I hope this post doesn't upset anyone & instead brings a bit of hope! I thought I would never get to be a mummy but have been very happily proved wrong.
Owen arrived 3 and a half weeks early on 7th October by emergency c section. I'd been taken into hospital a week earlier as a routine midwife appointment showed that I had preeclampsia so my blood pressure needed round the clock monitoring. He was also found to be measuring small on his scan so it was a very scary time, particularly as due to covid there were no visitors allowed. I do believe that having IVF really helped me get through it as I was always able to focus on how grateful I was to even be in that position and it helped my mental strength.
I thought I had lost this little one when I had bleeding with clots at 5 and a half weeks and again when his heart rate dipped on the CTG monitor and I was rushed in for emergency C section but here he is! This photo was taken in hospital as we stayed in an extra 8 days together as I was still ill and he needed help with his feeding. Now we are home he is one month old, putting on lots of weight and doing great!
Thanks to each and every one of you on this forum. I feel that I've made some true friends here and there's so much support, love and understanding amongst you all. I would have struggled so much without it xx