Hi, I've just had my second failed round of IVF with icsi. First round actually worked but resulted in misscarraige, second round just didn't work at all. We have 2 frozen embryos but they are low quality, grade 3 or c I think it it. They called and said it was up to me if I wanted to keep them or throw them. Now I don't know what to do. Money is an issue as in we now have none. Ivf again would mean borrowing more. I kind of wish I hadn't kept the low grade embryos. They clinic said they have a 50percent less chance of working. But at the time I had like half an hour to decide so just said keep them, hoping the one 8d had put inside me worked, which of course it hasn't. Has anybody had those dilemma? If money is the issue is it more sensible to spend it on a new cycle with good grade embryos?? They said its a 50percent less chance of them taking. But they also said sometime they go on to be viable pregnancy. I'm feeling low and desperate now. Starting to look at clinics abroad as well.
Any experienced shared id love to hear. Thankyou