Transfer Day 🥚❄️ FET … : Hello all... - Fertility Network UK

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Transfer Day 🥚❄️ FET …

HelenJudi1 profile image
82 Replies

Hello all...

So today is transfer day... after having a successful FET in 2019 (with a grade A blastocyst) we have decided to try again using the blastocysts left from that cycle…

Today was a frozen transfer, our grade C Frostie thawed this morning and we went into theatre shortly after ...

We are fortunate to still have one frozen C grade blastocyst in storage.

The clinic have said that our test date is 10 days from today... and test day is 13.09.21

Anyone else also going through the ‘2WW’ ...

I’m trying to think positive and not compare to last time or worry that this is a grade C and my success was with a grade A. Trying to remember that this little frostie has been successfully frozen and thawed so is a sturdy wee thing 🤞🏻

Fingers crossed 🤞🏻

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HelenJudi1 profile image
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82 Replies
Mai94 profile image

Good luck lovely! I recently had an A and my first C grade transferred and both have held on tight so far! Almost 7 weeks pregnant with twins 🥰 so don’t worry at all about grading. That little C wouldn’t haven’t been frozen if they didn’t have the potential x

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Mai94

What lovely news! Congratulations!

Thank you for sharing! It does make me feel more positive 🥰🤞🏻x

LiveandLetLive42 profile image

Best of luck! I go for FET in two-three weeks, and just waiting for that is awful!! I'm going to be a mess during the 2WW. Keep us posted!! XX

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to LiveandLetLive42

I will!

The wait through the whole process is hard! Good luck to you when the time comes!! 🤞🏻 xx

KiboXX profile image

Congrats on your transfer ☺️

I had a successful FET in 2020 which resulted in my daughter and we decided to throw ourselves back in and use the next frostie we had last month so I’m a few weeks ahead of you and so far have a BFP. Viability scan is next week 😬

Hope you manage to keep busy and stay sane during your tww, I found I was much more calm this time around, I guess because I have my little one. Chasing around after her is also a good distraction!X

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to KiboXX

Congratulations!!! 🥰

I am hoping that I’ll be more distracted this time as like you say, chasing around little ones! I have a wee girl too, They certainly keep you busy! x

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to HelenJudi1

Thank you! I had a low first beta compared to my last pregnancy (86 this time but was 956 with my daughter) so it’s been a bit of a worry but numbers are doubling so hoping for good news next week 🙏🏻♥️

Are you doing a medicated FET?x

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to KiboXX

I’ll have my fingers crossed for you that those numbers keep doubling 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

No, natural FET. Only an ovitrelle shot after transfer. What about you? x

Cat84 profile image

Hi HelenJudi1, just wanted to wish you ALL the luck! Like you say your embryo is already doing a sterling job having been defrosted 😊💪 Go embryo! We’re 2WW buddies as I had my first FET transfer (3BB) on Tuesday and I’m finding it very nerve wracking already! Roll on test day on 14 Sept! I’ll have my fingers crossed for you on 13 Sept X

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Cat84

Hello 2WW buddy!!

Thank you, I’ll have mine crossed for you come the 14th! Were you given a home test kit or are you going in for a blood test on the 14th? x

Cat84 profile image
Cat84 in reply to HelenJudi1

Just a home test on 14th 🤞how about you? x

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Cat84


I’m to go in for a blood test on the 13th… I thought with covid etc it would be a home test but they said today it would be a blood test x

Hopedream profile image

I have just had 2 transferred today!! My test day is 13th aswell. Don’t know what to do with myself now! Hate the wait xx

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Hopedream

Fellow 2WW buddy!!

Good luck! I know, the wait is awful. I’m just going to try and keep busy xx

try2020 profile image

Good luck 🤞🧡

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to try2020

Thank you x

Ell493 profile image

Good luck! My FET is in one week 😊

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Ell493

Good luck when the time comes!!! 🤞🏻 x

Honeycombe_F profile image

I am joining in as currently in my 2WW. I had my transfer on Tuesday and going for a blood test on Thursday 🤞🤞. My first FET was in June and failed so I am trying to stay positive with this one and my mind occupied. Though I can’t stop symptom spotting - help! Wishing everyone luck with their FET. It’s good to have some kind of support group. Thanks for starting this thread! X

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

Trying to stay occupied is crucial but so hard isn’t it! It’s just always on your mind a little!

Good luck Thursday! 🤞🏻 x

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

It is ans doing my best to be busy. It’s almost like we should not worry that we worry abs pay attention to all little signs. It’s just because we are looking for hope. I haven’t been able to get pregnant naturally at all so I am waiting for that sign. How are you feeling today?

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to Honeycombe_F

I had to move my blood test so will be doing an urine test on Saturday. Though I am being good and not buying any pregnancy test until that day. I don’t want to test at all in between.

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

I’m the same. My period is actually due 2 days before my test day but I’m assuming the ovitrelle shot could know that out of sync …

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

What does the Ovitrelle shot do? Sorry I am not on that protocol so I don’t know what it is.

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

I’m trying to stay positive but I can’t help but feel like it hasn’t worked already! Trying to stay busy! I’m feeling absolutely fine / normal which in itself is worrying!

How are you doing?x

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

Wait and you will see (easy to say I know 😜). You don’t know until you get your periods so try to relax about it. I am also feeling fine and normal compared to my first FET which I had loads of symptoms until 2 days before my test which ended up being negative. This time I feel less tired and less symptoms just a cramp here and there.

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

Let’s check on each other every day and keep us in the loop. I am watching a new tv show to keep my mind off so I can just sit back and relax.

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

Love the idea of checking on each other everyday!!

I’ve tried to fill my days with activities when I’m not working and trying to relax with a movie etc in the evenings…

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

I recommend watching Modern Love on Prime.

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

How are you doing today??

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

Hey Helen, I managed to get my mind off because I was travelling to go see my family. I had cramps this morning and then they went away. I feel nothing so I am assuming that it hasn’t worked but I should not assume it until I have tested on Saturday. It couldn’t come quicker. What about you? How are tou today?

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

Hello, I’m the same really! Kept busy today as I have family visiting… they’re with me tomorrow too so hopefully will be the same. I haven’t felt anything at all and I remember having cramps and sore boobs by this point with my FET that gave me a BFP so I’m also assuming that it hasn’t worked - I shouldn’t though because I know that every time can be different and maybe because I’m staying busier this time it’s less noticeable?! Maybe that’s the case for you too… we have been to busy to notice the small ‘symptoms’ 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

I think we notice symptoms more when we aren’t busy thinking about anything else. Human nature! Stay positive as some people don’t even feel anything at all. I feel that I am experiencing less symptoms this time around than last time and it was a BFN.

And this time around, my cramps seems to be only happening in the morning and then they go away.

I hope that your family keeps you busy today and that you have a lovely day. How was it to have them around yesterday? Did it take your mind off things?

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

Having family around was a welcome distraction but it was also a lot - my three year old niece was in tow… lovely but then I find myself fearing that I’m doing to much! Can’t help but overthink everything!

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

It’s normal to worry that you are doing too much as everything with IVF is so cautious. I think we can still do things but we need to listen to our body when it is tired and needs a rest. I had to catch a flight on Monday and I ended up walking faster and then was out of breath. I started getting so scared that I did something wrong. I think the pressure is a lot on us but they should also release it for us as it is very hard.

I am planning to chill this afternoon with my nephews and try to stay away from Googling symptoms. I have barely any symptoms so I am worried it didn’t work - cramps morning and evening, sore boobs and quite tired. Though I am not testing early this time as it drove me mad last time. I agreed to test on Saturday with my husband. So scared as it is just around the corner.

How are you today? Any nice plans?

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

How are you?? I’ve just been trying to stay busy. Family are away now and I’ve a friend visiting for a couple of days from today - just trying to fill my time! Getting there …

How’s your week? how are you feeling?

testing tomorrow!! you are Almost there!!!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

Hey Helen, I am ok today. Sorry for the TMI I am about to share, I had a small amount of brown discharge last night when I wiped followed by cramps which kept me up. It feels like AF is coming. We are testing on Saturday so we will find out 🤞. Though I ended up googling loads last night about implantation bleeding & cramps versus AF symptoms. I am going a little mad and that is now stressing me out. Argh! I need to take it easy today and find a way to forget it is happening.

How are you? Looking forward forward ro spending time with your friends? Xx

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

Oh sweetheart! All these different symptoms are so tough!!! You know that what you’ve experienced last nights hasn’t ruled you out as loads of women write about similar things happening and it all being fine 🤞🏻🤞🏻


I’m ok thanks… desperately trying to stay distracted and not count the minutes… I haven’t seen this friend in about 6 years as he’s been travelling so at least we will have much to catch up on and he is here till Saturday morning and then I only have the weekend to go 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Are you having an easy day today?

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

Hey! Thank you for your kind words. I had a bad couple of days I think, and been thinking too much about it. Cramps are still there but better morally today. The 2WW should be renamed the 2WW rollercoaster 😂. I called the nurse earlier to double-check about the cramps and brown discharge, she said don’t worry and wait tomorrow to see. My cervix has dropped as well ans I feel it when I insert the pessary. I went to get my hair done today and it felt so good to switch off for a while.

Testing day is tomorrow so I am planning to chill tonight and test first thing in the morning. Will keep you posted?

How are you today? How was it to catch up with your friend? 😘

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

It really is a rollercoaster!!!

What does your cervix dripping usually mean? I have no idea…

Catching up with my Friend has been great. It had been a long time so much to catch up on! He’s away tomorrow so only the weekend left to distract myself …

I’m wishing you so much luck for testing tomorrow!! I honestly can’t wish you more! Good luck 🤞🏻x🤞🏻x🤞🏻x

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

I have idea. I googled around and asked the nurse and she said “cervix change position throughout the day and also during your cycle”. Tomorrow will tell and fingers and toes crossed 🤞!!!!

Keep strong this weekend! I will be thinking and checking on you.


Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

Hey hun! How are you feeling today? Xx

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

Hello! How are you?

Im ok… AF arrived early this morning so I know I’m out… I’m feeling sad but I’m ok. It’s just rubbish… I knew it was coming but I was still hoping …

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

I am sorry to hear hun and sending you a big virtual hug from here ❤️❤️❤️. I know that it’s hard and let your emotions and your body heal. I am thinking of you and I wish you that it is successful the next time around. Don’t blame yourself and think about your little girl and take care of yourself.

I am good. I tested yesterday and it is a BFP. I was so surprised and scared to test to be honest as I was worried it would be a BFN like our first cycle in June which left me devastated. I am trying to stay positive but also cautious as we have to wait for the 6 weeks scan for the all clear which is in 3 weeks.

I really hope that your next cycle is a success, will follow you and check on you. 💕💕

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

Massive congratulations!!! I’m so pleased for you! So happy you got your BFP!!! I’m certain your scan will be amazing and I hope the next three weeks go fast for you!! I wish you a happy healthy pregnancy!!! ❤️ xx

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

Thank you so much for your kind words!!! ❤️❤️❤️ This chat has kept me stay positive and I couldn’t thank you more. 😘

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

I’m so glad! You take care and be sure to keep us posted 😘😘

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

Will do for sure!!!

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

I did 10 min mediation today and that helped relieve the stress a bit though. I would recommend it and just any video from YouTube works. It does calm me down a bit.

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Honeycombe_F

I will definitely look into that! Thanks!

Jen_jen profile image

Good luck 🤞🏼 everything is crossed. Xxxx

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Jen_jen

Thank you xx

Joy35 profile image

How does the embryo rating work? Last FET I transferred a 5AA, which sadly didn’t stick. On Tuesday I’m transferring a 4AA. I wish they would put 2 in as I still have 3 frozen embryos. Embryologist said no that 1 was better. Wish you luck for test day 🤞💞 xxx

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Joy35

If I’m honest I’m not sure exactly how they rate the embryos. I know every clinic seems to different as mine only has one letter to rate and no numbers 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think it’s to do with how fast they get to where they need to be … from what I’m seeing on this forum though it seems you can have success with any grade! - thankfully! I also wanted 2 but was told 1…

Good luck!! xx

Joy35 profile image
Joy35 in reply to HelenJudi1

Let’s hope this round goes well for us both. I’m so ready for my baby 💞 xxx

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Joy35

🤞🏻🤞🏻 xxx

Dancingdolly profile image

Hi lovely. Today was my transfer day too. I’ve had two little embabies put back in. One was better quality than the other. My 2ww starts today too and I’m so bloody nervous. We had the embryoscope so have the video of the cells dividing. So magical to see and hard not to be filled with hope xxx

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Dancingdolly

Good luck!!!!

I’m also feeling nervous! I keep trying to tell myself to plan for a negative but I already feel emotionally attached! So hard the 2WW!! xx

Dancingdolly profile image
Dancingdolly in reply to HelenJudi1

I feel exactly the same. Good luck to you sweetheart xxx

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Dancingdolly

Same to you xxx

Babydustforall profile image

Hi Helen:I transferred a frozen embaby on 8/31 so my OTD is 9/11. I had a chemical pregnancy in May so really hoping this lil guy sticks. He is graded 4BA I think but am told that matters very little. Like the ladies above, if he/she survived the thaw, that’s a great sign already. Do you have any symptoms?? I’m really trying mind over matter this time and am convinced it worked. But doubt creeps in sometimes as I search for symptoms… wishing you all the very best for your BFP and healthy pregnancy to follow xo

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Babydustforall

Hello! I love the mind over matter idea! I will try that myself!! I’ve honestly had no symptoms, but I feel like I did when I got my BFP last time. I’m trying not to compare but it’s so hard !! I try to remember that most women don’t have symptoms and wouldn’t have any idea they were pregnant at this stage! There’s a lot of trying!

I wish you all the luck!!!xxx

Babydustforall profile image
Babydustforall in reply to HelenJudi1

Hahaha I feel you. Every once in a while I have waves of lightheadedness but think maybe I am manifesting it. Last time I had cramping and then the day or two before my OTD, I felt off. And had lower back pain, which I have had all three of my pregnancies and none ended in live birth sooooo let’s just BELIEVE. Symptoms, no symptoms, this baby is here to stay. For us both 🤞 I can’t wait to hear all your positive news every step of the way. And you’ve done this before. Your body remembers! So much luck and prayers for you!! Xoxo

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Babydustforall

I keep having waves of lightheaded ness too but I also think it’s partly my overthinking causing it!

Loving the positivity, I’m really feeling it! Honestly can’t wish you more luck!! And look forward to us both getting the news we deserve!!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻xxx

Babydustforall profile image
Babydustforall in reply to HelenJudi1

Same same saaaameeeee. Keep me posted!

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Babydustforall


Babydustforall profile image

Ugh today and yesterday have been soooo rough. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I can’t tell if I feel nothing or what but I’m so scared and my positive attitude is a glimmer or what it was. I keep crying and wondering if it is over before it even started 😭

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Babydustforall

How are you today? The wait is sooo tough! And I think being emotional is a huge part of it…!

Babydustforall profile image
Babydustforall in reply to HelenJudi1

Ugh I don’t know. I tried to be positive most of yesterday and then cried myself to sleep. I normally get this terrible back pain when I confirm pregnancy and don’t think I have had that yet. But all those failed anyway so maybe it is better to not. I’m overthinking everything. I’m overthinking things not even related to this. My mind is playing serious tricks on me.

How are you??

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Babydustforall

I am also An over thinker! I’m trying to stay positive but I’m not feeling great today - the way I usually feel when AF is due - it’s making it very hard to stay positive! I’m still trying to stay busy but I’m dreading every time I have to wee 🤦🏻‍♀️

I keep reminding myself that you won’t always get the same symptoms with every pregnancy too so maybe that’s right for you!

Babydustforall profile image
Babydustforall in reply to HelenJudi1

I keep trying to tell myself that too but really it is so hard. I just keep crying whenever I think about it not working or another miscarriage. I check the toilet paper too so I know what you mean about the dread every time you go to wee! The meds I’m on stop your period so I’m extra insane for always looking 🥴

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Babydustforall

I’m not on any medication so am fully expecting it now… I would rather find out either way by blood test… finding out by AF just doubley sucks - in my head! I don’t know why…I just don’t wana go for a wee and be like … that’s it! You know? Does that sound mad?! Because really what difference does it make?!

Babydustforall profile image
Babydustforall in reply to HelenJudi1

Doesn’t sound mad at all. I totally get it. We have all these weird superstitions and make ourselves crazy. My nurse just texted me so I will pass on her wisdom. The odds and statistics are in our favor. Let’s have a lil faith this is the one we will be delivering and taking home!!!

HelenJudi1 profile image

How’s everybody doing??

My positivity has seriously dwindled! Trying to stay distracted but my body is bringing me back to it. Serious feelings of AF arriving now … it’s due tomorrow and I’m usually pretty regular as are my ‘symptoms’ … it hasn’t arrived yet so I’m not ‘out’ as they say but if it’s isn’t here today I feel it will be by tomorrow … this 2WW is just SO hard!!!

Babydustforall profile image
Babydustforall in reply to HelenJudi1

So hard!!!! I am hopeful pregnancy symptoms are what you’re feeling, no AF. When do you test?

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Babydustforall

I’m hoping that but I don’t actually think that if you know what I mean. I have a blood test 8am Monday morning so I’ve still a few days to go… 3 sleeps…

Babydustforall profile image
Babydustforall in reply to HelenJudi1

I know what you mean 😢 I will keep praying. Wishing you easy sleeps til then. And everything crossed 🤞 hang in there. I’m here anytime. Xoxo

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to Babydustforall


I’ve everything crossed for you too!!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻 xxx

HelenJudi1 profile image

So…AF has most definitely arrived. No denying her and no hope left, definitely a full on AF… I knew it was coming but still of course feel devastated…

Sending good luck to you ladies still in the 2WW xx

try2020 profile image
try2020 in reply to HelenJudi1

I'm so sorry to hear that 💔

Honeycombe_F profile image
Honeycombe_F in reply to HelenJudi1

So sorry hun 💕💕. Big hug ❤️

Babydustforall profile image

I just saw this. So sorry my friend!! Wishing you all the best. And stay strong. Xoxo

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