I’ve done so well and held off testing, I didn’t feel tempted too, but I can feel my resolve waining! I am 7dp5dt transfer, my official test day is Friday. Should I wait? Or should I test. Eeek can’t decide. Worried it will be negative then I’ll feel sad all week but also the suspense is starting to make me wobble.
7dp5dt - to test or not to test? - Fertility Network UK
7dp5dt - to test or not to test?

Noooooo! Hold out a little longer if you can. I've never got to transfer yet, and I'm SURE I'll want to test immediately, but I've noticed the ladies on here who test early then have to go through the anxiety of testing every day—sometimes multiple times a day. If they get a positive, they're worried about the line darkening; if they get a negative, they keep checking in the hope it will change.
Thanks that’s all really good points! I thinkI will feel so proud of myself if I hold off x
Don't do it!! It's so stressful testing early - honestly worse than your stress at the moment.
If you get a negative you'll be so upset but still hold out a tiny bit of hope. If it's positive you'll spend the next week comparing the line progression and worrying about that.
Exactly as Redsequin says!!
Thanks that’s true! You can’t win by testing early can you at all! I’m dreading test day. I have no symptoms.
Last transfer I didn't test at home at all - I couldn't bring myself to!! So I just went in for bloods instead.It's so nerve wracking. Again Redsequin makes a very good point about planning what you might do if it's negative. Mine always included a very large glass of wine and some cheese...
Wow you have such strong willpower, ok I’ll try and do the same. Wait until Friday test day. I think I’ll feel so proud of myself. At least I can enjoy living in the PUPO bubble for now x
Also, I always found that day 7 I had a wobble - every single time. Enjoy that PUPO!! xx
I’ve also realised the past couple of days my stomach isn’t bloated anymore. It was so bloated after egg collection but I’d say the past 5 days it’s not bloated now at all. So now I’m wondering if that’s bad! Like is it the egg collection that makes you bloated? Or the progesterone? Cos I’m still on that but my bloating has gone x
Wait! Not long to go and you’ll feel better to wait than get a negative then have to wait to do it anyway.
I don’t feel very positive this week, I don’t have any symptoms other than sore boobs which is from the progesterone anyway x
I didn’t on my last transfer because I had a failed first transfer and that made me think symptoms were in my head- nonetheless even if it had been negative I busied myself and didn’t let myself test early and it would have been the right thing to do to keep my sanity
Don't test!!!!That's what I told myself the last 4 transfers.