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** sensitive post** how to come with pregnacy sympoms

JessJ25 profile image
13 Replies


Firstly let me say this pregnacy is my first pregnacy and was concieved through IVF (third go) after the struggle ive had to get to where i am (13+2 weeks) i really thought i would never ever moan about a pregnacy symptom i mean its alls ive long for for years.

However i am really really struggling at the moment since 5/6weeks i have constant nausea from the minute i wake up to the second i go to sleep, the fatigue is so bad i have been unable to work for 5 weeks now, i am going to sleep for example 9pm waking up at 11am getting up eat breakfast maybe do the dishes clean round for half an hour and i will then have to sleep all afternoon because im so drained, for 8 weeks now i feel isolated i cant leave the house im mainly sleeping my days away and when im not asleep im vommiting or borking, im into my second trimester now and i feel no improvement, im worried im going to lose my job they are expecting me back thursday and i cant see me coping.

It feels like the people around me just think im over reacting as nobody i know has experinced this in their pregnacys i also feel like im being really ungreatful moaning because this is alls ive ever wanted, but how do you enjoy something when your feel like you are on deaths door 24/7

Has anybody experienced similar and found anyway of feeling better?

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13 Replies
JessJ25 profile image


Lovefood1984 profile image

Hi Jf25cj, I can totally sympathise, my nausea (bed inducing) started at 4 weeks 1 day....I really thought I had a sickness bug at first 😂 how wrong I was. Have you been to your GP? I couldn’t go into work, just having to go to the GP surgery felt overwhelming however a lovely GP put me on medication for the nausea (only been sick 4 times though) as I couldn’t eat or drink enough and it was enough for me to function (albeit still feeling ‘off’) and I haven’t needed to be off work since. The nausea got better by about week 16 and I weaned off the tablets but by 20 weeks I was back on a low dose as I went downhill and appetite was going again. GP was ok with this. I’m still on a low dose now at almost 36 weeks and I still don’t feel ‘normal’ but I can function. They’ve just recently approved a drug for use in pregnancy too so they may be more likely to help you now (I’m not on that one but the risk vs not eating properly etc was worth it to the GP) Like you I feel bad for moaning given how long it’s taken to get here and I’m just so pleased baby seems ok but I have to admit pregnancy really isn’t much fun and it’s ok to feel like that. Can’t help with the tiredness bit but perhaps this is related to not being able to eat properly? Baby will take what it needs first and leave you without so if you can get help with the nausea that side might improve too and allow you to work x

Yeah a trip to the dr may be needed you can get sickness tablets. You maybe low in iron aswel if your feeling really tired 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Are you on any progesterone supplements? the progesterone can make you feel exhausted - I was zonked on the injections. All the midwives I spoke to and several of my friends said that the tiredness was pretty typical for 1st trimester even without extra progesterone. The good news is that it does tend to pass in the second trimester. Take it easy and have naps when you can and get your OH to help with housework. I changed my whole cooking style.

Go to your GP about your sickness for help.

You might also find the NCT group on the site here useful for more tips.

forMoira profile image

I was also totally exhausted and sleeping a lot of the day in the first 12 weeks. It is interesting to see Zoe say that the progesterone tablets make it worse. I hadn't thought of that. I couldn't work out how other pregnant women managed to work and was also worried that if the sleepiness didn't go away I would struggle with caring for a child. It has gotten better for me after 13 weeks and I feel fairly normal now, but I believe it might come back again in the third trimester. I just tried to be kind to myself and allow myself to sleep. If I was feeling low from sleeping so much, I reminded myself that it would pass. Everything changes. Congratulations! Browsing maternity jeans and buying some maternity clothes helped me to get my head around it all.

Mantaray75 profile image

I felt totally awful from week 6 until about a week ago (I'm now 14+4). I felt sick all the time including when I woke in the night. I still have odd moments of nausea and get tired but I feel a million times better than I did. I think symptoms started to go shortly after stopping the pessaries.

I too have felt guilty for not enjoying this pregnancy when I've wanted it for so long but I'd forgotten what it was like to feel normal. I'm still very anxious and struggling with people at work congratulating me as it feels weird (I went public at work this week).

Hopefully your symptoms will get better soon.


Hewston profile image

Hi i can totally relate to this im currently only 6 weeks but nausea, tiredness and occassional sickness started at week 4. Tried all the natural remedies as im am so tired and sick all day everyday. What has surpressed it for me is making myself eat something small every 2/3 hours. I know its the last thing u feel like doing but this seems to be working for me and helps with the tiredness. Will not make it go away but is manageable so i dont have to take time off work. Give it a go x

It’s awful. I’m now 31 weeks. I really struggled in the first and second trimester and said pregnancy was the hardest thing I had ever done. It made it harder feeling that I wasn’t allowed to moan as I’m so desperate for a baby- even my husband didn’t understand how bad I felt. I was nauseous until 23 weeks and then went for pregnancy reflexology. No idea if it was the cause but a day and a half later the nausea stopped. I’ve been since to help with acid reflux and again, a day and a half later I was no longer needing gaviscon.

Regarding sleep you just have to try to get as much of it as you can. Sack off housework, ironing etc, anything that doesn’t have to be done now. Eat whatever you can keep down and is easy (I lived on porridge, toast and frozen mashed potato) and keep your energy for work. I went to work, came home, ate, went to bed. That was my life for weeks. With additional naps at weekends. Being hungry or tired made the nausea worse.

It does end, I promise. And it helped me to realise that most pregnant women I speak to actually say that they don’t really enjoy being pregnant. It’s not the magical experience it can be made out to be, but it will all be worth it.

Coqa profile image

Did you spoke with the GP? I was feeling awful from week 6 because vomiting takes a lot of your energy away and the GP gave me fist cyclizine for two weeks, then I took a stronger one (I can’t remember the name) then nausea feeling reduced and I felt better but after some weeks I come back again and I started again with cyclizine. I was basically eating just bread and pasta (whole grain). Then at around week 19-20 I started to feel much better. But the medication really help me to feel normal and be able to work and function. You may have hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) so you need to be checked by the GP. Also as someone else said the progesterone pesaries could create more nausea. I’m in week 26 now and happy that I’m finally enjoying being pregnant! It is tough road but think about your little one and try to stay positive. If you need advice on pregnancy I would recommend to join Babycentre.co.uk where there are a lot of mums that provides good advice.

Hope you feel better soon!!!

Elynn profile image

You poor thing. I think you should book in to see your midwife or GP.

Until then have you tried natural remedies..making tea from fresh ginger. Lemon water. Salty crackers. Keep hydrated. Sip drinks all the time rather than drink by the glass. Another tip l heard of is when feel nauseous plant your feet on a hard surface. So if u r lying down push against sofa arm or headboard. It works for astronauts 😀 Hope you feel better soon.


AJJ123 profile image

Mine stopped around 15 weeks, I went to work and spent most of the morning running up and down to the loo.

There is a new anti sickness drug that I read about the other day it’s called Xoneva and has recently been licensed in the uk.

Have a chat with your GP xx

Autumnmoon profile image

I'm sorry you feel so awful and hope you soon feel better you still have every right to moan as you wanted to be pregnant for the baby not the symptoms that make you feel miserable ! The middle part of pregnancy is usually a lot better so really hoping that will happen for you meanwhile take it as easy as possible x

hifer profile image

You've had lots of great advice on here already but for what it's worth I would second a trip to the doctor. They should be able to help you with something to ease the sickness. Also, as has been mentioned, I think an empty stomach can also cause sickness, ironically enough. Although you probably don't feel like eating, sometimes it can help. What you eat is up to you, but I would suggest something plain like crackers, bread etc to start with. I feel for you. Good luck x

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