Hi all just wondering if there are any success stories of going to egg collection with 2 follicles? We have made the tough decision not to cancel and proceed to egg collection on Monday. Could really do with some positivity right now? 🙏
Has anyone had any success with just ... - Fertility Network UK
Has anyone had any success with just 2 follicles going to egg collection?

Hi before egg collection I have 3 follicles and then I was still on stims and 2 days before egg collection they found 2 more follicles and egg collection day they got 14 mature eggs and I was surprised with happiness as I was about to cancel my cycle but my mom encouraged me to carry on and now I am preg , just do what your instinct saying as this whole treatment is unpredictable and only Allah knows what’s going on inside us and He will help us Ameen
Hey yes, I only got 2 follicles on my second egg collection. I’m now 35 weeks pregnant. Just go with what feels right for you, wishing you all the luck in the world xx
Yes I’m 16 weeks with twins from the cycle where we only got 2 follicles x
I am so glad we didn’t cancel. Initially I was distraught we only had 2 follicles ready. We went on to have both eggs fertilised but only one embryo making it for transfer. We were very furtunate it was top grade and am now 7 weeks pregnant !
It really does only take one, good luck 🙏🏻🤞🏼🍀
So great to hear positive stories with low follicle numbers. I'm going through a cycle now where I think I'll only get 1 or 2 follicles so it's nice to hear it can still end positively. 6years best of luck on Monday and keep us updated, we are all routing for you! This is such a hard journey, but we aren't alone!
Hey, I have low AMH and In my scans they thought I had around 4 follicles and on the day of collection they only managed to collect 3 and only 2 were suitable for ISCI and only one fertilised, I am currently 10 weeks pregnant.
I really does only take one and I have this theory that if there are fewer then those will be higher quality as haven’t had so many other follicles to battle with. It’s just my theory but reading so many stories with positive outcomes with just 1 or 2 eggs collected! Good luck and hope it all goes well xx
Same here! I had three eggs collected, only one fertilised and I’m now 7.5 weeks pregnant. You only need one good egg to make the miracle happen! Good luck!
i had 3 follicles that were collected. All 3 made it to day 5 blastocyst and after doing pgs testing 2 were fine. I put both in and im currently 34weeks pregnant. This was with just 2 follicles and it was our first attempt at ivf after going threw 2 natural miscarriages and 1 etopic pregnancy. i would advise you not to focus to much on numbers. Sometimes the least amount of eggs you able to give them all the nutrients they need. It is more about quality not quantity.
Thanks to everyone who commented. We ended up with 4 follicles rather than 2 which all had eggs and all fertilised and had 2 of them transferred this afternoon. Thanks so much for the support everyone the horrid 2 week wait starts from now x
I wonder why the original poster responded to everyone's comments to thank them, except the first person?