Hi ladies .. day 6 scan only 3 follicles 7mm and lining 3.6mm clinic want to cancel but I want to push ahead and see can we stim for longer to try get the 3 that's there,.. thoughts on continuing or cancelling?
Day 6 stims poor response : Hi ladies... - Fertility Network UK
Day 6 stims poor response

It depends really - is this an NHS cycle? Or a private one? If it’s private and you keep stimming then the abortive cycle fee is going to be really expensive as well as spending money on the medication
I had this dilemma with one of my private cycles and chose to abandon it and tried again a couple of months later
It's a private cycle actually travelling to gennet in Prague.. so it's alot cheaper than here but still the uncertainty is there .. my first round I only got 3 follicles too but had 2x 5AA blasts .. but they were much bigger than what the current 3 are now .. I was hoping to possibly stim a bit longer in the hope we would get something at least to freeze even if a fresh wasn't possible due to lining
You know your body and response to stimulations best but it might be that you're just not responding well to stims this time around and adding more days might increase the sizes but not the quality. So although you might get some they might not fertilize. For me I don't respond well to stims (as in they grow but are not of good quality) so just aiming to get one. Its hard but I would wait a month and try again in the next one if you can get more of the right size early on.
Ye def the protocols arn't working for me . This cycle s my second cancelled cycle in a row.. Seems I respond best to menopur as I need the LH to help the follicles grow and mature ..
On saying that I normally don't ovulate until day 19 so it is also possible that my body is just behaving the way it normally would regardless of the stims ... Contemplating for next round to either do a duostim or a natural IVF cycle and see if I fair better
Ah if your cycles are longer then perhaps they need to adjust your stimulations to its length? I'm not sure how it works though. I only really did one round with high menopur (450iu) but have low ovarian reserve. When only one of the three were fertilized we decided to do natural modified cycle instead. I was offered duostim but have gone for a three cycle banking all the embryos that we get to increase our chances. Undergoing second one now with egg collection tomorrow. I have also been drinking at least one pint of whole milk daily as some people have suggested it here. Not sure if it's helped but this last cycle I've got one follicle which has grown quicker than my previous cycle. Could be completely unrelated but hasn't hurt at least.
Once you do collection you have used tour money. I wish I’d cancelled our first cycle but just wanted to go ahead. 5 follicles 5 eggs only one to 5 day blasto everything else died on day 6 and the frozen embryo didn’t implant . It looked like a flip
And I kept going. I will listen to the dr the next time 😳
I hope you get the answers you need about protocol . Sounds like they will have at least learned more about you 😘💐
So lining gone to 7mm and 2 x 12mm follies and 1x10mm follies day 8 scan .. some other smaller ones .. but at the moment we are focussing on our 3 .. being stimmed a bit longer and will back for scan on Thursday