Anyone worked with (reproductive) end... - Fertility Network UK

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Anyone worked with (reproductive) endocrinologist?

33 Replies

Hi everyone.

I hope you are having a better day i know we all had a few rough days due to all the wating and cancellations.

After a few bad days im on it again! 💥

Im in the process to get a referral to a private endocrinologist and was wondering if any of you worked with one. Would love to see some journeys xxx

33 Replies
OlsonM profile image

I asked my go to refer me a few years back but she wasn’t keen and I never really thought much of it. Be interesting to see the replies x

in reply to OlsonM

Hi!! I have a gp appointment next week to ask for it. Im hoping/ guessing if i go private i the gp wont be difficult. X

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to

Yeah definitely! Can I ask what your hoping to get from it?x

hifer profile image

I haven’t but am very interested in the responses as I’ve thought about this too. Xx

in reply to hifer

Usually i read about ivf patients in USA working with endocrinologist and haven’t heard anything here on this platform.

I wonder if the girls struggling with hormonal imbalances/ PCOS/ thyroid etc ever see one in the UK as they are specialising in these areas.

Ivf2020A profile image
Ivf2020A in reply to

Iv never heard of this what do they do? I have pcos bt havent started ivf yet x

in reply to Ivf2020A

Googling this is what i got. Maybe the consultants we see are RE’s but how often do we speak to them really? I maybe had a handful of blood tests in 3 years saying i am normal but thinking to go deeper.


Reproductive endocrinology is a branch of medicine that treats infertility caused by hormonal dysfunction. ... Reproductive endocrinologist identifies factors involved in male and female infertility and recommends appropriate methods of treatment.

Ivf2020A profile image
Ivf2020A in reply to

Thank you for that i will look into it further maybe this will help me x

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to

I have an under active thyroid and my GP worked with an endocrinologist to get advice about how to treat me when I got pregnant recently so it does happen. I was insistent with my GP though as I thought my first miscarriage was down to thyroid issues. I don’t think I’m right though as my second miscarriage was exactly the same as my first but we actively managed my thyroid this time round!

in reply to hifer

I really was hoping that was your round hifer 😢 my problem is that i dont get pregnant and irregular even though they say my hormones are normal. I dont believe it! My first gp had the audacity to take me off my levo after 3 months and said you are fine now. Ofcourse im fine because u gave me meds. 🤦‍♀️ this gp i dont know but did a few blood tests last one was 2.9. I have all the symptoms of hypothyroid except for weight. I just want someone to explain to me what is wrong and if my hormones are normall why all the symptoms and infertility 😭

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to

God I feel for you so much. Sadly once you start taking levothyroxine you will prob need to take it for the rest of your life. If you come off it then your TSH levels will increase again and you ideally need the levels under 2.5 for fertility. I would see another GP at your clinic if you can. X

Vivi85 profile image

I think Obs/Gynae Drs can investigate most issues (female) and prescribe hormone therapies such as letrozole. I think thyroid issues get referred to endocrinolgist who can remove any lumps and bumps and get started on drug therapies. The world of medicine is fascinating!!!

in reply to Vivi85

It is isnt it!! Gps give medication all the time for thyroid but wonder whether they have the full picture xx

mary77777 profile image

Hi. I’m from Romania. The private clinic fertility doctor sent me to the regular endocrinologist for some initial investigations. I have some issues, but tsh was within regular limits (close to upper limit), so no treatment was prescribed. Further interpretation was done by the fertility endocrinologist at the private clinic. She prescribed minimum dose meds to bring tsh under the desired limit for fertility treatments (2.5). It worked well and I had no issues, including during pregnancy (continued treatment). Xx

in reply to mary77777

Im so happy it worked for you Mary. I remember your comment on my thyroid question. So happy it all went well for you. I think however that all the hormones interact with each other and being on levo hasnt helped me yet so need further examination x

BettyBe profile image

Hi Mimisami,

We worked with an endocrinologist to get my partners sperm sorted out. We were happy as it worked and we have a boy now. It was private and very expensive but worth it in the end.

The consultations, blood tests and medication were a lot but we had to as NHS would not prescribe the drugs we needed. Our ivf clinic referred us as it was a more specialist area. We’re in London, I can DM the names of 2 highly reputable and well known endocrinologists if you want and you can look them up? 🌺

in reply to BettyBe

Thanks Betty and im soo happy it worked for you. I think (and this is just me guessing as im unexplained) that something is ‘wrong’ with me as i am not regular. This month again im on day 36 and its just nerve wrecking being ‘late’ and doing a tests and staring at a blank test. I just want someone to do further tests into my hormones and hopefully at least point out why im irregular x ur story gives hope thanks for sharing xx

BettyBe profile image
BettyBe in reply to

You’re very welcome. I’m guessing you’ve seen your gp already and done all the bloods which came out fine...?

The parameters of blood tests are usually quite broad so might be worth looking into further for personal peace of mind. Good luck 🌺 xx

in reply to BettyBe

Exactly this.. they did thyroid test was 2.9. It took me 75 mg to take it from 5.3 to 2.9 and symptoms still there. Found a endocrinologist in my area that does both thyroid and reproductive so i hope i get a referral x

BettyBe profile image
BettyBe in reply to

Hope it goes well for you, you’re the best one to tell if something isn’t quite right 🌺 xx

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to BettyBe

Hi there and sorry to barge in but I’d love the names of your endocrinologists please. I have been thinking of getting private advice too. Thank you xx

ancde profile image

I see an endocrinologist because of high levels of prolactin which left untreated stops ovulation. In pregnancy they need to monitor blood to check prolactin levels. I have a micro pituitary tumor. Which can effect fertility.

in reply to ancde

Thanks love for sharing. Im so sorry and i hope you are happy with your treatment so far. If you dont mind me asking, who diagnosed you, that is your prolactin being high. X i ask because only thing i have heard after blood tests is that i was Fine and thyroid being somewhat low. But i dont think i feel fine. Xx

ancde profile image

Endocrine consultant after 16 months of no period and gp discussion but once the consultant got involved I was given tablets to lower prolactin levels and it helped enormously. I ensure something could be fine for low thyroid too. X

in reply to ancde

Aw that sounds hopefull. I hope you uave seen the benefits of it xxxx

ancde profile image
ancde in reply to

Thank you xxx

Flona profile image

I wanted to start fertility so my gp sent me for bloods and my prolactin returned high so she referred me to a endo/reproductive Dr we first went public and she placed me on metformin to reduce my prolactin and help me ovulate she sent my husband for sperm tests and helped us so much! I was over weight and the metformin helped with that issue too! Once I was down to a weight she was happy with she started me on letzrole and we conceived on our first round! She sent me for scans to see the baby at 6&7 weeks to ensure all was ok it was amazing! She even referred me to a OBGYN and even she didn’t send me a scan until I much further along! Eventually We wanted to try again for a family so we then started to see her Privately and she referred us for IVF as it was taking too long. She was the best thing that happened to us!

This sounds so hopefull!! So glad you are experiencing motherhood.

My clinic only identified low thyroid issue which was missed before when i was put on clomid for 6 rounds. 😭 i dont want to sound awful but im getting bloody tiered of it and just want one consultant to do some thorough checks x

Chel91 profile image

Hi, I see one and I was diagnosed with PCOS and put on metformin. I'm still undergoing IVF as that alone hasn't helped yet, but I was glad to have a better understanding and diagnosis from an expert as I'm not a usual case of PCOS. Best of luck to you xx

Ivf2020A profile image
Ivf2020A in reply to Chel91

May i ask about your pcos? I have it too bt have never been prescribed anything for it ever- do i need to be on something?

Chel91 profile image
Chel91 in reply to Ivf2020A

Don't be afraid to ask your Doctor if Metformin might help you. I had my blood glucose etc levels checked to see if I have insulin resistance xx

Ivf2020A profile image
Ivf2020A in reply to Chel91

Iv been to a hell of a lot of gps in my day and not one has suggested taking anything, bt im thinkin maybe my levels are ok ? Bt im really not sure. Il have to look into it when i can get normal access to a gp

in reply to Chel91

Thanks Chel! Hope its your time soon.

Yes i would love a diagnosis if my problem is hormonal which i think plays such a big role (thyroid, cysts going and coming). Xx

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