21 eggs retrieved - absolutly nothing... - Fertility Network UK

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21 eggs retrieved - absolutly nothing to transfer on day 5?!!

Alwaysfullofhope profile image

Hi all,

So i have just had the call out of 21 eggs retrieved only 7 were mature out of them 7 only 5 fertilized out of the 5 only 3 made it to day 3 and non of them made it to day 5 why???

They have advised that one is forming like i should have been doing on day 4 they will keep it in the lab 1 more day but by there standards it doesnt look as though it will be freezeable!

You start this process so full of hope that it will work for you but 2yrs later still no baby and obly 1 transfer out of 3 rounds WTF is wrong with me!!!

I just feel so low - i know i will pick myself back up and go again but these blows are really starting to take there toll!!

Thanks x

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Alwaysfullofhope profile image
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32 Replies
jinis profile image

I'm so sorry lovely. It is so hard. My heart goes out for you.

Judging from what you described, the one they're keeping for another day is in a stage called morula - it might just be that it's a slow starter.

I've seen success stories here with transfers at the morula stage or of slow starters that become blastocysts on day 6.

So I'll be crossing everything for you that this one makes it to a blast x

Alwaysfullofhope profile image
Alwaysfullofhope in reply to jinis

Fingers crossed but i really have come to terms with it which i suppose is good as you need to protect your self... Im so gutted and not sure what is going so wrong but will wait till Monday and speak to the doctor on Monday see what they suggest 🤷‍♀️ xx

CAS2 profile image

Hello. I'm so sorry. I had this issue a couple of time with high numbers but no decent embryos at day 5. The consultant realised i needed to have very big follicles to produce mature eggs and stimmed for much longer and did a longer trigger shot, which made a huge difference.In your follow up, ask about the egg and sperm quality, if there is anything you can do to improve your egg quality (so things like DHEA and Melatonin supplements etc), what would they change on your protocol, what size were your follicles when you had your collection.

I know it's hard but try not to give up hope xxx

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to CAS2

P.S. Hope the one forming goes onto develop for you x

Alwaysfullofhope profile image
Alwaysfullofhope in reply to CAS2

Thank you so so much for your advice and suggestions i feel like this is quite rare and makes me think i will never have my own baby but i will definitely be asking all them questions - do i need my testosterone levels checked before tsking DHEA or would you just take it? Xxx

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to Alwaysfullofhope

I honestly don't think it's as rare as you think. It's such a simulated environment and a lot can impact those little eggs. I never had mine tested but my consultant recommended it based on my age and AMH so might be best to ask yours. He also recommended L'Argenine, Vit E and Omega during a cycle and I took Vitamin D and B complex. But I honestly think the protocol makes such a big difference too. It did for me and I am an old lady, with low AMH and a partner with sperm issues! (also a good vitamin regime is great for men too as their sperm affects the embryo quality too) xx

Alwaysfullofhope profile image
Alwaysfullofhope in reply to CAS2

I asked the embrologist is this rare as it seems its only happening to me she said it does happen but not very often but i suppose this is just one clinic - i hope it doesn't happen to too many woman as the feeling is awful which im sure you fully understand i just feel such a failure.. Failure to get pregnant naturally and now a failure to even provide embryos which grow well!! I have just ordered some DHEA and l L'Argenine so will give them a go i do want to start on my nect period but will see what they say... Yes i bought my OH the Zita west pre conception and made him take coq10 but only 200mg so will up that for him... First round i did long protocol had 16 eggs retrieved and 11 mature non fertilized, second round short had 8 eggs retrieved and 3 fertilized 1 day 5 blast BFN and now this go so they really are all over the place 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ xx

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to Alwaysfullofhope

It's so strange isn't it, and heart breaking. I remember on my second round they mention vesicles on my eggs too. I'd only take the DHEA if you are older with a low AMH. I also took Melatonin 3mg alongside this. It's such a difficult journey, a rollercoaster xx

Alwaysfullofhope profile image
Alwaysfullofhope in reply to CAS2

Ahh ok do they only sell melatonin over seas i cant seem to find it at holland and barret etc... It really is fingers crossed its lucky number 4 xx

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to Alwaysfullofhope

Biovea.com is pretty good if you ever need stuff like that. My consultant told me about it. Do ask yours what they think to you taking the supplements. Good luck with number 4 xx

minnesota_girl profile image
minnesota_girl in reply to CAS2

I did take DHEA for 3 months and had a better reaction (100% mature eggs from the cycle and 90% fertilisation)...

Alwaysfullofhope profile image
Alwaysfullofhope in reply to minnesota_girl

Ahh thats positive!! Ive ordered it but eill run it past my clinic before take im going to take some others which people have recommended also xx

RhinoCat profile image

😭 I am so sorry to read this. Surely they can find a way to get those eggs out and get to day 5 🙏🏻 won’t they just transfer the one left anyway? I’m so sorry 😞💐💐💐💐

Alwaysfullofhope profile image
Alwaysfullofhope in reply to RhinoCat

Awe thank you lovely... No they wont transfer it now as today is day 5 so if it did show signs of a blast it would be frozen but they have advised it isn't looking too good xxx

Lovemylion profile image

Hey lovely. I'm so sorry to read this. It's so disappointing when you got so many eggs. I only had 1 fertilised so I understand the disappointment. However, I am wondering why they haven't transfered any on day 2 or 3?? And then wait to see if there were any remaining ones that went to blastocyst? I would query this with your clinic. Sending lots of love 💝 xxx

Alwaysfullofhope profile image
Alwaysfullofhope in reply to Lovemylion

Yes i am querying that on Monday it was like it isn't even a consideration to transfer earlier this is a new clinic to me im going to give them one more try and then most likely move clinics again - i saw your post earlier i have my fingers crossed that your little embaby gets vert comfy!!!xx

Kmcdon profile image

So awful, sending lots of love. I did have one which was slow to develop but on day 5 was one of the strongest. It was transferred, unfortunately I ended up with a BFN but there is still hope. Wait and see what happens on day 5. I have everything crossed for you.

Alwaysfullofhope profile image
Alwaysfullofhope in reply to Kmcdon

Thank you im already at day 5 so they wont transfer would need to be frozen and by there standards it wont be good enough to freeze!! Hate this bloody process!!xx

Kmcdon profile image

It’s absolutely draining! Sending love. Be kind to yourself. I know what you mean about thinking, what’s wrong with me, but try to take a step back. Maybe think about taking a break, speaking to a counsellor. IVF is a very cruel process and is hard to deal with both mentally and physically. It might be worth taking a few months to regroup, think about a different clinic or second opinion.

Alwaysfullofhope profile image
Alwaysfullofhope in reply to Kmcdon

Aww thank you - previously ive also took like a yrs break between cycles and i just dont want to waste anymore time i want it so desperately so will just keep ploughing out and fingers crossed it happens one day xx

Kmcdon profile image

Take care and always reach out if you are feeling low. I’ve had those days too and everyone on here completely gets it! I’m sending you lots of love and luck!

minnesota_girl profile image

I'm so sorry, I really feel for you - I'm in a similar position having only had one blasocyst out of three cycles - and that resulted in early miscarriage.

There's nothing wrong with you, making life is a lot harder than we were led to believe, but you've done nothing wrong, and there's nothing wrong with you. I know it's hard to believe that xx

Alwaysfullofhope profile image

Ahh im so sorry that you are experiencing this too!! You can't help but blame yourself can you... But there is always more i could of done etc... Do you believe that it is literaoly just down to the meds and the way youre stimulated?xx

Maui2020 profile image

Hi LornajadeOn my first try I had 30 follicles but exactly like you, only 7 mature eggs and 5 fertilised. They transferred the 2 best embryos on day 3 as they didn’t want to risk pushing to day 5, as the theory is they are better in your womb than in a lab.

I would question why they didn’t transfer day 2/3/4.

Also I hope it gives you some hope that I changed clinic and had a completely a different result- I got 18 embryos and 6 blasts. So it is possible, please don’t let this keep you down. Sometimes it’s just a small change in protocol xx

Alwaysfullofhope profile image
Alwaysfullofhope in reply to Maui2020

Thank you... I really hope this will be the case for me too ive just moved to this clinic so going to give them one more chance before moving on 🤷‍♀️ i will question it yes as this has come up quite a few times why they haven't transferred earlier etc xx

BBHH1 profile image

Sorry to hear, it’s frustrating. But don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault, it’s the clinic job to find out why it is failing and how to correct it.

I think you really need to get a second opinion and probably change clinic. But it doesn’t seem you should loose hope yet!

R1985 profile image

Hi, so sorry to hear that I know the feeling as I have gone through 3 failed cycles. I had 15 eggs collected in my last cycle and none fertilised atleast your mature eggs fertilised. I am seeing a fertility nutritionist to see if I could make any dietary changes and what supplements I could take to improve my egg quality. Could I ask if you had ivf or icsi? Wishing you the very best in your next cycle.

Alwaysfullofhope profile image
Alwaysfullofhope in reply to R1985

I am sorry to hear about your experiences also!! Life can be very cruel sometimes!! Yes i am going to do the same!! I have had ICSI on all 3 cycles xx

R1985 profile image
R1985 in reply to Alwaysfullofhope

I was told not to get icsi again. Do you what your doctor has recommended?

Alwaysfullofhope profile image
Alwaysfullofhope in reply to R1985

Well due to my partners semen analysis he has high count low motility they have aleays recommended ICSI what were your doctors reasoning for advising you against it?x

R1985 profile image
R1985 in reply to Alwaysfullofhope

So my partners sperm fragmentation test results came out fine and nhs still did icsi without telling me even though they said 2nd cycle icsi didn’t do well for us. The embryologist didn’t think icsi was the right protocol this time round and that my eggs seem to die when he performed icsi. Don’t really know what’s going on!

Alwaysfullofhope profile image
Alwaysfullofhope in reply to R1985

Ahh really!!! We are going to test for the dna fragmentation this time round - the embryologist didn't mention again thing when i questioned what has gone wrong but will question this with the doctor x

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