Testing early...: The age old question... - Fertility Network UK

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Testing early...

TTCs profile image
48 Replies

The age old question of how early u can test lol. I dont plan on testing super early but Im in a dilemma...

We were told to text exactly 2 weeks after ET however this is the day of a family christening. If it turns out to be negative i couldn't cope with going anywhere never mind straight to a christening. Im just thinking ahead to try and minimise pressure.

Of course there is option of not going but i would like to go and I would keep a positive result to ourselves if that was the case! Therefore, i would like to test the day before official test day instead which would be 13 days after 3 day ET. My husband wants to wait the full 14 days.

I read online that HCG levels are high enough for a positive 11 days after a 3day transfer. I wouldnt plan on testing until 13 days past 3 day transfer. I also read that trigger shot should be out of ur system in 14 days. Testing 13 days past 3 day transfer would be 18 days after trigger shot.

What u guys reckon? I want to avoid a false positive. We used Ovitrelle trigger shot. Xx

Thanks in advance xx

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48 Replies

I suspect if you tested early and it was negative, you likely would not want to go to the Christening. In my experience 1 day is not going to fundamentally change emotionally how you deal with a negative result - it takes time.

Also, if it was positive you might worry it was the result of the trigger and if negative you will worry you tested too soon. Essentially testing early is lose lose in my opinion.

I’d suggest either testing on the day of or the day following the Christening. I have always planned testing around other stuff so if we got a negative I had time and space to deal with it. I reckon you should do the same. If the Christening is a must, test later that day or the following day.

Fingers crossed to you both.

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to

Thata great advice, thank you!!! 💗

Dunla profile image
Dunla in reply to TTCs

I think I’d go with this great advice. Even though you’ll be dying to find out, maybe test later that day or the next morning. The tests are meant to be more accurate with your first pee of the day aren’t they?

How is your 2ww going so far? Xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Dunla

Thanks! Yes meant to test first thing. The only thing is the next day i am due back to work and hubby is away super early. I think il test morning of christening and if its negative il make my excuses.

Its going ok, today was first day i havent felt pain walking about so that was good. I managed a 20 mins walk :) hows u? Xz

Dunla profile image
Dunla in reply to TTCs

You’ll know what’s right for you and with any luck you’ll be at the christening with the biggest smile on your face xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Dunla

Thanks lovely here's hoping xx

Daxi16 profile image
Daxi16 in reply to TTCs

Why don’t you keep a sample from that morning and test later when you come home from christening if you can resist? Good luck hun xxx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Daxi16

Thats good idea...food for thought x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to TTCs

Great idea from Daxi16 . I ended up not waiting until my test day but then that faces you with facing the posibility of getting a false negative which I was ok with....however Im not quite so sure how I would have felt with a christening looming! Good luck with what you decide!xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks lovely. Its a tough call! X

SnottyCow profile image
SnottyCow in reply to

Check the half life of your trigger and count forward. It’s unlinked to still be in your system at 11 days past.

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to SnottyCow

Hey SnottyCow...sorry im probably being daft but how do i check half life of trigger? Xx

SnottyCow profile image
SnottyCow in reply to TTCs

You find out by trawling through the info about the drug. The half life is the number of hours it takes for your body to metabolise half the drug.

So I got this from the following link: medicines.ie/medicine/15250...

Scroll down to 5.2....

“Following intravenous administration, choriogonadotropin alfa is distributed to the extracellular fluid space with a distribution half-life of around 4.5 hours. The steady-state volume of distribution and the total clearance are 6 l and 0.2 L/h, respectively. There are no indications that choriogonadotropin alfa is metabolised and excreted differently than endogenous hCG.

Following subcutaneous administration, choriogonadotropin alfa is eliminated from the body with a terminal half-life of about 30 hours, and the absolute bioavailability is about 40%.

A comparative study between the freeze-dried and the liquid formulation showed bioequivalence between the two formulations.”

According to this the half life is 30 hours so if you have 250ui after 30 hours your body would have metabolised 175ui at 60 hours you’d be down to 87.5ui and so on. There would definitely be nothing left by 10-11 days.

Again testing early is amazing when things go your way but when it doesn’t it can be a rollercoaster of grief. I personally feel more in control (of something completely uncontrollable) but others will disagree. Two things, I have no will power and I don’t like the idea of being caught out by a bleed.

Good news finally for me. We had our boy in 2014 through IVF and tried again for 3 years until finally deciding to use a sperm donor as my husband has issues with his sperm. Worked first time and a bit too well...... twins coming in June.

Best of luck again and don’t be afraid to do what makes things easier for you. It’s your body.


TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to SnottyCow

Great thank u thats very helpful! Amazing news re ur success, happy ending! Xxx

I agree with Dunla - it is brutal but I think not waiting leads to more pain / uncertainty.

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to

Thank u 💗 x

I tested both early on both my BFP’s and although I don’t regret it I did worry first time it could be the trigger (although I knew deep down it wasn’t) and second time I was worried it could be a chemical x

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to

Thank you! Bit complicated isnt it! How u doing with ur pregnancy? X

in reply to TTCs

I’m very impatient so would never of waited the time I was supposed to 😬. Pregnancy is going well thank you got another 10 days to go xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to

Haha i am too to be fair 💞 whao 10 days, not long until u meet ur precious baby now xx

in reply to TTCs

Yep 😬 and now getting inpatient again lol xx

E_05 profile image

I also agree with Mogwai and would wait until after the christening if you definitely want to go. I’ve made the mistake of testing and thinking I’d cope with bad news unfortunately it isn’t always that easy. Obviously I’m hoping you get the best result but I think in this situation you need to consider everything, also make sure you use your first wee so if you wait till after the christening do it first thing the next morning. Good luck xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to E_05

Thank you! I dont want to do the following day as hubby has to leave for work super early so wont be there. I think il do it morning of christening and if its negative i wont be going and can make an excuse xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to TTCs

Oh that’s understandable to, If you really want to go to the christening perhaps test the morning before it? I don’t normally test until OTD but your in a tough situation xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to E_05

Thanks lovely...hmm dilemma x

Mrsgled1982 profile image

On my 1st round i tested early think it was 9dp5dt and it was negative then i tested day before otd. I had been bleeding towards the end so in my heart i knew it was over but it didnt really make it any easier seeing it in black and white. I had a family event that day and felt like shit the whole time i was there.

On my 2nd round i tested 2 days before my otd and got a bfp. I couldnt keep it to myself and told my family that it had worked this was short lived because we found out that the baby had no heartbeat at 7 weeks.

Do what you feel right xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Mrsgled1982

Thank you for reply and words of advice. Im so sorry for the losses uv had 💞 this journey can be very cruel xx

Anna00 profile image

I’ve done my transfer on 24th and we were told to test on 4th,less than 2weeks. I read that you can test after day 9 on 5 day transfer and day 11 on 3dat transfer,so guess you should be fine. But if you think you gonna get stress don’t do it as you might get false result. Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Anna00

Oops below is meant to say "u" not "i" re: 3 or 5 day transfer xx

TTCs profile image

Thanks Anna! Did i have a 3 day or 5 day embryo transferred?

I read that too, hard not to google isnt it lol.

How are the symptoms u were experiencing now? Xx

Anna00 profile image
Anna00 in reply to TTCs

I had day 5 transfer. I know I shouldn’t google but I’m on in 24hrs🙈🤦🏻‍♀️ Symptoms still the same and I have a little heart attack each time I go to toilet. Don’t know what the hell is that pain if it’s the period it better to come as I’m so tired of pain and stress, it’s near a day that I have pain non stop.hope you’re ok xx

TTCs profile image

Its understandable to be worried! It could very well be early pregnancy symptoms, fingers crossed! If it helps u feel btr i have no symtoms and its also confusing, what does this mean?! Lol. I guess there's nothing else for it but to wait and find out xx

SnottyCow profile image

I test from 10 days past. For all of my pregnancies I’ve had an extremely faint line on day 10 which gets stronger day 11. I usually test with a strip all of the first week because I find seeing the line get stronger each day reassuring. I then test weekly for the next 2 weeks with a digital test which again gives me reassurance when it goes from 2 -3 week to 3 weeks +. After that there’s not much point in testing because you won’t see the levels on any test but by then you’ve only got a few weeks to wait for your 7 week scan.

Everyone’s different. It drives my husband mad especially when it fails and I’m in bits at 10 to 12 days....... I’ve had a few chemical pregnancies too which is heartbreaking to see the line start to fade again. It’s my body though and I didn’t want to be in work or something and just start to bleed with no warning.

Good luck and do what makes it easier for you, it’s so easy for husbands to say just wait.

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to SnottyCow

Thank you for ur reply, very helpful! Sounds like uv got testing sussed!! 😘 how r things going for u now?


Sorry I can't answer your question but just wanted to say I have everything crossed for a positive result for you xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to

Thanks lovely xx

Lynnr54 profile image

I found the same info as your hubby when I wanted to know.


So I would say 13dp3dt is fine. Good luck!

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Lynnr54

Thanks so much 😘

Personally if I were in this situation I would wait until the day after the christening or the day of but once I got home if I'd held long enough. If you test the day before then you'll likely still feel how you think you will if you test on the day and it's negative.

Fingers crossed it's a lovely positive for you

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to cupcakesparkles83

Thanks lovely x

I understand totally as I have a similar situation, as my test day (9dp5dt) is on my 40th Birthday - dealing with a big Birthday and my test on the same day - gulp! When I told the clinic this they gave us the option to book in the day after instead, but I knew I would simply spend my whole birthday worrying anyway, so thought that was pointless.

I had pretty much written off celebrating my Birthday on the day anyhow - as I knew it would fall during the 2WW (though I didn't know it would be the test day). Plus, it seems kind of fitting as we had a race against time to get our NHS IVF cycle before I hit 40 - so the fact that the pivotal moment of the process is on my birthday feels right in some way. Wishing you lots of luck for your test day, whenever you decide to do it xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to

Ah i think ur right in some ways the timing is great, hopefully ul get the best birthday present everrr!! R u going to test om ur actual birthday then?

9dp5dt is 14 days from conception. I was planning on testing 13dp3dt which is 16 days from conception so im assuming that be ok then if ur clinic has told u 9dp5dt? X

in reply to TTCs

I will be testing on my birthday, yes. You're right, it would be THE best present ever to get a BFP! Re your test day, as this is my first round and we did a 5dt, I don't know a lot about 3dt's and whether the rules for the testing day are slightly different. Can you call your clinic to check? x

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to

Absolutely! Best gift ever!! I could call them but im pretty sure theyll say stick to test day! Im pretty sure u can jus add the days past transfer to the age of the embryo ie. 3 or 5 days to get the total. Hope thats right lol xx

in reply to TTCs

I hope you get your BFP, whichever day you decide to test :). It may be worth asking the clinic anyway - you could explain the situation to them? xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to

Thanks lovely x

I would not test till OTD as I just wouldn’t trust the result. You can always collect your FMU and do the test when you get home from the christening,

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Thanks 😘 xx

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