For all my crazy symptoms on my last two transfers, this FET was a breeze! Slight pinkish spotting the two days after the transfer and then no symptoms except for the tender boobs and bloating that I soooooo affectionately associate with the pessaries. I've always had cramping with my previous transfers and put it down to the pessaries but not this time... hmmmm...
However, last night I got a shock as I put the pessary in and a few minutes later had strong cramps on my right side. They didn't go away for about 20 mins and then settled down. It FREAKED. ME. OUT. I am now 7dp5dt. They did not feel like period cramps at all and lying on my side was more comfy than lying on my back etc.
Could this be dislodging anything that may have implanted? Or could it be bowel related - fingers crossed it's the bowels! LOL
Has anyone else had this? No cramps again today. I am keeping the hope but honestly, the way my luck is running I'm probably a BFN.