My Hcg is only 76 doc said above 50 is good and seeing the number go up in 2 days is important. Anyone have any feedback on if things are truly lookin ok for us?
76 hcg?: My Hcg is only 76 - Fertility Network UK
76 hcg?

Hi hun, I’m 11dp5dt too and I’ve done my beta HCG today- will have my results tomorrow. What I can tell you is that HCG quantities are different in people so comparing them doesn’t help unfortunately 🙈🙈🙈
I’ve learnt with experience that IVF is a really weird process where you think one thing and then another one happens, either good or bad.
Are you doing a repeat HCG to see if levels go up?
Sending love ❤️
Well toughcookie we are in it together! I will have another blood test Wednesday morning and then I return to work right after, I’m the director of a mental health clinic so I’m prayerful it’s good news ahhhh and I will absolutely pray for you as well
Hey could you explain what dp and dt means please? Sorry I'm new to this. Currently halfway through my TWW - I've picked up some so far.
It means 11days- past- a -5day transfer (11dp5dt) 😉
Ahh thank you very much!! I'm then 6dp5dt. How do you keep your brain busy from wandering? This is my first transfer and it's all so new. I haven't heard anything about testing my HCG is this something I should be asking the clinic? Oddly enough I also work in the NHS xx
Sorry Caroline, I’m at my 4th transfer and I can’t keep my brain busy at all 😂😂I keep googling everything lol I work in the NHS too! You can get a private HCG blood test it’s about £50. GPs don’t do it, but your clinic should (if it’s private)....if not then find a private gynaecologist in your area and they’ll do it for you. Xx
Ahh thank you, it's just confirming that it's so hard for everyone during the TWW ☹️ I'm sorry for all of the questions, are these tests to give you an earlier idea if "it's stuck"? Xxx
Yes it tells you if the pregnancy is starting.... then when you have a scan around 6 weeks and you see the heartbeat they’ll know it’s a viable pregnancy.... xx
It’s all about the doubling.... don’t stress about comparing 😘
Fertile fam! I’m posting because this is so important, my numbers almost tripled… My doctor called me and told me congratulations and I don’t need to come in until the ultrasound in two minutes so ladies if your hCG is lower than all the crazy High ones keep the faith