My OTD was on Tuesday 15dp5dt had faint bfp on cheap tests. Next morning I got a bfp on cb digital which said pregnant 1-2weeks. I phoned clinic and they booked me in for a scan for 3weeks time. Today I did another test at lunchtime with a wee that was held for an hour or less and it was a bfn!! I presumed it would show up anytime now I’ve had a bfp. So scared it’s a chemical. Going crazy!
BFP then BFN 17dp5dt- is it a chemical? - Fertility Network UK
BFP then BFN 17dp5dt- is it a chemical?

It might be that your urine was just too diluted - maybe try and test again first thing tomorrow morning? Fingers crossed for you xx
What a torture! The urine could be too diluted so it’s best to hold for 3-4 hours and test with a first response. I would also ask for a blood test to confirm the hcg levels because that’s the only proper way to test if it’s a viable pregnancy or not.
I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this uncertainty. Perhaps your clinic can give you some advice tomorrow. It's really hard to understand what is going on with urine tests especially in the beginning when results can be different due to concentrated levels. Sending hugs ♥️
Try with a first pee in the morning. That’s what all the tests say to do. Fingers crossed!
Sorry to hear this, I would try testing first thing in the morning when the urine is more concentrated and perhaps call clinic for advice I had a chemical after testing first time a very faint positive then clinic said re-test in 3 days as could be too early but then got no line whatsoever 3 days later. Fingers crossed for u, sending u lots of positive vibes xx
Thanks for replies. Did two tests this morning with fmu and both negative. The clinic have said to stop all meds. Next round I go....