Frozen transfer cycle cancelled due t... - Fertility Network UK

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Frozen transfer cycle cancelled due to transfer falling on Christmas day.

Belangalo profile image
3 Replies

I am bummed. I was looking forward to getting this transfer done. I was eating healthy and avoiding anything potentially bad for me...and it is Christmas time so the temptations have been there!! LOL

Anyway, I was getting blood tests and being monitored, had my script for my trigger shot to pick up from the chemist and had a transfer date of NEXT TUESDAY tentatively set down by the nurses. They were all smiles last Friday and telling me that I didn't need to come in for bloodtests or scans until the following Monday...and then BAM! Monday arrives, the scans look perfect with great lining and great sized follicle... but blood tests show that I ovulated the day before and that transfer would have to be on the 25 December 2020 - so the cycle was cancelled because the clinic is closed.

I am disappointed. I knew this was a possibility that it would be cancelled so I tried not to get too excited but clearly I did..and now I am bummed. I had a mopey day yesterday when I found out and given that this is my favourite time of year I am sad that I feel sad! Crazy!

I guess I want to know what people did to bounce back from the disappointment. I have had a lot but I think that this was the icing on the cake so to speak. I just wonder at times if my clinic knows what they are doing or if it is so production line to them?...I told them I ovulate naturally on the 14 day point according to the pee sticks I've been using every month for over two years. They informed me I would need the trigger shot because "I wouldn't ovulate naturally" and not to worry as most ladies need it. I was confused but accepted their opinion since they are the medical professionals. Earlier in the cycle I expressed concern that I would need a scan on the weekend because it was my normal ovulation day (Day 14) and they assured me that my levels were fine, I wouldn't ovulate naturally and that Monday would be great and they'd give me my script for the trigger shot which I would likely take Monday night with transfer probably Tuesday after Christmas.

Turns out that I was right...I ovulated naturally on my regular as clockwork day 14 (it's a male fertility issue that we are experiencing). Am I in my rights in feeling a little let down here? Did they confuse me with another patient? There has never been a question about my ovulation before or being a problem with me not ovulating so I don't understand why it was suddenly something that I didn't do. :/ I've tried talking to my doc but all I get it messages from his secretary. Is this how it is for everyone?

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Belangalo profile image
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3 Replies
Goldie24 profile image

I’m so so sorry this must be incredibly frustrating 😔 I had 4 cycles cancelled in one way of another and I was heartbroken each time. The first was in March because of covid, then second was in may when I failed to down regulate on a long protocol and they slogged me for 4 weeks before giving up (didn’t listen to me when I was adamant my period had finished and I wouldn’t have another bleed), third time was when I came round from my egg collection and was told it would be a freeze all (didn’t listen to me that I was becoming hyperstimulated and postponed my EC day because they were busy...10 days in hospital on IV’s later...) and when I finally got to a stage where we could do an FET this got cancelled because no dominant follicle (despite me telling them countless times I ovulate on day 17 of my 32 day cycle) sure enough, 5 days after cancellation I got very positive ovulation sticks and felt it like I always do. Finally had my medicated FET 3 weeks ago but unfortunately it didn’t work. The only advice I have is to cry it out, eat and drink whatever the hell you want over Xmas and try and lump it in with everything crap about 2020. X

Belangalo profile image
Belangalo in reply to Goldie24

Thank you for this Goldie. I wasn't in much of a mood to reply earlier but I heard you and I had a GREAT holiday period! I hope that you did too! I am so sorry about your experiences. I get it, I so do! I am feeling better but still can't shake the 'let down' feeling by my clinic. I will need to deal with this as my period arrived last night and it is time for me to start this new cycle! Fingers crossed and so much baby dust to us all! xxx

Linda84Co profile image

You have every right to be upset, this is upsetting even to me, I feel the clinic didn’t do right by you. How can you ovulate when you are under IVF medication? I think this means they didn’t control you enough, so frustrating... Your clinic has to come back to you with explanation. I understand that our body works differently but these thing shouldn’t happen, Ivf journey is difficult enough....

Sending you love xx

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