Has anyone had any experience with NHS funding recently? My GP has sent my referral letter to our chosen clinic, does anyone know how long roughly it takes to get funding approved? I know each area is different but a rough timeline would be great! Thanks x
NHS funding: Has anyone had any... - Fertility Network UK
NHS funding

Hi. We waited A LONG time . From GP referral letter , I’d say a good 1 1/2- 2 years. I’m the mean time while we were waiting we did a Private cycle . We have now just finished our second NHS funded cycle . The good news is , between cycle one and two on NHS - there is no wait as you are already “on the books”. Good luck x
Oh my gosh, was this before all of your tests etc? I’ve had my recent bloods and 3 laparoscopy’s to remove both blocked tubes and have now been discharged from the fertility team. Our GP referral to the clinic was sent today but it didn’t have much information on so i have no idea if that’s it. Everything feels like a constant waiting game, I’ve been under fertility for almost 4 years 😭 x

You could maybe find out by getting in touch with your local CCGs [Clinical Commissioning Group] because as you say this varies from area to area Wishing you well for the future
Mine was dealt with a bit differently. Back in July we were referred by our gp (due to private fertility tests), and a few days later had a call from the nhs clinic confirming our client questionnaire etc would be sent out. On receipt of the completed questionnaire the clinic sent slips for me to take to my doctors to do standard bloods (fsh, Lh, thyroid etc) and my partner had to do a second sperm analysis at the hospital. Results were sent to the clinic and at the end of August we had our first appointment and were told at that appointment they would be putting us forward for IVF and we would hear with our consent form appointment in due course. There was actually no discussion about funding, apart from when I asked because of extremely low AMH. I was just told I was young, not yet in menopause and we had no previous children, that there was no question of funding being refused🤷🏼♀️ - I actually felt a bit silly for asking!
I do live in Cornwall mind, and we seem to have a completely different set of rules for everything to the rest of the country 🥲 x

Wow! So good! We’ve had all the relevant tests etc so I’m hoping it won’t be long now, hopefully we take a leaf out of your book x
I would say that the treatment wasn’t due to start until February, so 5-6 months afterwards though, which seemed like 10 years to someone with low AMH. But the first steps were definitely quick and I think sometimes people just need the plans in place for that reassurance x
From the GP referral letter till the first consultation at the NHS clinic (during which they ordered some tests - for some reason they needed to repeat some done via my GP), it was almost a year. Then another few months before the IVF actually started. Just before it did, the clinic wanted to confirm the funding, so they were checking a few details with us. It was during the pandemic so our waiting time may not be the standard, although as others say, it can take some time, depending on where you are.
Good luck xx