I need some hope xxx
Any 44 year pregnant ladies - Fertility Network UK
Any 44 year pregnant ladies

I was 44 when it worked for me. 2nd IVF cycle with my own eggs gave me my lovely little boy. You can do this.
This give me hope. Currently sat on my sofa wondering if my eggs are too old. First round failed, none fertilised so might be chromosomal abnormal but my consultant thinks we should try again.
Hi, can you please inbox me the clinic you used? I am 44 and I have had 2 failed IVF in the past. I am willing to go for another try with my own eggs and another clinic.
Ho dear 🙂 I’m 44 and I’m on the 2WW after a 5dt.
I tried last year with my own eggs but it didn’t work. This time it’s with donor eggs and I’m super happy and emotional. I feel equal love in both situations.
Good Luck
I was 44 when my 7th IVF cycle worked. It was a transfer of a frozen embryo from a previous cycle. I have a healthy little boy. I was at the point of exploring egg donation or adoption both of which we would have considered.
talk to your consultant about micronized DHEA - i think it helped me get pregnant at the age of 43, as well as early egg retrieval. Here are some studies to show him: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl... (it is in studies of women with low AMH but has also been found to be effective in older women), ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...
Ah u r a spring chick! I'm 47!! Wishing u luck on your journey. ❤️💐🙏🍀
I'm 44 tried my 1st IVF cycle and my cycle was canceled after a poor response to the meds. I'm in the US and doctors just want to push donor eggs on you at a certain age. I do have a .01 AMH level, but I've heard many women getting pregnant with their own eggs. I just can't locate a doctor here willing to try. They said, if I didn't respond well with the 1st cycle then the 2nd would be a waste of money. I asked to be placed on another aggressive protocol, but they still won't consider it. Has anyone resorted to donor eggs after low response to Fertility drugs. I can't see going through so many cycles because it's not cheap here.
Hie I am 44 years old. My partner doesn’t want kids so after many years I decided to have a family with or without him taking the IVF route. My AMH count is also 0.1. Last year I tried with my own eggs and they were empty eggs (no life created when mixed with sperm). I also consulted some doctors but they explained that there is no point trying again as it won’t work. It was not the answer I wanted to hear. It hurt so deep to feel I can’t have my own kids. But I knew I wanted to experience motherhood and that was my goal.
After a few weeks / months of loathing I decided to take the egg donor route. Until the day of the transfer there was a small voice wondering if I can love this child like my own.
The day of the transfer came and I don’t know what chemical reaction happened in me. I just felt pure love inside my soul and heart ❤️
I don’t feel this little soul is different from my own. I feel so much love already I can’t imagine what I will feel once it’s born.
Ofcourse I have to think about what I will tell the child but this is in the future.
I’m now on the last 2 days of my 2WW. Let’s hope it’s a BFP on Monday.
Go for dreams and don’t look back. Wish you luck
Thank you for tire story. I have the same reservations about donor eggs. My biggest issue/gripe are donor eggs are more expensive than my own free eggs. Why can't doctors find a way to use the women's own eggs before pushing donor eggs in them. There is way to much medicinal avenues to assist with women with DOR, why not try to work on that more. It's feels awkward to go through a book to find someone that have the same characteristics as you, looks similar, educational background so many variables with another person's eggs. I dream of having children, but I thought it would be from my ovaries not someone else's.
My 30 yr old sister was a donor for us I’m 41 and my husbands 59.
I’m 9 weeks pregnant with the first transfer from that round. Unfortunately us older ladies have a very slim % of becoming pregnant with our own eggs, our consultant said we could try another round with our own eggs, I said what’s the point that would be another £10,000 - £12,000 down the drain
A donor cycle at my clinic doesn’t cost that much more then a normal round
Hi, I am 45 and tested positive last week. I am using donor eggs. xx
Congratulations, have you used fresh or frozen eggs? Was it day 3 or day 5 transfer?
Thank you. Still very early doors and I don't have many symtoms...:-/. It was a fresh 5 day transfer this time. xx
I also did donor eggs 5d fresh ET. Good luck to us. I’m on my 12th day 🙂
I will keep everything crossed for you! Let us know how you get on 🤞❤️🙏
Thank you will do. How many days post transfer are you?
I was 43 when I got my BFP on round 4 of IVF will be 44 when I give birth. Used my own eggs and not a donor but a long tough journey to get here x
What did you do? Did you take supplements
I did take supplements yes, ones that I was specifically recommended to take by a Nutritionist / fertility specialist. CQ10 is key for egg quality and others maybe needed depending on the results of blood tests etc. Sadly there are no magic formulas or pills the important thing is to move things forward and start doing positive things to improve what you can ASAP. It’s worth looking at “It starts with the egg” and “Is my body baby friendly” they may help.
I’m currently 8 months pregnant with Donor eggs, my first cycle didn’t work using my own eggs , so happy and can’t wait to meet my miracle baby girl
It can work, but bear in mind that you have around a 1 in 10 chance. If you can bear the idea of trying up to ten times then go for it. Of course, I hope for you it would work much quicker
I am 49, currently 23week pregnant with donor eggs.
Hi I'm 43 and currently 37 wks & 4 days pregnant with donor eggs, our first round with own eggs was abandoned as I didn't respond to the drugs, I have always wanted to be a mom and decided to go down the route that would give me the best chance of realising my dream, its still been a very difficult journey, sadly lost 3 pregnancies and were finally successful on our 7th attempt. I totally feel like the baby is mine and felt instant love when I saw the heart beating for the first time and can't wait to meet him/her.Good luck with your journey x
I think the cq10 definitely helps, although pricey. I am going to up my dosage to 200mgs per day. Once I know I have a fertility appointment,
I wouldn’t wait until you know you have an appt to start it’s best to start taking supplements ASAP as they take time to make a difference. Also your Consultant is unlikely to suggest taking it, from my experience, but yours maybe different.
i am never had IVF yet