Feeling sad and disappointed 😔 - Fertility Network UK

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Feeling sad and disappointed 😔

OlsonM profile image
26 Replies

Has anyone with pre existing health problems spoken to their clinics?? Listened in on a webinar for a clinic and they said about delaying people’s treatment if there are underlying/pre existing health conditions. This makes me really sad as I’m in this “bracket”. Just when I thought things were starting to move forward

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OlsonM profile image
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26 Replies
Italy300618 profile image

I'm sorry to hear this. Has your clinic confirmed that they would also be doing it? It may be that it's only that particular clinic or something? I think it would be very unfair, especially with the safety procedures they are having to put in place and also the covid testing you can have if you feeling ant symptoms anyway. I'm sorry to know you're feeling sad, really hope it's not the case for you. Did you hear off your clinic in the end or not yet? Xxx

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to Italy300618

Thanks. No not heard off them (shocker)! This was another clinic I was considering if we do switch.

I get it - it’s higher risk for complications but it just feels really unfair. Not something I’ve heard mentioned at all let alone thought about!! Xxx

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply to OlsonM

I've not heard of it either. Hopefully it wont be the case for the clinic you are with at the moment. Do hope they hurry up and get in touch soon 🤞 xx

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to Italy300618


KiboXX profile image

I’m so sorry to see this. Did they explain why?x

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to KiboXX

Seems to be the higher risk of complications but they didn’t really go into it. Just that it was based on the health England advice xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to OlsonM

Ah ok, I wondered if it was they were worried about putting you at risk if it’s a big clinic with a bigger footfall. It might not be every clinic that takes this approach so try not to worry too much until you know for sure x

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to KiboXX


Ivf2020A profile image

How can this be right , most ppl have an underlying condition if they have chosen to go down ivf route , does this mean ppl with pcos wont be treated ?

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to Ivf2020A

They didn’t seem to mention things like endo or PCOS. More diabetes etc. Diabetes isn’t my issue but that what got them on to underlying health conditions x

Ivf2020A profile image
Ivf2020A in reply to OlsonM

This does not sound right at all , normal ppl are not advised not to get pregnant if they have these conditions, its just not right- this community has been messed around enough as it is

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to Ivf2020A


Ivf2020A profile image
Ivf2020A in reply to OlsonM

Have you spoken to them directly?

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to Ivf2020A

No - I’m worried I will get too upset on the phone. A lady below has responded saying her clinic have put something on their website about pre existing conditions so I need to check that again x

Ivf2020A profile image
Ivf2020A in reply to OlsonM

I can understand x

Kelz2020 profile image

I have a neurological condition which is pre-existing. It wasn’t even questioned. It was noted down of course and now I’m pregnant will need to be under a consultant but there was no issues. I even declared it (obvs) for my ivf nhs funding referral.

Sounds like a form of discrimination to me and wouldn’t make me feel comfortable starting with that clinic. I’d seek a second opinion as this doesn’t sound right at all!

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to Kelz2020

Mine is also part neurological. Angry as I am that it was mentioned, I do understand why it’s being said as obv Covid is affecting people more with underlying health conditions. But if they are slowing clinics to open then surely everyone should be included. They kept treatment going for those with health issues that meant their fertility would be affected- so so confusing x

Bunnywoo profile image

I'm in this boat too, and reckon I feel exactly as you feel.

I have not heard from the clinic directly yet, but on their website they may not treat ladies with diabetes, high blood pressure or those on immuno supressant medication. I take a low dose immuno suppressant for a chronic condition.

I feel numb to be honest. I feel like I may never get the opportunity for a FET.

I JUST missed out on my first ever FET by a day after a few false starts (no embryos on first round, then delayed second round due to a polyp). I was due to start treatment the day the clinics announced they were stopping treatment. If my period had come a day earlier, I would have started started my treatment and they would have finished the cycle.

I totally understand why the clinic has made this decision though. But I still can't help feeling so disappointed. And yes it is true I am more likely going to pick up Covid19 going to the supermarket, but they don't want that risk. I'm not chasing the clinic as I think I will just cry down the phone to them.

It's so disappointing :(:(:(

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to Bunnywoo

Exactly how I feel - I’m putting off calling them because I just don’t want to be told no! When is the risk ever going to go if we don’t get a vaccine?

I’m so sorry how your cycle worked out - mine wasn’t that close, I was due to start end of April so it wasn’t as immediate as yours


Bunnywoo profile image
Bunnywoo in reply to OlsonM

Big hugs, it is so crap. I now not only feel envious of all of the pregnant people and new mums surrounding me, I now feel even more sorry for myself that others can continue their IVF journeys yet some of us have to wait. (which again feels horrible because I know so many of us have had crappy journeys and deserve to have some good news, I feel like a right b*tch feel sorry for myself)

But I understand why the clinics have done it. And it would be with our safety in mind. But omg. I think it's ok that we feel frustrated. It's anger at the situation.

Fingers crossed our clinics call us and say we can continue xx

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to Bunnywoo

I’ve just checked their website and it doesn’t mention anything about it but their phone lines don’t open until the 18th and they are asking people to avoid calling as it will be really busy x

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to Bunnywoo

And agree with what your saying completely about some of us having to wait over us and it does feel very unfair. Also agree that they are likely doing it for the right reasons but doesn’t make you feel any better when you know of any of us got pregnant naturally no one would say sorry you can’t have this baby x

ttcemmie profile image

Sorry to hear this. We are already a community that has enough struggles. Feels like constant kicking us when we're down. Hope you can work something out with your clinic. xxxx

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to ttcemmie

Thanks - it really is sad. Was really starting to think it might be soon but concerned as I can’t ask the clinic til Monday. Just checked their website and it says their phone lines will be extremely busy x

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to OlsonM

Mine has their phones turned off! Sigh. The general public is probably going to think all IVF clinics are open now. Some people I know thought it was too soon when it was announced 2 (?) weeks ago. But it's not like we were all getting treatment two weeks ago! Might not be getting treatment for months still. Hope you get a plan soon. (me too). x

OlsonM profile image
OlsonM in reply to ttcemmie

Oh no that’s not nice! I feel like contact from clinics would mean so much right now x

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