Has anyone had successful IVF with lo... - Fertility Network UK

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Has anyone had successful IVF with low Amh levels below 5 ? I’m only 28 and mine is 3 it’s so worrying :(

Sophiii profile image
34 Replies

IVF , Low Amh

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Sophiii profile image
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34 Replies
AuroraXen profile image

Hi Sophiii, I haven't, but loads of women have! 😘 AMH in itself isn't always valued so highly, although it can really be stressful to learn it is low. It doesn't mean at all that you cannot conceive or that your eggs aren't good. I've always understood it doesn't have a bearing on the quality of the eggs, especially given your age. You will find lots of success stories xx

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to AuroraXen

Hey Aurora , Thankyou for your message that made me feel much better already !! So sorry you haven’t I hope you do soon 💜. It was actually crazy when the doctor told me because I didn’t fully understand and also my periods are so regular. But Thankyou you’ve defo give me some hope it’s so scary I know my ivf will be in the next month or 2 so getting abit anxious and scared now xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXen in reply to Sophiii

Think of it as a 'heads-up' that you need to think of fertility planning now, rather than putting things off 😘 The more information we have about our fertility, the better. There will be lots of women your age with low AMH who don't know it. Some never need to know it as they fall pregnant naturally. Others may not find out their AMH is low until it's super super low. So looking on the bright side, it's good that you know and can get started in IVF nice and early 😘 IVF itself really isn't too bad, it's nothing to worry about. But of course all new things are scary, so use good resources like this forum to ask questions (and don't be afraid to ask your doctors! they are your experts and you have a right to ask anything and everything - sometimes the clinics aren't great at explaining things so you have to be ready to push for what you want to know) xx

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to AuroraXen

Thankyou , I never really understood when i was told and it was all abit overwhelming so I didn’t ask the questions I needed too . But yes defo a heads ups . And Thankyou it’s so true that’s what the doctors are there for . And Thankyou for that advice I’ve stopped smoking and stuff to prepare myself which was hard but succeeded . Just want to do the treatment now and hopefully get a good outcome , I hope you get some good news soon with your journey as well so stressful being a women and not being able to fall pregnant but I have so much hope fingers crossed xx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Sophiii. Yse this can be worrying, but if your FSH level is within normal range, you should still have a chance of getting some of your own eggs to use. the lowest lady I had, had an AMH 1.7 which worked - miraculously! Good luck! Diane

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to DianeArnold

Oh wow Thankyou Diane that’s amazing ! That’s so nice to hear and defo made me feel better about the situation, Thankyou :) xx

Marisa32 profile image

If everything else is in working order, low AMH isn't a deal breaker. I managed to get 2 babies with extremely low AMH at age 38 and 41. That said, IVF didn't work for me because I only ever produced 1 egg per cycle. If you are unable to get pregnant at 28 after trying for at least 12 cycles, I suspect something else is the cause, not your AMH levels.

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to Marisa32

Aww that’s amazing ! Oh wow so did you end up conceiving naturally ? Sorry I haven’t had any cycles this will be first round of IVF, I’ve been waiting 12 months for the Ivf . I have endometriosis as well just hopefully the ivf will work , Thankyou for your help x

Marisa32 profile image
Marisa32 in reply to Sophiii

Yes, both conceived naturally in the end. Good luck with IVF. If you end up not responding to the stims, try natural or modified IVF.

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to Marisa32

Hi Marisa Thankyou for your help and that’s amazing that you did ! And ok Thankyou :)

CJohns profile image

I’ve got low AMH of 1-2.2 (two different results taken 2 months apart) so I absolutely understand your worry and concern, and no matter how much anyone tells you to not be concerned, you do feel that clock ticking away and panic over it.

I was due to start ivf this month, but miraculously conceived naturally in December! My partner has semen issues, but we were both taking every supplement known, better diets, less chemicals in cosmetics, zero alcohol and so on. So I can only assume the changes contributed and aided us in conceiving.

My clinic also told me to take DHEA which is a hormone supplement to aid egg quality (speak with your clinic re. this) and I started taking in September, but I was convinced I didn’t need it as I am also only 28 so I didn’t believe my DHEA levels would have lowered that much at my age. I had a private blood check to ascertain my level (whilst taking the recommended 75mg dose) and I was still at the lower end of normal. So I wouldn’t always believe that because you have low AMH and you are young, that everything else including egg quality is normal, because it’s never a guarantee! You just need to make sure you carry out all checks, research your supplements and do what you can do to better your chances. This was the only supplement recommended by my clinic, whereas I was also taking ubiquinol, cod liver oil, prenatal vitamins, vitamin d and N Acetyl Cysteine. The clinics also don’t tend to mention much about diet or lifestyle change, so it’s good to get researching into it all.

Good luck with ivf, but here’s hoping you also conceive naturally! Xx

Sophiii profile image

Hey C johns , wow so nice to hear your story that’s amazing news congratulations and naturally even better 🙌💞💞. You must be so happy 😁 honestly it is and has been very worrying and stressful my hubbys younger then me so it’s been hard . Oh wow that sounds interesting I was never told about anything to help . But yes defo seems like you changing little things really have helped you and your partner . Thankyou for replying to my post it’s been very helpful and gives me hope I wish you all the best with your pregnancy!! It’s so nice to hear that you’ve been able to get pregnant with a low amh mine was 3 about 6 months ago so may have got worse now but I’m super optimistic now 😉 Thankyou x

CJohns profile image
CJohns in reply to Sophiii

I’ve edited my previous post with some names of supplements I had been taking!Honestly, I put off testing when my period was late by 4 days over Christmas as I was convinced it was early menopause coming🙈 that’s how certain I was that I would never conceive naturally. So there is always hope, and you just need to be content that you have done everything you can to aid your chances of successful ivf or conceiving naturally.

Fingers crossed for you! Xx

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to CJohns

Aw that is crazy ! How strange can life be at times . Aww bless you I would of prob thought the same I bet you couldn’t believe your eyes !! What a miracle 💞 Thankyou hun ! I hope you have a lovely enjoyable pregnancy too :) xx

pink_lemon profile image

Yes, here. 1.9 measured when I was 38. Now 23 weeks pregnant. It is hard to get good number of eggs out of us and my experience was the more meds and higher number of eggs, the less success getting good quality eggs that would actually grow into viable embryos. Good luck to you 🤞

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to pink_lemon

Hey , aww congratulations!! Thats amazing news . Aww that’s really interesting I will keep that in mind defo gives me some hope Thankyou and good luck to you too :) x

Wilsonna profile image

Hello! My Amh was low 2s although I was older (38) when I was told. I was told it was early menopause and nhs were v negative about my hopes. Well I’m 39 weeks pregnant and being induced today and it happened naturally (the month we were due it started ivf). I made lots of lifestyle changes to try help (foods, nuts, accupuncture, meditation, pranic healing) and also sought private advice (started taking DHEA). I also gave up alcohol. I started these changes last Jan and found out I was pregnant in May having been trying for over a year. Who knows what helped but as much as anything it all gave me a sense of “doing something”. Wishing you all the luck in the world xx

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to Wilsonna

Hey Wilsonna , oh wow it’s crazy how wrong the nhs can get it ! Congratulations that’s amazing that your pregnant and managed to fall naturally after having Such a low amh level. I hope your induction goes well how exciting!! So good that doing some changes probably helped you ! I’ve heard about DHEA a few times now i will have too look into that I definitely wanted to try acupuncture as well . You never know I’ve heard lots of women say they fall pregnant before Ivf naturally that will be amazing !! Thankyou so much. I wish you all the luck too with your new chapter in life and hope you have a fast delivery hopefully won’t be much longer for you after being induced :) xx

I haven’t but I know someone who wasn’t accepted for ivf as her AMH was too low but she then managed to conceive naturally and had two boys. Different ages.

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to Positivechangeplease

Wow that is amazing !! Thankyou gives me some hope it definitely can happen xx

Positivechangeplease profile image
Positivechangeplease in reply to Sophiii

Sorry I meant “wasn’t” accepted for ivf - she must have been the same age or a little older than you at the time… AMH can go up and down too… there are ways to help increase it I think but I don’t know how as I’ve never looked into it

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to Positivechangeplease

Oh I see , the doctors told me that it can’t get better it can only get worse but things like vitamin d can help but who knows lol . Thankyou though defo nice to hear that it’s happened naturally for some people without the treatment that is great ! Xx

Hey Sophii,

I have low amh and I'm 27 so I can understand how worried you must be feeling!

The good thing is age is on your side! You may not get many eggs but it's quality over quantity and at your age the quality will be good!

I only got 3 eggs, 2 fertilised and 1 made it to day 3 transfer. I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant from that one embryo! Best of luck! 🥰❤

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to

Hey Lilly , so worried honestly lol I’m like I’m so young how have I got this issue but I guess that’s why it’s never happened yet . Your so right I have periods every month too so I guess that’s a good sign. I need to stay positive I just know it’s getting closer so I’m getting more anxious about it . Awww that’s amazing!! Congratulations you must be so happy !!! That gives me so much hope Thankyou hun best of luck with everything for you too xx

in reply to Sophiii

I felt the exact same way when I was told, I couldn't believe how it was possible at my age! Feeling anxious is completely normal! I was a ball of anxiety for months, was researching low amh and that freaked me out more.

I had lovely ladies reassure me that low amh doesn't mean it's not possible, that it's all about quality over quantity and they were right! Stay strong, you got this! Xx

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to

Ha yes that’s exactly what I’ve been doing honestly Google is my worse enemy 😂 . Aww that’s so nice I’m really finding that’s helping me . Thankyou hun ! Xx

24hopefuls profile image

Yes! I had an AMH of 3.9 at age 36 and I was devastated and so worried I would never have a baby...I now have a beautiful 7 month old daughter and 2 embryos frozen! As you're young I'm sure you have good egg quality and it's more about that. If you can, go for short protocol IVF..well thats what worked for me anyway ( first time fresh transfer). Best of luck! X

Sophiii profile image

Aww Thankyou for your message that’s amaZing !! I really hope so I’m not too sure how many rounds are get on the nhs . That’s exactly what we’re going for so fingers crossed , so great it worked first time for you I’m just Tryna stay positive and keep telling myself it’s gonna work lol ! Thankyou for this hope xx

kathgibson22 profile image

Hiya lovely, yes !! Well not ivf as my transfer didn't stick but we got pregnant naturally whilst waiting for my 2nd go! She's now an amazing 8 month old. I was 35 when I found my AMH was 2.8 and 37 when I conceived so it would have been lower than that. With you being younger your eggs will be better quality also ! Wishing you all the luck 😘 xxxx

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to kathgibson22

Hey Kath , aww that’s amazing that it happened for you naturally !! Amazing!! Aww that’s beautiful. Aww Thankyou I hope so it was at 3 about 6 months ago worried it’s gone down more but your right time is on my side so hopefully all will be good Thankyou for this message it’s so nice to hear stuff from women who have been through the same thing ! Xx

Jjleo profile image

I was 29 and told my AMH was level 2 and only 20% chance of working. We took all the supplements from it starts with the egg and on our 1st round of ivf it worked. I'm 15.5 weeks pregnant with twins 😀 we got 4 eggs, 2 fertilised and they both were of a high quality and stuck! I honestly think the supplements worked for us.

Good luck xx

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to Jjleo

Hi Jjleo, wow that’s amazing !! Congratulations thanks for reaching out makes me feel so much better about everything. And twins so nice !! Aww thanks hun What supplements was you taking ? Thanks this gives me so much hope xxxxx

Marisa32 profile image

I didn't have success with IVF due to lack of response to stims. I did manage to have 2 babies naturally despite my extremely low AMH and advanced maternal age.

Sophiii profile image
Sophiii in reply to Marisa32

Hey Marisa aw wow so great that you eventually was able to conceive naturally this is so amazing it does defo happen ! Thanks for this hope xxx

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