Hi guys!
So I’m kind of in the middle.. I know what happens next but not in detail, doctor isn’t calling me with any updates till 18th. Iv had my ER and all went well, we have embryos frozen now it’s the waiting game. Iv had my withdrawal bleed, I don’t have natural periods so I think I’m waiting for them to give me the meds to induce a period, then think it’s scan then how long do you wait from the scan to start the actual meds before transfer day? Does anyone know who’s done a frozen transfer? It’s my first round so don’t know in detail what’s next and I’m aware no ones cycle is the same.
I’m so inpatient.. I hate waiting, I’m going mad watching blogs of IVF and It’s kind of taking over my life 😂🙈 (in a good way!) but I just want the transfer ASAP!! We have been waiting since July last year when we got told we needed ivf so I think Iv been pretty patient!
Thanks in advance! 💫🤍💫