Hi Everyone,
On Friday I had my long awaited viability scan. I say long awaited and that's because 3 weeks felt like 3 months, which I am sure you can all relate to.
My lovely bereavement midwife decided to come along too, so it was a little nerve wrecking at first being so 'vulnerable' in front of 3 other people but I was too nervous to even think about it.
It took some pushing and poking but she found the little precious blob. I should have been 6 weeks 3 days, but the baby is only measuring at 5 weeks 4 days which worried me at first but the midwife said that its completely normal but booked me in for a reassurance scan next week so they can take better measurements again.
I obviously burst into tears and my partner was really choked up. Here is a little pic of the blob and you will understand why I am calling it a blob haha But rest assured, the flickering little heartbeat was visible on there and the midwife said it looks very healthy! <3