*Sensitive* Pregnancy after LLETZ for... - Fertility Network UK

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*Sensitive* Pregnancy after LLETZ for abnormal cervical cells

Peanutchips profile image
36 Replies

Hi everyone,

Has anyone here had a LLETZ for abnormal cervical cells and now in early pregnancy?

I had this procedure about 7 years ago and now quite worried about having a weaker cervix. Just worried if anyone else had this? Did you need a stitch? Getting quite nervous about it.

Thanks in advance!

Best of luck to everyone on here 🤞🏻🌟

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Peanutchips profile image
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36 Replies
Millbanks profile image

Hello lovely, hope you're doing ok! I had some cells removed from my cervix about 15 years ago, and at each transfer I've had (different doctors each time) they have said that if it's successful I should talk to the NHS about getting a stitch. Apparently there are different ones that you can have but the safest is a TAC stitch which is high up.

Best of luck xx

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Millbanks

Thanks so much Millbanks! After years of trying to get pregnant, I now have this to worry about. I mentioned it to my midwife and she said I’ll get a scan to see how short the cervix is. Just quite nervous about it xxx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Peanutchips

It's just not what you need is it!! Fingers crossed it's a good length and you don't need it :) xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Hi Peanutchips! I had treatment for abnormal cells but it wasn't a LLETZ (the consultant advised me against it as I hadn't had kids yet) and did enquire once pregnant as I was concerned.....got told as I didn't have the LLETZ I shouldn't worry and they left it at that. I would have a chat with your midwife and express your concerns and ask if you could have a stitch.....I think it has a lot to do with your cervical length after the procedure. I think, if I remember correctly Scarlett13 had a stitch and if I remember correctly it was due to a LLETZ or a cone biopsy. She doesn't come on here much but may see the notification from me mentioning her. Hope you're keeping well!xx

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks so much Cinderella! A stitch has been mentioned and my midwife has referred me for a scan. After all these years trying to get pregnant I’m now worried about this. I’ll see if Scarlett has any old posts about it xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Peanutchips

The flipping worry never stops does it?! Sounds good that your midwife is on the case which is reassuring. It may well be that your cervical length hasn't been too affected by the LLETZ and you don't need it but better to be checked over.xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Cinderella5

Scarlett13 hopefully she'll see this now. Xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you 😊

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Peanutchips. I wonder whether it might be an idea to have a hysteroscopy so that your womb. endometrium and cervix can be checked out fully. At least you should then know whether your cervix is capable of carrying a baby to term. Good luck! Diane

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to DianeArnold

Hi Diane, thanks for this. I am already 9+3 weeks pregnant with twins so looking to see if people had experiences of managing this when pregnant x

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to Peanutchips

Hi. That's wonderful news. Hope all continues as it should. I'm sure someone will have their story to tell you. Take care. Diane

Nat246 profile image

Hi I had LLETZ procedure and am now in third trimester. Your cervix length will be measured regularly usually until 24 weeks. If it gets to below 25mm they will discuss a stitch. Above 25mm is generally okay. Having a LLETZ procedure does not automatically mean you have an incompetent cervix. A stitch comes with additional risks so it’s best to have one only if there actually is an issue. My cervix did not reduce to 25mm at any point, but I have been on progesterone until 34 weeks just in case / to put my mind at ease. Progesterone strengthens the cervix without being so invasive. Good luck at your scan! X

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Nat246

Thanks so much for this Nat! Yes, they have suggested I continue with cyclocest pessaries beyond 12 weeks for this. Did they tell you these had to be taken vaginally? Xx

Nat246 profile image
Nat246 in reply to Peanutchips

Yes they specified to me to take them vaginally. On Facebook there’s a group called ‘incompetent cervix UK - pregnancy related’ you might find useful. A lot of the women on it discuss LLETZ and how their body was during pregnancy / treatment. But a warning, there’s a lot of discussion of late pregnancy loss which is actually quite upsetting to read when you are pregnant and already worried x

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Nat246

Thanks Nat, that’s really helpful. Yes, I think perhaps I’ll avoid that for now as probably not good for my anxiety. I hope your pregnancy is going well xx

London_Lady1 profile image

No direct experience, but a really good friend had this between baby 1 and 2. She had secondary infertility issues. When she did get pregnant with her second she had a few extra scans and monitoring and they mentioned a stitch to her as well early on in her pregnancy. She didn't need it in the end and had a home birth in August just as she wanted.

So sorry to hear you have more to worry about, but hopefully it's just something to keep a eye on and monitor and no extra intervention is needed. xxx

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to London_Lady1

Thanks so much London_lady! It’s good to hear I’m not alone with this and that it can be ok. How are you getting on? Xx

London_Lady1 profile image
London_Lady1 in reply to Peanutchips

Feeling very pregnant now. Hopefully next month he will make his appearance. Just starting to feel comfortable buying things. All my friends don't get why I haven't got all the bits already, someone even asked if my hospital bag was packed! I literally have 3 baby grows. But slowly slowly I'm adjusting to the idea this is actually happening.

So exciting you're carrying twins! I love all the twin stories on here. You must be due your 12 week scan soon? Xx

Ivf2020A profile image

Hi I dont have any advice on this in particular but I will be having an app this week on possibly getting a stitch put in place due to my first loss, so I can send more info on the stitch as and when i get it x not sure if that helps on your particular situation tho xx

Scarlett13 profile image

Hello! I will send you a private message xxx

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Scarlett13

Thanks Scarlett! 🙏🏻 xx

Twiglet2 profile image

Hi lovely ☺️ I had a lletz in 2019 and had my 28 week appointment today with consultant as the pregnancy is classed as ‘high risk’ (because of IVF and my age) I specifically mentioned the procedure and he said he wasn’t concerned and my midwife throughout hadn’t been either as cervix has been closed and the correct length etc. as it should be. They said there is a very slightly higher chance of preterm labour but that can also happen for other ladies who haven’t had this too.

They see no reason why I can’t just plan for a natural birth despite the lletz, my age (38) and IVF pregnancy. But have suggested a 32 and 36 week scan to keep an eye on baby.

Hope that helps alleviate some of your fears (of which I have had the same!) and congrats again xx

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Twiglet2

Thanks so much Twiglet! Yes definitely helps to know that others have been through this. I hope your 32 and 36 scans go ok and all is well. 28 weeks already! Wow! Xx

kathgibson22 profile image

Hi lovely, yes me! I didn't realise I had to mention it to midwife as you get extra monitoring. I had little bleed at 14 weeks ( due to rough patch on cervix )and it was picked up then . I have two scans on my cervix to check everything ok . First was was fine, second is at 22 weeks. If all ok they then discharge you etc.


Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to kathgibson22

Thanks for replying Kath! Sorry you had a scare. Good luck with your second scan. Did they say they’d put a stitch in if needed then? Hopefully you won’t need one, just interested to know how they manage it xx

Meghan_b profile image

Hi Peanutchips,I had cervical stitches at 14th week of pregnancy. My doctor did it because i got only one blastocyst from my previous round and she didn’t want any risk of miscarriage.

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Meghan_b

Thanks for this Meghan, was everything ok afterwards? Also, how long does it take to heal? Xx

Meghan_b profile image
Meghan_b in reply to Peanutchips

They did it under anaesthesia and been in hospital for 3days to make sure I don’t make a move. On 4th day also there is effect of anaesthesia on me that is being drowsy. From 5th day I have started my day routine. I have been wfh. And I don’t see any difference of having stitches at cervix actually ( I don’t have more physical activity other than cooking from FET).

Ivf2020A profile image

Hi hun just thought Id update you on info about the stitch , my consultant said they would give me further information when I need to actually have it done 🤦🏼‍♀️ So sorry just thought id let u know that I hadnt forgotten. Hope your ok

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Ivf2020A

Thanks so much lovely, I really appreciate that. I just read about your scare too. Sounds so awful, you poor thing. Is everything ok now? Hope you’re ok xx

Ivf2020A profile image
Ivf2020A in reply to Peanutchips

Im doing ok hun thanks for asking x we shall see next week as iv booked a private scan xx 🤞🙌

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Ivf2020A

Sounds like a good idea. Be nice to see buba probably this time, best of luck ❤️ xxx

Crabonks profile image

Ah yes, I have been thinking of this too. I had my LLETZ done 22 years ago now (I'm 42) and just had my embryo transferred last week (positive according to HPTs). I'm going to mention this at my six week scan- thanks for asking the question! I was really hoping as it was over 20 years ago that it won't matter but during retrieval and transfer I was asked if I'd had surgery on my cervix as apparently the opening was so small they couldn't fit the catheter in to put the embryo in! I'm hoping that might mean there won't be any problems! Good luck! xx

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Crabonks

Congrats on your BFP! Yes this was similar with me. My first transfer on the NHS was a nightmare because they couldn’t get the catheter in. My private clinic were fab though, did a mock transfer and draw a little map so they knew how to do the transfer, which was straightforward. Best of luck to you xx

Crabonks profile image
Crabonks in reply to Peanutchips

Thank you! And congratulations to you too! xx

Rex2021 profile image

Hi There! I've just posted about this. I had a lletz procedure in late 2018. I am 12 weeks pregnant and I had a huge blood discharge last Wednesday. This is the first blood loss since the beginning of the pregnancy. Could this blood loss have been caused by a weak cervix? Did you have this symptom? Thank you.

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