I’m devastated to write that we’d lost one of the foetuses at the scan we had last night. They said it had stopped growing at 9 weeks. The other was 3cm and wriggling at lot which they said was right and good but I’m not sure I believe anything anymore. I had no warning, no bleeding, no cramping nothing. Just devastated.
10 Week update: I’m devastated to write... - Fertility Network UK
10 Week update

I’m so sorry for your loss lizzy bee! Look after yourself today, have you got anyone with you? Big hugs Xxxxx
Im so sorry for the loss of one of you babies Lizzy. Sending massive hugs and lots of love.xxx
I am so sorry to hear this, this happened to a friend of mine but the other baby was absolutely fine and is now 2 years old so don't lose hope xx
So sorry to hear this try and keep calm and stay positive for the other baby I know it’s hard but stress can make things even worse just take a few days for yourself ❤️
So sorry to hear this. At our 9 week scan we were told we lost one of our twins. At my 12 week scan, it’s empty sac was still present. I’ve just booked a 16 week scan for the 27th. It is devastating but I tried to focus on our other little one. Trying to be grateful for every day that passes without any issues. Big hugs lovely Xx
Sorry to hear of your loss of your little one 🥺
Fantastic news to hear the other is going strong x Stay positive and take some time for yourself to relax and recharge Xxx
So sorry lizzy and jengi. Such sad news. Sending you both lots of love and praying hard for your other babies 🤞🙏🏻 xx
So sorry Lizzy, stay strong. God knows best. Sending prayers to you!!
I’m so sorry Lizzy x
So sorry lizzybee for your loss. Praying for your baby🙏
So sorry to hear of your sad news and loss of one of your babies. Sending you a virtual hug xxx that's good news about your other baby - sounds like it is thriving well. Stay strong xxx
I’m so sorry to hear this Lizzybee. It’s really sad and really hard. The same thing happened to my friend, similar timings to you. She had a healthy baby girl x
Thank you all for your kind words. I've barely been able to function over the last week. I've completely detached from the pregnancy and just trying to get to our 12 week scan which is exactly a week today. I think I'll deal with whether or not it's actually going to happen from there on.
More worryingly I've become quite short tempered with anyone unfortunate enough to cross my path which especially when driving is really quite bad. Basically, am not coping
So sorry to hear about the loss of your little one but also happy to hear other baby is doing ok! Sending positive vibes xx
Hi lizzybee. So so sorry to hear this and sorry for my late response. Devastating to hear of your loss; cut yourself a lot of slack during this time as it is an impossible thing to go through. Thinking of you, and can understand if getting through the day is all you can do at the moment. Hopefully the 12 week scan will help you feel a bit more secure about your other twin and give you a bit of a lift that you need. Sending lots of love. xxx