I had my final batching cycle and got no eggs. Only had two dominant follicles. In my opinion the clinic should have cancelled way ahead. Has anyone experienced this or similar? Any advice please? Thanks. Feeling totally flat and like I’m out of this game now.
third ivf embryo batching cycle - Fertility Network UK
third ivf embryo batching cycle

did you manage to bank any embryos from your previous cycles? My last cycle of a bank of 3 was the same 2 dominant follicles and no fertilised eggs. I was doing natural modified IVF though so low follicle numbers was expected
hi yes we have 4 day 3 embryos frozen waiting to be pgs tested. And one at our old clinic not tested but a good grade.
if you don’t mind me asking what did you dr suggest? I’m deliberating pgs testing the 4 we have or having a transfer. Pgs testing may seem not worth it with low egg count
I wouldn’t bother PGS testing….I did it age 36 no normals….then went on to do 3 cycle banking and got 4 decent blastocysts- transferred 2 untested and had twins.
Did you have a sort of “aim” in mind for number of blastocysts to bank?
I think we would ideally like 4 blastocysts and be happy with that. I’d hope for two kids I’d be super happy with that. Right now one would do eek. But I never had a transfer with the right transfer protocol as the three transfers we had (1 fresh and 2 frozen of 4 blasts) were done and we didn’t know we had high natural killer cells then. So going to focus on using the one blastocyst which we have left at our old clinic xxx
Similar thing happened to me on my 3rd cycle, only 2 follicles responded to stims and 0 eggs collected. Found out my AMH dropped from 7.1 to 2.8 pmol/l so that may be why. My clinic suggested donor eggs but had a 2 year waiting list. So i chose a new clinic who offered me one last attempt with my own eggs, basically no suppression, they think my body might not be reacting well to norethisterone and/or prostap then high dose stims. My previous clinic wouldnt entertain any changes so i had the same protocol all 3 times (first 2 rounds i got 1 embryo,both ended in miscarriage). Its great that you have 4 embryos but if you do another egg collection definitely ask if there are any protocol changes they could make. I was told empty follicles are more common as you get older, not sure if yours were empty or just didn't fertilise. If they didnt fertilise could it be a sperm issue?
hi thanks for your reply I had no eggs retrieved. Basically my biggest follicle was 24, one was 19 at trigger and rest were 9, 5, 5, 6,11 and 10. In total I had 8 follicles. But have low amh so wonder if it has naturally plummeted and I even want to get it checked or just do another collection again. I am thawing the 4 I have to see if any make it to blastocysts with my eyes wide open thinking it maybe more heartbreak etc BUT I’d rather just know and process now.
For me getting my AMH rechecked just gave me the explanation of what went wrong and that helped me process things. I was almost accepting of going egg donor route but since i would be doing double donor its a really tough decision. Ive nothing to lose by one more go with my own eggs. Good luck with whatever you decide x
thanks lovely I have booked an amh test but also take dhea zita wests fertinatal so hoping it’s not super low. X
I was on dhea too but it doesnt seem to have helped me unfortunately. My new clinic doesnt really rate dhea so don't think I'll bother.
it really helped up my amh a bit more when I took. Fertnatal from zita west store
Hi Poop, so sorry to hear that no eggs were collected. I experienced this on my first ever cycle and it was devastating to wake up and be told that news. I hope you are doing okay. Have you been doing a long protocol (where the ovaries are supressed first) or a short protocol? Sometimes changing the protocol can help. Try and get a follow up call with your doctor asap to discuss what happened. Also give yourself permission to do some things unrelated to treatment - when this happened to me I needed to get away and took a week away near the beach.
It's really good news that you have frozen embryos, keeping my fingers crossed for them xx
thanks lovely well I had a tumptuluous journey! Sounds like you did a bit too. Thanks for sharing means a lot. Was meant to cycle in august but had a cyst and did back to back cycles for embryo batching cycles x 2. Then on my third a cyst meant that I couldn’t do it they put me on provera for a few more weeks and it carried on growing! Then stoped the provera and had a big bleed and cyst came away thank god. Thought that this would be my last cycle but clearly not. Being open to a further cycle but maybe in a few months time x my protocol was human growth hormone , fostimon 225 and meriofort 225 with busrelin .02 ml a day.
The best cycle was clomid, hgh and the above stim meds I got 9 eggs and 3 day 3 embryos. Not bad going. Happily take 3 each cycle.
sorry to hear this. I don’t have experience re the follicles situation that you mentioned but I did batching and had no success, quite a few eggs collected but no normal embryos created (I was 40 at the time). We got some independent advice afterwards and the doctor said batching isn’t a great idea as it puts too much of a toll on the body, better to leave at least a month between egg collections. It does however favour the clinic’s bank balance.
Wishing you the very best of luck in your journey.
R x