So today I had a video call with a Nurse to discuss dates for my next cycle. We will start from my next period... around 19/07. No norethisterone this time,they are going to do it naturally due to so many people waiting. Their date for starting egg recovery is 03/08 so figure my timings will be fine. Excited but extremely anxious as this is absolutely our last shot at this using my own eggs as at 44 well we have to draw the line somewhere. So relieved to get new plan in place but sad my partner cannot accompany me to any appointments, not even the transfer 🙈🙁. However I realise due to the strict covid guidelines we just have to roll with it. 🤞🏼
Here we go again : So today I had a... - Fertility Network UK
Here we go again

sending you lots of baby dust! I hope not works for you! I am also in the unlucky pack of older women. Which protocol are you following? Xx
Thank you & sending baby dust to you too 🙏🏻 Am on a flare /ultra short protocol using Gonal f for Stimming. I had a very poor response previously to Menopur but always seems to be good (for my age) with gonal f so 🤞🏼
This is absolutely our last go at this for a sibling for my 4 year old miracle. Since then the journey has been extremely tough. I now know my chances would’ve been much better going for DE however this was never something my clinic every discussed with me. When I recently enquired I was told 42 is the cut off point with them for DE. Feel bit gutted but hoping my own eggs work miracles this time x
There are lots of clinics that would do donor eggs after 45 I believe. I think that they try to restrict own eggs but not DE.
Yes our only option after this would be to try another clinic and do the DE route. However after 6 years we feel this is the end of the road for us. My ovarian reserves good for my age so this is why they never suggested DE. Most cycles I have at least 5 eggs with 2 -3 good quality for transfer. So here’s hoping another year older hasn’t made too much difference x
I never heard of the ultra short protocol. How does it work? How often are the injections and what are the quantities? Is that for a shorter period than t short protocol? Xx
I have been on it for last 2 fresh cycles and one worked (miscarried). Apparently it’s the strongest protocol my clinic offer for my age. I start with buserilin (meant help quality) then Stimming injections 300iu gonal f for approx 9 days or longer/shorter depending on how I respond x
Have you started your treatment ?
I did 2 cycles of mild IVF but the results were very poor as I only managed to get 1 egg fertilised put of this. How long do you take the buserelin for? Xx
I had it last 2 cycles for 3 days started just after baseline scan. I hope this helps & you can perhaps ask if you are on the strongest protocol for your needs. What Stimming drugs have you been on previously ? In my case I had a failed cycle due to Menopur, had much better results from Gonal f x
Mine was also the equivalent of menopur (another brand). I think that the difference between gonal f and menopur is that menopur also includes LH
Yes some women respond better to Menopur or similar brand some better to gonal f. What I found was my one cycle with Menopur I had the poorest response. Didn’t even make it to transfer as the one egg that fertilised was not viable. Going forward I instigated on gonal f and my following cycle proved I respond better as had 5 eggs collected compared to 1 ! I put in big complained and managed to get a replacement cycle so this is our last go as free. Otherwise couldn’t afford another x
Just wanted to wish you luck for your up coming cycle!!xx
Thank you, hope you are well, will you be trying again soon ? I was pleased to see you have plenty blastos awaiting 🙏🏻🤞🏼
We were/are hoping to try again end of July/beg Aug however as we are doing this abroad we need travel to open up again so keeping our fingers crossed meantime. Cant say Im looking forward to it but need ot get on and get some closure one way or another.xx
Just wanted to wish you good luck with this cycle x 🤞🍀
Oh, back on the rollercoaster again! Crossing my fingers it’ll work out for you this time, you so deserve it! I’ll be joining you (hopefully) at the start of my period early August, gunning for a natural FET for a sibling... 🍀 🤞🏻 🍀
Thank you so much, 6th time lucky 😘😂 surely !!!
So sorry to read you have had no luck with your FETs. This IVF really is a bloody Lottery, it’s just as hard I feel trying for that second miracle as you just want it done & be able to move on.
Have you ever tried a double transfer ? I just wondered as I have only ever had success from double transfers.
Hoping 2020 turns out to be a great year after all for us both 🙏🏻🤞🏼
Fingers crossed for sixth time lucky!
I haven’t tried a double transfer. They won’t do them here... my own gut feel, for what it’s worth, is that the drugs for FET for me are just not quite right. My first transfer from second fresh cycle hit the jackpot and all these four FETs have been super high quality blasts from the same batch. We’re finally going to change things up (reluctantly for my clinic) by going natural. Because of my cysts, they’ll struggle timing that transfer as cysts are always the size of a follicle about to ovulate and they don’t believe in OPK accuracy... the only other thing they offered me was a lap to check all ok inside and maybe remove my remaining tube as they’ve wondered if it sometimes has some liquid in. I’ve thanked them for the opportunity. Just too much fiddling with my body when they aren’t even sure it’s worth doing!