So we’ve had fertility problems and we’ve been doing IVF and this was my third and last try I had my embryo transfer on 31st October and within three days I got a positive and everything has been going soo well even had loads of pregnancy symptoms. I went for my 7 week scan on Tuesday which is a viability scan and there was a pregnancy sac, yolk sac and a small fetal pole but no heartbeat, when the nurse measured the fetal pole was showing at 5 weeks and 5 days and the pregnancy sac was showing 6 weeks and 1 day which is way behind what it should be. I have another scan next Tuesday to see if anything has growing or a heartbeat I need both to happen for this pregnancy to continue, if everything is still the same and I haven’t started to bleed and pass the fetus I will have to have a D&C for it to be removed that week.
Has this happened to anyone else and it was positive news or cananyone offer advice or words of wisdom, I am totally crushed just don’t know what to think.