I am only 2dp5dt and I’m a bit constipated! Is it the progesterone? I’m trying to drink veg based smoothies as I’m not keen to take any laxatives. Any advice please? Xxx
Constipation in the 2WW: I am only 2dp... - Fertility Network UK
Constipation in the 2WW

I had horrendous constipation after my egg collection. I was told it was likely to be the sedative they gave me, or the progesterone which is a muscle relaxant and can slow down your bowel.
I would suggest prune juice and dried apricots (though go easy - as you don't want them to be over effective!)
I was also wary of taking laxatives, but I did in the end - I found movicol was the most effective. Lactulose was hopeless and the GP said it can cause gas, which adds to the discomfort.
Hope you get some relief 😊
Lactulose was the only thing that worked with me, but you need to drink tons of water, otherwise may make matters worse.
I had exactly the same problem. I got some lactulose from the chemist and some prune juice from the supermarket! I’ve now got a supply of the stuff in case it happens again during my medicated FET cycle that I’ve just started. As if this process isn’t bad enough without that added little treat on top!🙄🤣
I agree lactulose and if in doubt prune juice! Lactulose is a balancing act - the recommended dose wasn’t enough but crikey I totally OD’d when I just took a massive swig of it 😂 poo-nami! Suggest somewhere in between xx