Hey Everyone
If you have followed my journey so far (and its a long one) you will already know that I am a serial early tester. With my first IVF, I tested from 4dp5dt and as I lay in bed on that day, I felt so proud of myself for not caving early.
I then woke up early for a pee and thought....hmm....won't hurt to test. This is because I got my first positive at 4dp5dt last time so curiosity got the better of me.
I tested on day 5 and got a very strong positive, then day 6 was even stronger, and today is day 7 and the test line on a FR is as dark as the control line. I am overjoyed.
Remembering from my first IVF pregnancy, I was super sick from week 4 until week 12 and this is no different. I seem to get extremely sick between 7 & 8pm. I am only going to look at this as a good sign.