So my period arrived on 1st February and started progynova the next day. Had a scan on day 8 of my cycle and my lining was already at 8mm so transfer booked in today and started the dreaded pessaries last Thursday.
Have been feeling a bit rough with medication (as I always do 😔) but has been manageable.
Transfer went well and process was really quick. Went in at 11.30am and out by midday. It was strange not being able to have my husband with me (he sat in the car and waited bless him!)
Blood test booked on 25th February. Now the awful tww to contend with. Have booked a week off work to try and remain stress free. I have my thick socks on and just demolished a McDonald's which I absolutely loved just for luck!
Here is hoping for that BFP 🤞🤞🤞 wishing everyone else the best of luck wherever you are on your journey 😘 xx