4+6 anyone else lose symptoms and all... - Fertility Network UK

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4+6 anyone else lose symptoms and all was ok? ☹️

Catlady12345 profile image
5 Replies


Since having my positive test on Saturday I’ve been a mess. I’ve been wanting to see those two lines since my miscarriage two years ago, and it took us 5 transfers to get it. I know I should be feeling lucky.

All I feel is anxiety.

I had a heavy feeling in my uterus, and boobs which were sore (not massively but I felt them).

The past two days things have really slowed and today I feel nothing at all. I feel less hormonal, no sore boobs and no twinges at all - empty almost.

Has anyone had similar this early and it turned out to be absolutely fine?

I’ve never felt so anxious ever xx

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Catlady12345 profile image
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5 Replies
Jess1981 profile image

First of all huge congratulations. Secondly unfortunately it is natural to feel such anxiety after infertility in a pregnancy especially after any miscarriages. Also it is normal for symptoms to come and go as the body soon gets used to pregnancy hormones and symptoms come as levels peak. It also very early in your pregnancy to have any symptoms at all most women might not even suspect to be pregnant at this early point as they wouldn’t have yet missed a period. And some symptoms don’t kick in till much later like 6 weeks. I didn’t have many symptoms with either of my successful pregnancies with my husband. A bit of tiredness after 5 weeks and a bit of boob pain ( more with Francesca than Eliza) Apart from a missed period and a positive pregnancy test I wouldn’t have known I was pregnant! I always felt incredibly well in my pregnancies. I was lucky no morning sickness! With Francesca I was terrified due to it taking 7 years to conceive her and an a chemical pregnancy with Eliza I was frightened due to 3 early losses and a late loss of our second daughter Amelia. I could never relax particularly more with Eliza I could never feel excited due to fear. I hope as you get through the early weeks your anxiety improves and you can enjoy the pregnancy you fought so hard to get, wishing you the best Xx

User20 profile image

Hi Catlady,I'm currently 5w5d and other than sore boobs have no symptoms either.

And some days they are less sore than other days.

I've read somewhere that that's because your body gets used to certain levels of hormones in your body (which us when symptoms get less) before the hcg and other levels increase again over the next few days the symptoms get worse again. From what I read it's perfectly normal to have symptoms that come and go (like sore boobs) and other symptoms might not be very obvious at this stage anyways.

Try and relax, and enjoy being pregnant for the moment - there's nothing you can do at this point. (I know it's hard to not symptom spot)

I have everything crossed for you 🤞 🤞 🤞 xxx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi catlady. This could be that your progesterone is catching up to a normal level and you aren;t needing so much from pessaries etc. You only draw what is needed. Once all is levelled out you will probably start to feel a bit sickly. Not too long to your scan which will reassure you. Hope all continues as it should. Diane

Greyeverything profile image

Go to my profile and read my post from 11 months ago about losing symptoms at 4+6. All I will say is my 3 month old baby girl is sleeping on me as I type.

I was an anxious wreck through out pregnancy, more so in the early days. It got better with each scan and when I started to feel her move. I paid for some extra scans and a blood test early on and that helped me. Good luck xxx

Jana483 profile image

I just want to say that I understand how you feel, with my first ivf pregnancy I had zeeeeeero symptoms I was convinced I miscarried... I had nothing to make me feel pregnant, I now have a beautiful 2.5 years old daughter so my lack of symptoms was ordinary but it was so hard.Wishing you all the best!

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