Is this normal? Sorry for graphic ima... - Fertility Network UK

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Is this normal? Sorry for graphic image!

Ropa19 profile image
10 Replies

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Sorry for the image but I’m worried that this isn’t normal? I’m 7 weeks pregnant and just had this when I went to the toilet. I don’t have it all the time, it just seems to be when I have discharge (TMI SORRY) and this is the most I have had, is it normal? Ive has some cramps but nothing too bad just a few sharp twinges.

I’ve got an appointment with the midwife tomorrow morning for bloods so will ask her then but just looking for some reassurance or is this something I need to speak to her about today?

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Ropa19 profile image
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10 Replies
TheSeal profile image

Hi dear, well I only tell you based on my experience, please don't worry too much and don't get panicked. Spotting is normal in early pregnancy and brown discharge means old blood comes out which i was told being normal and to not worry about it. As long as it's not red blood, it should be ok, however....

Having said that, however, my miscarriage started like this :( brown discharge at around 8 weeks.

Again, don't panic, spotting and discharging brown stuff I think it's normal in early pregnancy. My midwife and Dr. said it's normal, however, if it continues i would get checked, as again, my miscarriage started exactly like this.

Good luck and finger crossed for you!

Cmc2020 profile image

Hello 💕I agree with the other comment it could be ok or go the other way lots of people have it but with my experience anytime I have had it hasn’t been good for me just keep an eye on it and say to the midwife they might get you an early scan I wish u the best of luck and I know it’s hard try not to panic remember loads of people have it and it’s fine 🤞🤞🤞xx

Kelz2020 profile image


I had this 8.5 weeks and it lasted less than a day with period type pains. It never got darker and never went red or heavy. I had a 10 week Private scan two days ago and all was fine.

My midwife said it can be old blood. Strangely when mine occurred it turns out if I wasn’t pregnant I would have been on my period. Not sure there was any correlation.

Unless you filling a pad with red blood EPU won’t entertain you during Covid and understandably so. I just monitored mine and thankfully it just went.

Mild period type pains on and off can be your uterus stretching and Things down there moving etc. Try not to Panic.

Have your clinic done your early viability scan? X

Sorax profile image

As everyone else says I wouldn’t worry I had the same when I was wiping keep your eye on it and if it does turn red and you start bleeding call your midwife. Probably just old blood xxx

Solly-44 profile image

I had this on and off between 7-10 weeks and everything was ok. I won’t tell you not to panic because I know it’s impossible 🙈 but hopefully that will reassure you a little bit.

I rang my clinic several times and they were never worried enough to bring me in for a scan or anything. 🤞🤞🤞hoping everything is fine xx

Ropa19 profile image

Thanks for your replies everyone. I have a scan next Wednesday if I can wait that long so will just take it easy and see how things go! X

I've had similar once or twice and all fine here. As long as it's not red you should be ok. Mention to your midwife tomorrow xx

Abbywithag profile image

I also had this around 8 weeks xxx

Chowlady14 profile image

I’m 9wks pregnant and had this every day almost since 4wks. I did loose 1 twin confirmed by ultrasound early on but scan last wk showed everything was ok. I’m still very nervous though so I’m sure you are too. I’ve been told not to worry unless becomes bright red accompanied by cramps. Are you using progesterone pesseries? Also a lot of ladies report these cause irritation and spotting xx

Ropa19 profile image
Ropa19 in reply to Chowlady14

Congratulations and I’m also sorry about the loss of one of your twins. It’s hard to keep positive at times but suppose stressing won’t help us either but so easy for the negative thoughts to take over. Seen my midwife this morning and showed her the photo and she said she didn’t think it was anything to worry about so just praying she’s right 🤞🤞🤞 x

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