had a colposcopy, they took a biopsy or two but the results came back as minimal changes and they just recommend annual smears to keep an eye on things. I was actually pregnant at the time of the colposcopy and they still went ahead with it (sadly was a MC later). We then went on to do another IVF round pretty quickly if I remember rightly x

Redsequin profile image

Hi lovely. Uff how annoying for you!

I have had this before. They will take a biopsy during your colposcopy and if they are still happy your cell changes are low grade you will be given the option of Lletz surgery (they remove some of your cervix to get rid of the cells) or to wait and see if the cells return to normal on their own. If your cell changes turn out to be high grade, they will probably push you to have the surgery.

I found health professionals very cavalier about removing a piece of my cervix and forgot to mention that it does put you at slightly higher premature birth risk (it’s v small) as the cervix will then be shorter and that it can be painful/take time to heal (seems to vary person to person). Doctors kept insisting my cervix had “no nerve endings”, despite the fact this is v outdated thinking on the female anatomy 🙄.

As such, I opted to have a repeat test after 6 months and then every year to see if the HPV would go away and my cells would return to normal on their own. After some research, I took the supplements AHCC and Indole Carbinol 3 to try and cure the dysplasia and my last smear before starting IVF was clear, so it seemed to work. It may be something the clinic want cleared up before transferring as I’ve noted both clinics I was at asked for my last smear result. They should have a policy on this if you ask them.

Please do DM me if you have any questions! I did a lot of research on this when it was first diagnosed a few years back. Xxx

Skittles11 profile image

Klndmr ButtercupGarden Boo718 Hidden Redsequin Thanks all for the support and the info. I was just thinking that this would probably all need sorting before any transfers took place, I'm just fed up of things delaying at every turn. Not to mention anxiety about having something actually wrong. Boo718 ButtercupGarden you mentioned it didn't affect IVF, were you going through fresh or frozen transfers at the time of this issue?

Thanks for the help all xx

Daffodils140 profile image

hi there, I’ve had a colposcopy and it’s really fine, I had some mild cramps afterwards and you have to be careful with heavy lifting to begin with, but please don’t worry xxxx

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toDaffodils140

Thank you for this and your response below as well. I am a bit nervous about the procedure so grateful to know it's fine.

Daffodils140 profile image

but you will need to wait for a repeat scan a few months after you have it done before doing an ivf transfer so I get that the delays are frustrating x

Skittles11 profile image

I don't get what you're supposed to do though as even if the abnormal cells show clear, HPV can't be treated so do you just have an indefinite wait until you're HPV clear which could take years? Please tell me that's not what happens...

I'm so worried about there being something wrong AND that I will have to wait years before I can proceed with anything IVF related

in reply toSkittles11

I understood that HPV isn’t treatable, the colposcopy is to check the cervical cells. If they are ok you will be able to crack on with IVF x

Twiglet2 profile image

hey I was HPV positive and high grade CIN3 (in the middle of a FET cycle 🙈 in 2019) they were so worried they booked me in for colposcopy the following week! at my colposcopy appointment I explained to the consultant about the IVF said that there was a high chance she would find the offending cells when she was doing the biopsy and asked if I wanted her just to fo the letz right there and then rather than wait for the results of biopsy for 6 weeks and then another appointment to speed things along so that’s what we did. Eventually the results came back that she has got everything that day but I then had to have another smear 6 months later at GP so my clinic wouldn’t restart until the results of that. I’ve since learned that if I had the colposcopy consultant write a letter to the clinic saying she was happy for IVF treatment to progress of biopsy was clear without the additional smear they could have (someone else at the clinic did this) it’s not so much the HPV that they are concerned with it’s any abnormal cells. Hopefully you won’t need the lletz as it’s lower grade and you can get on with it but defo worth discussing at your appointment if they can do it whilst they are in there if they do need to?

The only thing they mentioned with a lletz was that there is a chance it can weaken your cervix (as they remove some of it) so increasing very slightly the odds of premature Labour (I’m just telling you this so you don’t get it as new info on the day). I went on to get PG the following year and carried full term no issues but is a warning they need to give you and did so in more detail with me answering me questions as I had obviously mentioned the IVF.

The colposcopy and the lletz were a bit uncomfortable and sore for a few days but compared to all the IVF stuff we go through it wasn’t much different (I went straight back to work that afternoon) and my repeat smear was fine even though I had the highest grade. It’s a preventive thing so it’s good they have found this early for you. Hopefully it’s all sorted soon xxx

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toTwiglet2

Thank you so much for this Twiglet2 can I ask how did you learn that the colposcopy consultant could have written a letter? Also when you say I hopefully won't need the Lletz and can get on with it, would the alternative be just waiting until the abnormal cells disappear on their own? So you had to stop your FET half way through, that's rough but really great you got all of this sorted. We are definitely lucky to have this preventative test in place and for that I'm grateful but I am so anxious both about the result in the colposcopy and also the impact of treatment, it's just something you can do without with everything else xx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toSkittles11

I’m on a Facebook group for our clinic and several ladies had said they did this and they were happy to proceed …. They weren’t sure with me, started me on a cycle after the biopsy result and then stopped me mid cycle as a l other consultant at review meeting said they couldn’t go ahead until clear smear (so had to stop another FET 🙈) so it seemed quite subjective what guidelines actually were so think the consultant letter would have sorted it and seems to for others at the same clinic!

So they don’t always have to do the letz procedure is my understanding yoj may just have the HPV, my sister had a colposcopy but no lletz and biopsy was okay and just a repeat smear in a year so I think it’s case by case (I had CIN 3 as well as HPV come back on my smear which is apparently the worst kind so why she was quite sure she would need to do the lletz so may as well do it there and then to speed things along for me) .

I also phoned the appointment letter number and speak with the team there before my colposcopy to see if I needed it before IVF to which they said yes because of CIN3 but actually gave me an appointment 2 days earlier as well so I could get colposcopy before my next IVF appointment so I could fully inform my clinic of what consultant said so might be worth trying that as well and see what they say or if they can speed it along?

Honestly it was such a pain in the @rse to add to everything (probs my most frustrating wait so far!) but better to have caught it early with hindsight for me personally or it could have been a different story and IVF would have been the least of my worries 💖 xxx

Riri88 profile image

hi hun, gosh sorry to hear as I can understand the not knowing and the possible delay for further IVF is just another blow. I can’t directly comment on the direct delay for IVF as I had an abnormal smear test back in 2014 before IVF, colposcopy showed medium changes so had the Letz (laser procedure) and been fine since but as other said it can impact the cervix. So once IVF can continue and you do get pregnant do mention it to your midwife at your booking appointment. Even though mine was 8 years ago they did an extra transvaginal scan at my 20 week scan to check specifically the cervix length due to my history. All was fine and no further concerns but if they see a shortened cervix that can increase risk for pre term birth and they will likely monitor you closer towards the end of the pregnancy. That is my main advice in case you get treatment done. But probably good to have treatment if they do find abnormal cells because I think IVF won’t go ahead if there are changes as pregnancy can make this worse and more risky. Hence they want a clear smear test at most clinics. Good luck hun, hope this and above comments help to discuss with your consultant the best pathway to reduce waiting times for IVF after!

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toRiri88

That's exactly it Riri88 it's just another blow, another delay as well as the anxiety about the actual cells themselves and what the colposcopy will show. Did you have the lletz then and there at first colposcopy or did you get a biopsy and wait for results and then have it done? You said it can impact the cervix and you had to have a check and all was fine, does this mean the lletz didn't affect anything for you? I'm really nervous about what they'll find and what I'll have to do about it. Xx

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply toSkittles11

Hi hun, yes it is the delays and waiting that is soo hard when you just want to crack on! I definitely was like that and just wanted to keep going after the failed cycles. So this definitely is not what you want but is probably good to have checked at the same time.

My smear test came back showing abnormal cells but no further information so was send for the biopsy first. Indeed a stressful time as you obviously worry. The biopsy showed medium changes and they advised the laser treatment as it has good results without too many side effects. I do remember when consenting to it that it can have a small risk for pre term birth if pregnant after but at that time we weren’t trying so it wasn’t on my mind soo much… plus the changes of the cells on their own at that stage weren’t a problem but of course not treating increases the risk it continues to change and develop to cancerous cells which is something no one wants so the treatment made sense. It was on the NHS so there was of course x amount of weeks between smear test, biopsy referral, results and treatment planning. I would definitely speak to the consultant/GP if the process can be quickened in any way due to IVF now being on hold or perhaps look into private if the NHS waiting times seem long. That might also gives you answers sooner. I wouldn’t worry tooo much as from reading stories above many of us had this type of treatment and all was fine after. It really is almost more preventative than curing an illness.

And indeed I mentioned it at my first midwife appointment and she said straight away they would book an extra scan at the 20 week scan to check cervical length. Mine was all fine and no further concerns so no hasn’t impacted anything but if it does they might monitor closer or perhaps a stitch as one of the ladies said earlier. But otherwise it shouldn’t impact IVF I think or getting pregnant and might not impact you at all. They just prefer checking which is a good thing I think.

Sorry I can’t be of more help but try to speak to them and word your feelings and worries about IVF timing as well and see what they can do for you!

DJ202 profile image

Hi Skittles, I'm sorry to hear you're going through this, I know it's a frightening time! It's really good news it's only low grade changes for you and it's always worth getting them checked out with a colposcopy! I had high grade changes and they removed a good portion of my cervix. Didn't impact on ivf several years later. I'm pregnant now and because they've taken so much of my cervix out I had to get it stitched in pregnancy - stitch is coming out at 36w. Keeping fingers crossed for you x

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toDJ202

Thanks DJ202 yeah I feel really uneasy at the minute and to be honest surprised with the result. I assumed obviously wrongly that it would be clear like all my previous ones. I don't get how it suddenly shows up like that. Anyway thank you for sharing with me xx

AnnieAnnie profile image

Hi there, I tested positive in 2011 and returned an abnormal smear result, all mine had always been normal and done every 2yrs from 18yrs old. Within 4 weeks I was in for a biopsy. Turned out that I had CIN3 and my abnormal cells were on my cervix, I was back in hospital a further 4 weeks later to have a LLETZ procedure. I had my next smear at 6months which was all clear, another at a year which was all clear and very smear since has been clear and no hpv. So grateful that they found my CIN3 and were able to remove it all and not have anything since xx

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toAnnieAnnie

AnnieAnnie that's a relief that they've all been clear since the procedure you had. Thank you for sharing what happened. I'm currently feeling pretty nervous about it all x

AnnieAnnie profile image
AnnieAnnie in reply toSkittles11

I can imagine you are. Hopefully they can get you in quick for your colposcopy as at least then if they need to, they can take a biopsy to see what actually is going on to treat you the best way possible if you need treatment. I know many people who have had abnormal results for years and nothing has come of them, just more regular smears to keep an eye on everything xx

Emmanev1 profile image

Hi look on my profile I had hpv with pre cancerous cells last year in between a cycle. As it was low level I could carry on with transfers and been monitored via NHS on the cells. My 13 week old baby is just kicking about now so it had no impact or delay. I'm back in December to have my cells checker again. Good luck with everything

Emmanev1 profile image
Emmanev1 in reply toEmmanev1

Just checked my profile i didn't post it for some reason I was sure I had. So basically I had hpv in a smear so moved to 12 months check up. Then a year later I still had hpv with cell changes. I had to have a coloscopy which showed I had pre cancerous cells. I explained all my situation re ivf to the nurse and they wss amazing she met with the consultant before their general meeting etc so it didn't delay my transfer. Then whilst I wss pregnant they checked on me early doors to check nothing else had changed, which it hadn't so they make the decision to leave you until after baby is born. I was very pushy in getting what i wanted out of the NHS and my clinic just wanted a letter to proof they was happy to leave me. My turnaround and about 7 days I'd say as I was due to cycle when it all happened.

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