To test early or not : I’m 7dp5dt I... - Fertility Network UK

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To test early or not

Cheer2020 profile image
32 Replies

I’m 7dp5dt I have been told to do pregnancy test on Tuesday which will be 10dp5dt by hospital (they have given me a pregnancy test to do) but I’ve bought 2 clear blue early pregnancy tests, shall I wait until Tuesday or do an early one, it’s so tempting to do an early one but don’t want false results so I’m trying not to! Also so worried that in doing a pregnancy test it will mean the end of the journey if it’s negative :(

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Cheer2020 profile image
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32 Replies
Ivferrr profile image

Wait til day 9! Tests should hopefully show something then but I get it we all wanna test early 😂

Cheer2020 profile image
Cheer2020 in reply to Ivferrr

Super hard. Going to try and hold out xx

Hi Cheer, it’s such a hard wait isn’t it. I tested early at 7dp5dt and got a faint positive. I then tested again on my OTD which was Wednesday and got a stronger positive. Everyone is different though and everyone’s body’s/pregnancy is different xx

Cheer2020 profile image
Cheer2020 in reply to Hopingforarainbow

It is so hard! :( I want to know so badly but I also don’t wanna give myself bad luck by testing early :( sounds silly I know! Xx

Hopingforarainbow profile image
Hopingforarainbow in reply to Cheer2020

It is so hard and I thought about it from 5dp5dt and talked myself out of it and tried to keep busy. Then it got to 7dp5dt and thought bugger this I’m testing 🙈 xx

Cheer2020 profile image
Cheer2020 in reply to Hopingforarainbow

I’ve just ordered some more pregnancy tests haha should be delivered tomorrow so I may do a test 9dp5dt

I was told morning is best for weeing on it, did you do that?

Hopingforarainbow profile image
Hopingforarainbow in reply to Cheer2020

Yes I tested with first morning urine and used the FRER tests as they’re really sensitive xx

Cheer2020 profile image
Cheer2020 in reply to Hopingforarainbow

I’ve ordered some of those they will arrive tomorrow!💜💜

Hopingforarainbow profile image
Hopingforarainbow in reply to Cheer2020

Good luck xx

Sparklylife profile image
Sparklylife in reply to Hopingforarainbow

Congratulations Hopingforarainbow 🥰

Hopingforarainbow profile image
Hopingforarainbow in reply to Sparklylife

Thank you. I still can’t quite believe it. Keep thinking I’m going to wake up from my dream any time soon. How you keeping? xx

Cheer2020 profile image
Cheer2020 in reply to Hopingforarainbow

That’s what I’m scared of, it all being over :( so sorry again!It’s so mentally challenging! I have some bad cramping yesterday so I was really upset and emotional as I thought it was all over. Today I’m feeling better. We have been really into signs and old wives tales etc and we keep getting so many “signs” that we think are positive but it’s so hard to know ! Xx

Hopingforarainbow profile image
Hopingforarainbow in reply to Cheer2020

I had cramp day 5 and 6 post transfer. And still have the odd crampy pain/twinge from time to time. I’m trying my best to relax but it’s so hard when you’ve had a loss. I’m so worried every time I go to the loo and wipe that I will see blood and it will all be over.

I’m wishing you all the best for your OTD!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Cheer2020 profile image
Cheer2020 in reply to Hopingforarainbow

Thank You xxx

Ivfgotadream profile image

You’re technically 12 DPO on a standard cycle this would be 2 day/ before your period was due and most pregnancy tests would be over 80% accurate by this point.....I’d test......but I’m a bad influence and I tested from 3dp5dt 🙈

Cheer2020 profile image
Cheer2020 in reply to Ivfgotadream

Haha ahhhh so tempting!! I’m so worried my period is going to come! I had bad cramps yesterday but they’ve eased now so I’m confused and worried xx

I’ve had a false positive from my trigger at 7dp5dt try to hold out a day at least - good luck xx

Bernie150781 profile image

My clinic told me to wait for 14days post transfer and said try not to test early but this is not the only post I have seen that have been told to test on day 10, two full weeks just seems like forever but I don't want to test early in-case it shows negative and then I might be devastated for no reason, I think you should hang in there for the best and truest result to avoid the uncertainty which I think is worse x x

Cheer2020 profile image
Cheer2020 in reply to Bernie150781

I thought it would be two weeks after transfer so was shocked when they asked me to test on the 15th (which is 10 days after) not sure if it’s because it’s a 5 day transfer so technically it will be 15 days after my egg retrieval? Xx

Bernie150781 profile image
Bernie150781 in reply to Cheer2020

I also had a 5 day transfer so for me that would be 19days, imguessing each clinic is different X x

Peanutchips profile image

Don’t test early if you can help it. It’ll send you into a spin if it’s negative and it’s too early to know for sure xx

Sparklylife profile image

I waited until the day I was given by my clinic too, which was 13dp5dt - but it is a personal choice 🥰 I just did not want my bubble of hope to end too early just in case. I wish you all the best 🤞🤞

Ajplus1 profile image

I started testing at 5dp5dt, while I have been getting lines that are progressing it’s given me so much anxiety comparing the lines and worrying. Good luck with whatever you choose xx

Goldie24 profile image

Think really really carefully. Mine was negative on a first response at days 6 and 7 and it turned me into a crazy person. I was desperate for reassurance and fell into the trap of seeing so many people on here posting positives at 6,5 and even 4 days on first response tests. I thought I would be fine and put it down to being too early but could barely find any examples of people getting later positives on first responses. I then endured 7 days of crying, not feeling like I could eat, not being able to keep it down when I did eat and constant googling of pictures of people’s pregnancy tests to give me back some hope. I managed to regain a little hope by OTD at 13 days (yesterday) and was feeling slightly more positive only to then get a BFN and I broke all over again. If I was to have a slow implanter then I reckon I ruined any chances of it implanting after I did the test because I was in such a state. It’s your choice but really explore how you will feel if it’s negative. Wishing you the best of luck xx

Cheer2020 profile image
Cheer2020 in reply to Goldie24

Aww I’m so sorry for you! :( it is so mentally challenging and that’s one reason I’m putting off testing early! My test date is Tuesday so I’m definitely not going to test until at least Monday but if I don’t feel ready I will wait the extra day!xx

Goldie24 profile image
Goldie24 in reply to Cheer2020

Good plan! Be prepared too that if it’s negative but you haven’t started bleeding the clinic might tell you to carry on for a couple days and test again which also draws it out. I’ve given in tonight as it’s too hard and nothing is going to change by the morning (rechecked this evening) so I’ve had a bath and a pina colada and hidden my drugs at the back of a cupboard for if I ever decide to do another FET. Keeping everything crossed that you get your BFP when you decide to test xx

Cheer2020 profile image
Cheer2020 in reply to Goldie24

Thank you so much for your support even though you are having a rough time. I’m so so sorry! :( nobody deserves to have a BFN after everything we go through :( xxx

HopefullyAMama profile image

My test day is tomorrow (12dp5dt) and I waited until 10dp5dt, got s faint positive yesterday and then cramps all day and a small bleed yesterday and a fainter line on todays FRER. I have been in a state all weekend and having a potentially positive result then feeling like I am having a chemical loss is hard but I’m also glad I know that I had a Chem Pregnancy as it’s another part of the puzzle for the next round. Pro’s and cons either way! Sorry if this didnt help, good luck for your OTD xx

sunset212 profile image

I got a faint positive at only 5 days post transfer on a first response!! They are the most sensitive ones. I think by day 8 you would get a faint if embryo had implanted but like another poster said you might want to hold out til day 9 at earliest if you want to be more sure. Keeping everything crossed for you xx

Cheer2020 profile image

So I caved and did a test today and got a BFN :( very upset :(

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Cheer2020

So sorry Cheer2020! I encountered that drop stomach feeling many times over looking down at a BFN. Take some time to pamper yourself, dust yourself down and look forward and do it all over again never give up. Your time is not far away stay positive. Above all if you do another cycle try and stay positive mentally don’t worry too much. I’m convinced the 2 times I’ve been pregnant ( one of which ended in a 7 week loss due to aneuploidy) was when I truly believed it was going to implant and they did . X

Cheer2020 profile image
Cheer2020 in reply to sunset212

Thank you! It’s true we must dust ourselves down and go again xxx

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