My levels are 2.9 and I know optimum is 2.5 or less I’ve rang my clinic so waiting on a call back tomorrow. Anyone had similar experiences if so what happened? Did they increase the dose? I’m
The smallest dose of 25mcg
My levels are 2.9 and I know optimum is 2.5 or less I’ve rang my clinic so waiting on a call back tomorrow. Anyone had similar experiences if so what happened? Did they increase the dose? I’m
The smallest dose of 25mcg
Hiya. My levels were 2.85 just six days before my embryo transfer. My clinic increased my dose by another 25 mcg. Good luck
Ty for Thai was helpful did the transfer work?I’m worried mines won’t cos of my tsh levels
Try not to worry, how long do you have before your transfer? Mine went down from 2.85 to 2.3 within 5 days so the transfer could go ahead. I had a positive test result but unfortunately my symptoms have abruptly ended so I don't think it will be a viable pregnancy
Thank you for your thoughts. I don't have much hope this time but won't know for sure until I get the results of my bloods.
You've got plenty of time to bring the levels down, as I say mine came down within 5 days. Good luck x
Oh I really do hope it’s nothing but pls keep me posted as I will worry. Here if u need to chat or anything x
During my last cycle my TSH went from 2.2 to 4.6 during stims- I didn't realise until after the transfer failed. I'm now in the middle of stims for cycle 2. I saw a private endo who got my TSH to 1 before we started and has told me to take 25mg more every day throughout this cycle. I think they'll probably increase yours, it won't take long to adjust.
Thanks did you feel any differently? When I started my low dose of 25mcg I was so ill I felt lethargic and head headaches I’m fine now but wondered if increasing had that. Tbh I’d do anything xxx
Yes it's like night and day. In the last 2 years I've gone from being on 25 to 100- I'm on 125 for the course of this cycle. I have more energy, I've lost weight, used to have dry eyes and skin and that's all gone now. Whether it's going to make a difference with the ivf I don't know, I also have very low amh and I don't seem to be responding well this round so might not make it to egg collection but I feel better knowing it's one variable gone. Important Important have it right if I then decide to go down the donor route too.
ThanksI’m hoping I don’t feel unwell taking a higher dose that’s all xxx
I have low amh too last time got 6 eggs and 2 made it but never stuck I found out I have a blood issue thrombolia so need blood thinners and aspirin this time round x
I got 2 follicles and 1 egg last time, got to blast stage and transferred but didn't stick. 2 growing this time but they're much smaller this time so not sure. I think maybe natural ivf might be better for me. x
Keeping things crossed for you lovely xI had the nurses call me saying that I may need to hold fire for injections until she speaks with the consultant as my levels are 2.9 and they may want it lower so basically it may be cancelled and I’ve only gone and mixed my menopur and other med😩🙈hoping they’ll double my dose up and go ahead
don’t get why they don’t test my thyroid levels themselves if they are so worried it’s annoying
Oh no, that's frustrating. Hopefully they'll just say to do that and you can go ahead. x