PGT Testing..HELP!!: Hello I am new... - Fertility Network UK

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PGT Testing..HELP!!

Sunflower24 profile image
20 Replies

Hello I am new here! Not sure if anyone still looks at this site, but I just wanted some insight (so I can stop over thinking lol). I currently have 14 embryos that made it to day 6, they are being PGT tested as we speak and I should have a result in 10 days. My concern is that I have had multiple miscarriages (like over 6/7) I am wondering what my chances will be to have any normal embryos out of my 14. I hope that makes sense.

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Sunflower24 profile image
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20 Replies
HemBella profile image

Hi Sunflower

Welcome - this is very much an active site still and there's lots of useful information!

I'm 41 so I had my embryos PGS tested on my last round. I had 12 reach day5, 6 were suitable for testing and 3 came back genetically perfect.

I've read somewhere that the average is 1/10 but I really dont know for sure. I think its definitely worth doing, because the likelihood of miscarriage is much lower.

Keeping everything crossed for you xx

Sunflower24 profile image
Sunflower24 in reply to HemBella

Thanks so much for your response! I will make sure I stay up to date on here so I can gain some useful information. I am currently in the 10 day wait for my PGT results, I guess just because I have had so many miscarriages and the only conclusion my doctor can come up with is abnormal embryos just makes this wait feel like forever. lol

HemBella profile image
HemBella in reply to Sunflower24

there could be other reasons but its the first thing to rule out as it unfortunately does happen often that miscarriages are the result of aneuploid embryos. If I had transferred my 9 that were aneuploid I would most likely have not carried them to term.

At least if you know you have a euploid embryo then the chances are much higher of implantation and pregnancy. And if that doesnt happen there are things to explore like NK testing.

Sunflower24 profile image
Sunflower24 in reply to HemBella

IVF is new for me so I am learning as I go, I haven't heard of NK Testing but I will definitely look into that. Honestly out of 14 if I could have 4 that were normal I would be so pleased. I started out with 42 eggs with 35 being mature and 25 fertilizing. I feel like I have been blessed so far...guess I will stop stressing (as if that is a thing) and continue to trust God. Thank you for your helpfulness.

HemBella profile image
HemBella in reply to Sunflower24

How old are you if you dont mind me asking?

And dont worry there is so much to learn, and this forum is great for sharing information and experiences. IVF seems to be a constant process of fine tuning but there are so many positive success stories.

25 fertilising is amazing. It really is a number game, and I'm sure you will get a few normal :-)

Sunflower24 profile image
Sunflower24 in reply to HemBella

HemBella, I am 32 years old with no children....yet and was told that I had a high AMH I am assuming because I have PCOS. So honestly my thought process was I may produce a lot of follicles/eggs but will they be good quality?? My report shows the quality was pretty good on them so it just leads me to think maybe it's a chromosome issue......but who knows IVF is a waiting game (that I signed up for) so I am just going to continue to speak it into existence. 😊

Zebedee1971 profile image

Miscarriages are often due to the embryos... However, if you have 3 miscarriages the reason you are referred to a recurrent miscarriage specialist is because 3 in a row is unusual and you can't always put it down to 'bad luck' , especially if it happens time and time again. In my experience (3 years of trying to conceive) ivf consultants spin this line too often and too matter of factly. Yes, miscarriages are OFTEN down to the embryo. However, embryos tend to deteriorate from day 3 if there's an issue with the egg or sperm... so this does imply there's something else going on here. The question is what?

In my opinion, there's something very off about someone getting 14 embryos to day 6 and still being told it could be embryo quality. This just doesn't add up. 6 or 7 miscarriages is a lot for someone who has so many embryos reach day 5. You should be conceiving naturally with numbers like this. Yes, maybe a miscarriage or 2, but not as many as you've had- that's a hell of a lot. How old are you?? If over 40, maybe it is possible it could be embryo quality. If under 36... A completely different story.

Like HemBella said, it could be worth getting your nk cells tested. I did, and I'm now 23 weeks pregnant. I'd be interested to know when the miscarriages were? For me, I got pregnant REALLY easily, and I mean literally the first time we tried. But the little one miscarried at 7 weeks. I then got pregnant again, the month after, and miscarried at 5. Then I had nothing for a whole year. Then, even with ivf, I only ever got to 5 weeks. If you have a pattern of early miscarriages, or miscarriages round about the same time, then it suggests it could be an implantation issue rather than embryo quality. Obviously I don't know what your finances are like (nk cell testing is expensive) but for me getting these tests done resulted in an almost immediate natural pregnancy.

I hope your pgt results come back with positive results x

Sunflower24 profile image
Sunflower24 in reply to Zebedee1971

Hi Zebedee1971, thanks so much for your feedback. So just to clear up anything that I might have left out, my fertility doctor feels that it COULD be embryo (this was wayyyyy before we decided IVF) because my labs came back normal AMH was above normal (I have PCOS). My husband's semen analysis was normal and we are both under the age of 35. So I do agree with you regarding the implantation possibly being an issue because the farthest I have been able to carry is 6 1/2 weeks. I was told with PCOS your body creates a lot of follicles so I am sure that is why I produced so many eggs, but I am going to be honest I am still shocked that I had as many as I did. I know statistics say a woman that miscarries normally goes on to have a normal natural birth afterwards, but for me it always ended in a miscarriage. We attempted iui which was pointless because my issue isn't really getting pregnant its staying pregnant. It didn't work we tried naturally until this year and I finally was like "ok I am 32 years old I need to start now". So here we are. I want to thank you ladies for your awesome insight it feels great to have ladies who speak my same language.

Zebedee1971 profile image
Zebedee1971 in reply to Sunflower24

Honestly from what you've said, I don't think getting pregnant will be an issue for you. The fact you can conceive even with pcos is a really good sign; you have high egg reserves and the quality seem to be good (I can't see why they would all come back abnormal, and even if they did, every cycle is different so it doesn't mean this will always be the case). You are still young, your partner has no problems, and it seems like you've had a lot of miscarriages in a short space of time indicating that you are actually very fertile.

I guess the next steps for you are to firstly see what the pgt results are, then from there, see if the embryo(s) they put back take... It would be interesting to see if they miscarry at 6 weeks again. In which case, this is when you start looking for answers. One reason could be nk cells (you'd need to see an immunologist who specialises; there are 3 you could see who are easily found online but I used doctor hassan shehata at the crp clinic in epsom). I'd avoid using ivf clinic ones (if geography allows it) and try doctor gorgy, shehata or quenby- all specialists in the field. Another reason could be issues to do with your lining. You can ask the consultant to look at this and see if maybe your lining isn't quite right for implantation. As far as I'm aware, there are pills/treatments for pcos to help with getting pregnant. I think it would be worth asking about this too.

Ivf is great, don't get me wrong. But the fact you can get pregnant naturally means there's other issues at play here. The good thing about having this round of ivf is hopefully it'll give you all the answers you need. x

Sunflower24 profile image
Sunflower24 in reply to Zebedee1971

Thanks so much for your insight!

Ranchu90 profile image

I think your age is also playing an important role in regards to PGS testing. If you are below 35 than the average of embryos to be euploid is slightly above 60%. I tested 5 embryos that been created when I was 29, 3 came back normal, 1 transferable mosaic and 1 abnormal. You have plenty embryos that will be tested I guess all are from the same cycle, I am pretty sure you will have normal embryos as you produced so many. Miscarriages are not always happening because of chromosomal abnormalities, I had a chemical pregnancy with one of my PGS tested embryo so God knows! Fingers crossed and keep us updated 🤞🤗❤️

Sunflower24 profile image
Sunflower24 in reply to Ranchu90

Ranchu90, So I am 32 and I do feel that can help to my advantage, I found out that quality of my embryos and some of the higher quality ones were: 2-4AA, 3-4AB,6-4BB, 2-4BC, 1-3AB. I actually was happy with the quality but then my nurse told though in so many words, you can a perfect quality embryo and it still be abnormal...that was a gut punch lol. I guess I just want everything to work out so bad, you put so much time and effort into this so you want to see a beautiful baby as the end result. Thanks for your help.

Ranchu90 profile image
Ranchu90 in reply to Sunflower24

I am afraid the nurse was right, my best embryo that is 5AA it is actually mosaic one. One of my poorest embryo 5BC is normal 🤷. You are young and your husband as well so you have all the changes to have a good number of euploid embryos. I am sure that you are very nervous waiting for results as was the same 🙋 but try to not think that much as PGS and in general IVF is like playing at the lottery.

Ljm384 profile image

14 is a good number! I had 11 that made it to day 6 and 5 came back PGS normal so you will! It’s all a numbers game and it’s so hard to wait for the results. Best wishes!

Sunflower24 profile image
Sunflower24 in reply to Ljm384

Thanks so much and congrats on your 5 embies

Ljm384 profile image
Ljm384 in reply to Sunflower24

Thank you. I had one transferred 2 weeks ago and I’m currently 5 weeks. (I know that’s super early but I’m excited.) It took about 2 weeks for me to get my results from PGT testing.

Linda84Co profile image

Hi, I’m sorry to hear you had multiple miscarriages... I wanted to tell you that we did PGS tested and it worked for us, I’m now 19 weeks pregnant, I had also a few miscarriages...

Have you ever tested the pregnancy tissue after the miscarriage?

I’m 36 years old and doing PGS testing was something that my clinic suggested.

Best of luck xx

Sunflower24 profile image
Sunflower24 in reply to Linda84Co

Hi Linda84Co CONGRATS on your new addition!!!! I pray you have a smooth pregnancy and delivery. I have actually never tested the pregnancy tissue my doctor did mention that once before but I never followed through. Just out of curiosity how long did it take for you to get your results back from the PGS?

Linda84Co profile image
Linda84Co in reply to Sunflower24

Thank you 😊, we are very happy.

I can’t be sure how long it take but I remember it felt like a week or so.

Keep me posted and I am wishing you the best possible outcome xx

Sunflower24 profile image
Sunflower24 in reply to Linda84Co

Thanks so much I definitely will!! 😊

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