Has anyone tested early and if so how long after a 5 day blastocyst transfer? Is 5 days after too soon? Do you count the transfer day as day 1 or is the following day day 1?
Testing early? : Has anyone tested... - Fertility Network UK
Testing early?

The day after transfer is day 1. I would say 5 days post transfer is way too early. I have seen some get positives at this stage (been on this site way too long) but not loads and again this can depend on the kind of test you use too. Im not gonna give a lecture as Im guilty for testing early but you need to prepare yourself for how you would feel if its negative. Its absolutely crushing carrying on with meds after seeing a blank test....take it from me! The other flip of the coin is you can get chemical pregnancies....ie a positive test that then disappears after a few days which can be devastating. Good luck with what you decide, just weigh up the pros and cons first! Good luck with testing too.xx
I tested today on day 5 and got a negative. Do you think it doesn’t mean anything as it’s too early? I only tested because I couldn’t take it anymore!
My earliest positive was on day 7, possibly would have showed on day 6 but faintly....this went onto be a chemical pregnancy. The latest positive I had was on day 12....this pregnancy got stronger but I lost it at 6 wks. You still have time for things to change and turn into a positive so try not to give up hope which I know is hard when you have seen a negative. Also when testing early you really need to use a very sensitive test like an FRER.xx
Wow, you’ve had your share too! Hopefully for both of us there will be a happy ending. I’m not going to think about the negative test again.
Did you have symptoms along the way when you had the positive?
I can honestly say I dont think that I had any telling symptoms that couldnt be down the the progesterone! Ive transferred 8 times so far and I couldnt tell either way!!xx
I also didn’t have any symptoms the whole 2WW - so much so I spent many sleep less night googling who had zero symptoms and still went on to have a BFP.
I didn’t even really have much of a reaction to the progesterone (3x a day) - it’s only now at 6 weeks that I want to sleep all day. I don’t have any nausea or cramping or sore boobs though
I’ve always tested early.....I usually test out my trigger shot too
My trigger was gone on a first response test by 3dp5dt in the morning - I got a very very very lime that same evening but thought it might be the trigger/imagining it. I got a clear BFP on 4dp5dt but I found out yesterday Im pregnant with twins and my hcg on 8dp5dt was 159
That being said on a previous single transfer I also got a faint BFP on 4dp5dt in the evening (ended in an ectopic)
Yeah!!! Twins ❤️❤️❤️
I am a early tester and
My I have had my positives from 5dp5dt
But. I also test out the trigger so the line would still be there just from 4-5 days it would start getting slightly darker
And it was on very sensitive tests
I tested 5dp5dt and it was negative and I was in fact pregnant. I couldn't tell you when it turned positive as I was so upset I didn't test again until OTD which was 15dp5dt. If I did it again I would probably wait until around 8-9 days. X
Try and hold out if you can. In your head, think about the scenario if you did test - if it’s negative you’ll feel devastated despite knowing it could be too early which will not help you for the rest of the TWW, and if it’s positive you’ll be wondering if it’s the trigger and stressing over whether the line gets darker. Playing that out in my head got me through the TWW, and the ignorant bliss of the title ‘pregnant until proven otherwise’.
Easier said than done, I know! And no judgement if you test early - it’s a bloody head wreck and it is so easy for me to say don’t test when it’s not me. Really hoping you get your good news. Xx
8-9 days it usually shows x
Hi! I did test early in my FET, with cheap pregnancy tests as I convinced myself that if they were negative, it was because the test were super cheap. On day 4 ( day 1 being 1 day after the transfer) I "saw" a line in the cheap test ( my husband thought I was imagining it). I ended up doing a clear blue early detection, and it was positive. It was very early. I was cautious but happy. Three days later, I had a bleeding, I've got very upset but for now I'm pregnant (6w 4d). To be honest, I'm still not sure if I would test again so early. I was feeling awful then because i was worried of not getting to the official test day. It's a personal choice what to do. Before the testing day, you never know if it's too early. All the best!
I test early 🖐. After a CP i will always test early. Because i just want to see that line (even if it disappears). Talking about being cruel to oneself but i suppose im tht desperate! Earliest schaduw i got on 5dp5dt xx
Tested earlier and got BFN, was mad 😀and hubby advised that I should be calm and wait until OTD which I did and it came out BFP am 27 weeks and some days already,
Just calm down I know is not easy , but test again, sending you some 🤗🤗🤗🤗
I did it once and never again because it upset me to much I just waited for the official test day and did the blood test , the cycle I got pregnant with twins my first beta was 186 on 9dp5dt a week and 2 days later it was 10,868 so shot up a lot but obv at that point we didn’t know we were having twins.
Wow! Great news. Did my Beta on 11 days past 3 days transfer and the number was 247, still waiting for 6 weeks scan to know if its twin.
I tested everyday. Crazy I know! Basically you get false positives too early because of medication I think. They were pretty faint anyway but started to get lighter each day, then to nothing/negative. I used a supermarket brand. Causes a crazy rollercoaster of emotions.
Then when I tested on the actual day that clinic recommended with clear blue week predictor I got a proper result. Is hard to wait I know xx
You’ll have too much hormones in your body from the injections that you’d likely get a false positive. Probably best to wait until at least 10 days.
i tested on day 7 after a 5 day blastocyst and got my bfp
My clinic recommended to test 9 days post 5 day blastocyst transfer and if negative to test again at day 14...good luck...I was lucky to finally get my positive at 9 days...good luck xx