Absolutely gutted, but I have got an additional 4 embryos frozen 🤞🏼. I have no idea what happens next the clinic just said they would be in touch within the week...
BFN - first IVF cycle failed. - Fertility Network UK
BFN - first IVF cycle failed.

I'm so sorry. I'm absolutely gutted for you 😪 xx
Sorry to hear it hasn’t worked out.
You’ll get your period soon and then you could jump into another cycle if you wanted to as most clinics let you do that.
Fingers crossed next one’s the one! xxx
Oh really? That fast?
They’ve told me to stop taking the cyclogest so my period should start in next few days xxx
Yeah, that fast! It does depend on the clinic, some want you to have a cycle in between but most let you do it straight away. It also depends on how you feel. I always needed a bit of time to get over the bfn. When you have a chat with your doctor about the reasons for the failed cycle, see if there is something different they can do next time.
Im sorry to hear that your cycle failed. Its likely your clinic team will have a review of your cycle and see how they want to plan ahead and then relay this information to you and let you ask questions etc. Hugs.xx
So sorry. Take care and make sure you're kind to yourself. Not to be this time but look to the future and next time. X
So Sorry Libzyxx really wanted everything to go well for you. Take some time to recover, then hopefully with the 4 you have frozen you c a n continue your journey, when ready. Don't stress if it takes a little while for your period to arrive, mine took a week to come and lasted 10days was very heavy too. Sending hugs to you
I’m so sorry to hear this. Be kind to yourself it’s not your fault. I had my failed embryo transfer in Aug and I was really beating myself up, however we can do as much as we can. I had no Frosties so there’s a positive you got some Frosties - sending you baby dust and love x
So sorry to hear that. It wasn’t meant to be this time but you have plenty more chances. Wishing you lots of luck for next time ♥️♥️
So sorry to hear this lovely. Yes once you’ve had your period you can jump straight in but I’d personally give it another month so your body can recover. Well done on the 4 frozen ones though that’s great news ready for an FET which is less stress on the body 😊 Good luck for the next time Xxxx
I'm so sorry. I am in the same boat. I have 4 little frosties still myself. We transferred our male and he didn't take...got the results this morning. Feeling gutted but still hopeful one of the 4 little girl frosties will be my miracle. Hoping that is the case for you too!!! My clinic told me I can start as soon as i start to bleed this week... but i think we are going to take a month for my bottom to heal from the injections! Good luck to you and hang in there. I am sure there will be plenty of tears shed these days but try to look forward to one of your next ones.