So in March we were due to fly to Prague.. Both myself and donor started our medication... In fact only 2 hrs after my first injection the clinic called to say the country was in lock down and I was to stop all medication as they couldn't confirm when I could travel. The following week irish flights were also shut down. So hubby never got to Prague to give his sperm.... Clinic continued with donors medication (which I was unaware of but I appreciate she was taking a lot more drugs than me so it may have been more difficult to stop her cycle) anyway we received 12 eggs.. Which they had to freeze.
For me this changes everything. We planned on using fresh eggs - fresh sperm, fresh embryo for 1st transfer... and freezing any embryos that remained. The clinic originally offered a guarantee of 8 eggs and 2 embryos... So at least we had the guarantee that a transfer would happen.. I have questioned the clinic asking about their experience of defrosting eggs as I have read only 50% may survive the thawing process... So we may only end up with 6eggs if we r lucky.. They have kinda shrugged me off not answering the question directly when I ask about the contracted guarantee.. They say nothing has changed that they stand over their offer.. But to me our chances have been halved..
Feel like it's just another thing taken outta my control... I feel like pulling the plug on everything but the day they cancelled my cycle they sent me a bill for €3000 for the donors side of things which I paid straight away without stupidity asking any questions first.
I started a new job just last week and it's very male dominated so I really don't fancy having to tell the manager all this... We r hoping to travel again in late August-Sept.... My partners been out of work cos of covid so he can only go for a day or 2.. And I will have to stay on for the week by myself awaiting news on how many embryos made it to day 5 (if any)... Its not want we want.. To be on other side of the world from each other for what mayb our only chance to have a family... On top of that.. this stupid 2 week isolation that's been imposed on people when they arrive back in Ireland means am actually having to ask for 3 weeks off work.. Am stressed to the max at the min I just can't see anything working
Sorry for rant! I feel like am sinking with a low mood at min!