I had a Fresh Transfer of a 4AB 2 weeks ago, came back as a BFN. The clinic froze Three 4CC Blastocysts and One 5CC Blastocyst. Just wondering if anyone out there has had any success stories to share? I’m so nervous as 4AB was our best and it didn’t work! 😟
Has anyone had any success with 4CC o... - Fertility Network UK
Has anyone had any success with 4CC or 5CC blastocysts?

Sorry about your bfn
I wouldn’t get too hung up on grading. For every good embryo bfp on this forum there is one with a poor grade embryo. I got a BFP with a grade 3BB embryo (3 being worse than 4 and 5) which I sadly lost. My sister had her baby from her second worst embryo after 5 transfers of really high quality ones
We are all looking for that definitive ‘this will be the one’ but sadly so much of it is luck and random things aligning!! The main thing is you have 4 great embryos ( because they are all really good) in the freezer which is 4 more super chances of conceiving!
Good luck cx

Thanks Daisy, that’s very true most of this is based on luck. It only takes one and the odds start to balance themselves out eventually. Also I’m so sorry to hear about the loss. I hope it all works out for you soon, stay strong girl! We will all get through this together 🙂
I completely agree with Daisy’s post - try not to overthink the grading. I had a 5AB, a 4AB and 2 x 4BB’s transferred (not at the same time!) and it was a 4BB that gave me my positive cycle.
I know it’s hard not to worry and I had the exact same thought as you after our 2 better grade embryos failed. They only freeze embryos they think have a shot at it though so you’re still in the race! Wishing you lots of luck for your next cycle xx
Thanks Solly, this is so reassuring. And Congratulations on your positive cycle, I just saw your post about your birth, congratulations 🥳
I completely agree that the gradings are no indication of success - I had a 4AA, a 4AB and a 4BB transferred and it was the 4BB that stuck. On day 3 they weren’t sure about freezing the 4BB blastocyst but luckily gave it the benefit of the doubt on day 5 😊
Definitely ignore grading. We had our daughter from a double transfer of two “average” grade embryos. Our average embryo turned into a perfect baby x
I had a 5BB, my best ever embryo. I got pregnant but unfortunately miscarried. I then had two embryos which where badly fragmented and developed wrong. Out of four transfers they were the worst I had. In fact they were too bad to even grade. I now have a perfectly healthy almost two year old from them. Stay positive.
As others have said, don’t get too hung up on the grading! My clinic actually doesn’t tell you the grades because it causes unnecessary stress and in reality, if it’s good enough to freeze, it’s good enough to make a baby. Wishing you all the best of luck for your next transfer ❤️ xxx
Im 26 weeks with a 5CB embryo after previously having negatives and MC's with higher quality ones. Honestly i wouldnt worry about grading, they wouldnt transfer anything that they didnt think had the potential to become a baby.... Good luck xx
Aww congratulations lovely, this gives me hope as I have a 5BB and a 4BC in freezer after my hatching 5AA didnt stick , so thank you.
Wishing you all the baby dust for the rest of your pregnancy xxx