Morning sickness is a myth. It’s all ... - Fertility Network UK

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Morning sickness is a myth. It’s all day long. Any tips on managing?

Murielsmom profile image
37 Replies

I have not worked in days and I’m constantly feeling nauseous and generally debilitated and in bed all day. I also started throwing up yesterday after meals. I’m almost 7 weeks and can’t seem to figure out to how get through the next 5-6 weeks. I need to work as I’m co-parenting so I need my income.

Any tips on how you managed severe morning/all day sickness would be most appreciated. I’m struggling....

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Murielsmom profile image
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37 Replies

That doesnt sound like a good feeling. Have you tried eating small meals often?

Murielsmom profile image
Murielsmom in reply to

Tried. Failed 😫.

Lovemylion profile image

O that is debilitating. If it is severe I would see your gp/midwife as it might be worth checking you haven't got hyperemesis gravidarum? You can get a sick note off your doctor if you really are struggling this much. Perhaps you can work from home? Your work should make reasonable adjustments for you. Hope you feel better soon. Also agree with Hidden small meals little and often....things like crackers and toast. Xxx

Murielsmom profile image
Murielsmom in reply to Lovemylion

I do work from home but I can’t even sit up to type on my laptop. I’m considering taking sick leave but I still have 5 more weeks to go in this trimester so it’s a bit of a long time to be off work. Thanks for the advice though.

Lovemylion profile image
Lovemylion in reply to Murielsmom

Perhaps you can reduce your hours temporarily. If not go with the sick note. You gotta do what u gotta do at the end of the day. I was off for six weeks with my pregnancy. Work just accepted it. I know some places aren't as understanding but it's just tough.

Jumpppy profile image

There are meds they can prescribe that are totally safe and really help (they make you sleepy as you get used to them though). It is very debilitating and it's early so you can't tell anyone what is going on.

I find the BRAT diet works and apple juice/apple products. Fingers crossed it gets a lot better around 10wks! (For both of my pregnancies it's been on and off the whole time - gets better. Wk 6-9 is the peak.)

Murielsmom profile image
Murielsmom in reply to Jumpppy

Thank you! I’ve been having a lot of meals with rice but I can’t stand the smell of banana right now. Hopefully this will improve by week 9. Thanks for the advice!

Jumpppy profile image
Jumpppy in reply to Murielsmom

I hear you...not saying I did all parts either - banana is the worst part. Just didn't add anything to diet, sor more ART for me too. LOL

Faith103 profile image

I’ve had morning sickness all the way through my pregnancy. I am pregnant with a boy I think boy pregnancy’s are worse. It eased off a little in the middle of my pregnancy but 37 weeks it’s come back 😔 try ginger biscuits these helped me a lot and eat little and often xxx

Murielsmom profile image
Murielsmom in reply to Faith103

Thanks and sorry to hear you’ve been sick the whole way through. It doesn’t allow you to actually enjoy the pregnancy does it? (If there is even such a thing)

Shishi19 profile image

Try eating soft mints

Goldie24 profile image

Hi, I’m 7 weeks too and sickness has been by far the worst from pretty early on for me. I eat a rich tea biscuit in the morning before I even get up and have some ginger ale. I also wear travel sickness bands 24/7 other than when I take them off for a quick shower. If I have them off for more than 20 mins I’m a goner but they work well for me. Pasta pasta pasta, that’s all I’m eating really but packing it with veg too. I find if I spend too long cooking, I can’t eat let alone keep it down. Definitely give lemonade and ginger ale a go they’re my best friends at the moment.

I’m a midwife and I’m adamant that I will not be wheeled onto the ward at work looking like death and clutching a vomit bowl so I keep eating even if it’s coming straight back up as you do absorb something at least to keep you out of ketosis.

Dairy and potatoes are definitely not my friends at the moment either. Eat whatever you fancy even if it’s something really obscure because it’s better than nothing. Fingers crossed it passes soon for both of us!

Murielsmom profile image
Murielsmom in reply to Goldie24

Thank you for the advice. It’s really constant struggle trying to manage the symptoms. I’m scared to even brush my teeth now for fear of bringing up a meal (triggers my gag reflex and then it’s game over).

I have now ordered a couple different sea band options on amazon (one being electronic) to see if that will help.

Fingers crossed indeed and thanks for taking the time to respond. Hope that we both start to get some relief soon.

bobbles1 profile image

Sounds to me like you have HG, Hyperemisis Gravidarum - or possibly developing it - so I think you need to see a Dr to check you for dehydration. I had this and ended up in hospital on a drip as I was severely dehydrated and had gone into Ketosis - pretty dangerous.

There are medications that help control it, so its really worth you checking in with a Doctor. I got so bad i was throwing up small sips of water and ended up throwing up continually - to the point of having nothing to throw up. Mine was an IVF pregnancy too.

Let us know how you are. If you start getting bad headaches you are probably already dehydrated so do talk to someone.

Murielsmom profile image
Murielsmom in reply to bobbles1

Thanks for that advice. I’ve started sipping on warm water constantly since I read for your post to ensure I stay hydrated and it’s marginally helped with the headache.

Sorry to hear that you were so ill.

ashbb profile image

I'm almost 7 weeks and in the same boat minus the Co parenting. Sucks so much. I feel like I have a permanent hang over and am so weak. I have some relief in the evening but wake up at 5am ready to vom. Agree with other replies. If it continues to be debilitating, see GP and get signed off. My own mum ended up being signed off for 4 months! My good friends morning sickness passed by week 12. Hoping for that. X

Murielsmom profile image
Murielsmom in reply to ashbb

Fingers crossed that this ends for both of us after the first trimester. I’ve never felt so miserable for such a prolonged period of time in all my life. Thanks for taking the time to respond to me.

N-A-58 profile image

Hate to say this but I was nauseous from 6 weeks to 9 weeks. Then vomiting about 10-20 times a day from 9 weeks to 27 weeks, then back to just nausea with some occasion sickness.

I worked from home a lot and slept all evenings and most weekends.

Won’t lie. It was sooo tough.

I had a girl by the way.

Murielsmom profile image
Murielsmom in reply to N-A-58

That sounds so miserable. Glad you had a healthy baby.

Peanutchips profile image

I feel your pain. I am really struggling with this. Haven’t eaten a proper meal for weeks, it’s debilitating. For me it usually lasts for 10 hours a day so I have some relief at times, but most food makes me feel sick, esp vegetables. What works for me - nibbling on toast, crumpets, pitta bread. Don’t let yourself get too hungry. Fruits like easy peelers, cold pineapple, berries, orange juice, sparkling water, sipping water through a straw. Yogurt (add chia seeds or ground nut mix if you can stomach it to get some protein), ice cream and ice lollies (try for 100% fruit ones, I find apple flavours easy to eat) frozen fruit or ice cubes. Lemons in water. Weirdly I quite like miso soup sachets (the itsu ones don’t have bits in!) with lots of water to sip on. Avoid cooking smells, rest as much as you can. I think vit b6 is supposed to help, might be in marmite? Try to keep liquids up and take folic acid / vitamins when you feel less sick and can keep it down. If you’re being sick quite a lot though, definitely seek help as you may have HG. Hope you feel better soon xx

Murielsmom profile image
Murielsmom in reply to Peanutchips

Thank you! It’s good to know that there are others out there who understand what I’m dealing with. Most of my friends were just “tired” or “slightly nauseous” so they have no idea what I’m going through.

Will try to incorporate some of your suggestions and see how they work out for me.

Hope you start to feel some relief soon!

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Murielsmom

Yes, that’s the same with people I know too. Or if they had sickness, it was isolated to the morning so they could live a normal life for the rest of the day. Mine gets worse throughout the day but usually gone by 10pm. Hope you feel better soon xx

Rainbow1982 profile image

Hi there.I really feel for you.

I had absolutely terrible morning sickness with my daughter. It was the same, I couldn't lift my head to do anything, but throw up.

Eating mashed potatoes, avocado, ice-cream and ice lollys helped. Whenever I felt sick, I'd snack on crackers or digestive biscuits. You feel sick when your blood sugar drops, so need to constantly eat.

I've heard that eating apple puree helps and drinking the juice that you get from tinned fruit. I haven't tried any of these 2 things, so don't know if they work.

Honestly, I know it's tough, but just Ea slowly when you feel sick. That's the only thing that worked for me.

I'm pregnant again with a boy. I was signed off work until my 12 week scan, because of the morning sickness, which wasn't as bad, luckily. I thought that this baby is worth so much more than work. Even though I had to run around after my daughter, I felt I could cope by being at home.

I still took snacks and drinks everywhere I went to keep my blood sugar up, so I didn't feel too sick. Make sure you're drinking enough water too. You don't want to get dehydration.

I'm my first pregnancy I was told that as long as I was drinking water, it didn't matter if I couldn't eat. Baby would get what she needed and my body would recover after the morning sickness had gone. My body would be fine on the little food I was managing to keep down.

I drunk flat soft drinks, water and I found sparkling water also helped.

I was also recommended these which helped loads - Myrtle & Maude - Morning Sickness Vitamin B6 & Natural Peppermint Oil Bon-Bons for Nausea Relief.

Just don't have more than the recommended amount in a day.

Also, visit your doctor if you still feel awful. My doctor, just signed me off work and said they prefer not to prescribe medication if you can stay at home. Rest is the best way of feeling better and tiredness makes the sickness a whole lot worse.

Sorry about the long message. I really hope that this helps you.

I know how low morning sickness can make you feel. Just take 1 day at a time and be kind to yourself. Its not the easiest thing to deal with and it does get worse before it gets better, but it's so worth it in the end. The morning sickness will end and you'll start feeling baby kick and you'll forget that you ever had morning sickness.

Take care and look after yourself



Murielsmom profile image
Murielsmom in reply to Rainbow1982

Thank you and don’t apologise for the long message. Every bit of advice helps and I will definitely try some of your recommendations. I’m trying my best not to get signed off work but I may have to as I can’t concentrate when I’m just feeling so horrible.

Best of luck with your pregnancy and I hope you have a safe and healthy delivery!

Rainbow1982 profile image
Rainbow1982 in reply to Murielsmom

You're very welcome. Don't fight it, get signed off for 2 weeks and see how you feel after that. It really does help.Thank you and you too. Fingers crossed for us both.

Good luck x

alohalu profile image

My week 7 was really horrible with nausea and vomiting, and after that it started to get better. By week 10 I was almost free of nausea most of the time. Hopefully you don’t stay this bad for long! Good luck!

Murielsmom profile image
Murielsmom in reply to alohalu

Thank you! I really hope things start to ease by week 10.

rainbow_123 profile image

Speak to your GP. I had quite bad nausea and vomiting from about 6 weeks. The medication just about made it bearable. I was able to stop the medication around 12 weeks and feel sick but no longer vomit as much. Now 18 weeks and still getting nausea in the evenings but only seem to vomit when I take vitamins. I've ordered gummy versions to see if that helps as I really can't bear taking them. Keep sipping water and try and eat small amounts of bland food regularly and get plenty of sleep as tiredness doesn't help. I hope it eases for you soon. X

Murielsmom profile image
Murielsmom in reply to rainbow_123

Thanks for taking the time to respond. Sorry you’re going through a tough time of it as well! Gosh, the things we women go through. I’ve started sipping warm water regularly to stay hydrated. I really don’t want to end up in the hospital. Best of luck to you and hope you get some relief soon!

rainbow_123 profile image
rainbow_123 in reply to Murielsmom

I'm starting to worry that I'm going to have the nausea throughout but I'm just glad it's more manageable now. I was really concerned about taking medication to control it but I was assured by my GP and consultant that it is safe to take and used regularly during pregnancy, it made a huge improvement until things eased a little on their own. Definitely better than ending up in hospital. Hope you feel better soon. X

D38813 profile image

Try an anti travel sickness band. Sounds crazy but it worked a treat for me.

Murielsmom profile image
Murielsmom in reply to D38813

Thanks. I ordered some last night.

Twiglet2 profile image

Don’t struggle on get the tablets from your GP/midwife 🤗 they do help most ladies. I wish I had asked for them sooner! I was still sick even with them but not as bad (nothing else worked for me travel bands, ginger etc etc) Ice lollies too are amazing I literally could only keep ice lollies down for weeks! Fruit pastel one was the best! But baby was getting all the nutrients it needed. Mine lasted until about 17-18 weeks and is mostly gone now thankfully at 29 weeks. Sending you lots of love, it will all be worth it 🥰 xxx

Becca1998 profile image

I lived off crackers as couldn’t cook or eat much , I also ended up talking to my doctor about my nausea who prescribed me some anti sickness tablets which worked x

Hatched profile image

I recommend the sickness bands you can get them off Amazon. Sparkling water, ginger ale and ginger tea helped. The only thing I could eat was brioche buns, plain toast, crackers baked potato and crisps and mint sweets. Try and sip on water to avoid dehydration. I found the nausea reduced by week 15 . But if you are finding it hard to work do speak to your GP. Good Luck!

strong-girl profile image

I was in your place about 2 years sounds weird even saying that, my sickness was bad and lasted all day I had to take sick leave and literally slept for the first three months of my pregnancy x hope urs gets better

leah30 profile image

It’s awful isn’t it I often feel sick most of the time only been sick once I’m 11 weeks , I’ve found the sea sickness bands help and grazing through the day . Failing that your doctor can prescribe something to help x

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