Update I got a letter from the clinic... - Fertility Network UK

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Update I got a letter from the clinic this morning.

29 Replies

Hi hope everyone is doing well and coping with this lock down.

I got a letter today from the fertility clinic saying that it would be wise to use HRT for frozen embryo cycle and use luteal support of both cyclogest and lubion.

Has anyone got pregnant using this protocol with a 5ab embryo?? Xx

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29 Replies
Lilly12255 profile image

Hi, I haven’t had a transfer yet but my clinic mentioned lubion too. Are you doing a transfer at the moment?

in reply to Lilly12255

No not had transfer as of yet... But it's a plan in place that I received today from my clinic.

KiboXX profile image

Hi Eram,

This is exactly the same protocol I used for my frozen transfer 😊

I had Progynova (HRT) three times a day, cyclogest morning and evening and a shot of lubion once a day.

I can’t tell you what grade my embryo was as my clinic don’t tell you that but it was PGS tested and my cycle was successful so far xx

in reply to KiboXX

Hey i might be asking a dumb question but is progynova hrt so I will be on progynova?? Its just it says hrt if that makes sense. 🤦 Xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to

Not dumb at all! Progynova is just a brand of HRT so you might get that or a different brand but it won’t make any difference xx

in reply to KiboXX

Oh ok.... So how much did all the meds cost u? Xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to

The HRT and cyclogest aren’t expensive at all but the Lubion is unfortunately. Thinks it cost me around £70 a week based on one dose a day. I was on all of these until 12 weeks x

Nikkinikkit profile image

Hi, one of my embryos I got transferred in my double fet was a 5ab and also on cyclogest morning and night and also 3x hrt, Which turned out positive. I’ve had a few bleeds which made me think I had a miscarriage a few weeks ago but I still feel pregnant and still testing positive on tests. I think I’ve maybe lost one but one is hanging on in there 🙏🏻 Got my viability scan on Monday so I’m praying all ok 🤞🏻 If I am still pregnant I’ll be roughly 7 and a half weeks according to clinic xxx

in reply to Nikkinikkit

Aww good luck I really hope it goes well. Have you had previous transfers before? Xx

Nikkinikkit profile image
Nikkinikkit in reply to

Hi yes I’ve had 3 fresh transfers from previous 3 full icsi cycles and this time is our first FET with our last 2 embryos from 3rd icsi, we’ve got no more embryos so this is our last try. Praying it’s all ok 🤞🏻Xxx

in reply to Nikkinikkit

What were you on before this frozen transfer? Oh I hope it does 🤞🤞 xxx

Nikkinikkit profile image
Nikkinikkit in reply to

Do you mean for starting the transfer? I had a burselin injection then nasal spray and the hrt tablets then pessaries, still on hrt and pessaries until 12 weeks if I am infact still pregnant on Monday. I’ll need to look out my treatment card for the right name of the drugs but it took about 6 weeks from injection to transfer xxx

in reply to Nikkinikkit

Yea for the fresh transfer. Oh ok what was the nasal spray for and tablets? Have you had lubion before? Xx

Nikkinikkit profile image
Nikkinikkit in reply to

Oh that was for fet! For fresh I was on 2 injections a day morning and night, first 2 cycles was menopur 150 in morning and cetrotide at night for roughly 9 days each time and 3rd cycle they changed me to gonal-f in the morning and cetrotide at night think I was about 12 days the 3rd cycle and that was the better round with eggs as it was only cycle we got a positive but lost it at 9 weeks due to blighted ovum and got our 2 frozen from that cycle. No I’ve never had lubion before, what is that for? The nasal spray is to stop ovulation or suppress cycle I think and the tablets are just the hrt (progynova) Frozen cycle is completely different from the fresh with different drugs, a lot more simple not as many appointments xxx

in reply to Nikkinikkit

Oh I see.. I was on menopur and cetrotide I was on cyclogest 400mg twice a day 12 hours apart.. got to 9 weeks only to find baby stopped growing at 7wks 1 day..but to be honest I had an instinct something did not feel right things didn't add up with scan etc..

So now I will be on hrt cyclogest and lubion.. this is basically an extra progesterone for my first ever fet. Xxx

Nikkinikkit profile image
Nikkinikkit in reply to

Aw what a shame for you to get that far and have a loss 😭 we knew earlier than the 9 weeks that things weren’t right but was hanging onto hope for a change and that it’d develop. Just pray on Monday it’s good news 🤞🏻 I wish you all the luck with your FET when the time comes, sending positive vibes ❤️🙏🏻🤞🏻 Xxx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Eram. Sounds OK to me. Just need to prepare your womb lining in readiness for the transfer. Good luck! Diane

in reply to DianeArnold

Thankyou xx

HollyT7 profile image

Hey we had an A blastocyst for our frozen transfer and I was on Progynova three times a day and cyclogest morning and evening xx 😊❤️

Lots8788 profile image

Hello x we have and think the embryo was something like a 4ab. it ended in a MMC unfortunately but likely something to do with that embryo. good luck xxx

Hi Eram12. Congratulations for getting this far on this awful journey. I would say that my clinic never tell the grading of an embryo. Also there are clinics now who are starting to use embryos that they would have deemed "too low grade" in the past and they are seeing no degradation in their results. So, please don't worry about the grading. Wishing you all the best and loads of baby dust xxx

Now I'm thinking do I transfer 1 or 2 because they are not pgs tested?? What do you guys think? Xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to

If they are good grade blasts then I would opt for a single transfer but that’s just me! There is so much conflicting evidence on double transfers and a lot says it doesn’t improve pregnancy rates but can of course lead to a high risk twin pregnancy. For me, my pregnancy anxiety has been pretty bad so adding a high risk factor to it would be terrifying.

I would only do a double transfer on a fresh cycle if I had to do an early transfer due to low numbers x

in reply to KiboXX

All four seem good quality it's what I've been told by the doctor my fear is what if the one I transfer is abnormal? Hence why I'm thinking 2? Xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to

It’s completely normal to worry about that because of what happened last time but that doesn’t mean it will happen again. You have every chance the next one will be a beautiful healthy baby xx

in reply to KiboXX

I know what you mean... And thanks for your kind positive words means alot. it's true when you said double transfer don't increase chances I personally think the reason for that is because both can be abnormal embryos so who knows...or 1 could be normal and other be abnormal so hence why women have 1 only stick... other factors I'm aware of are preeclampsia etc but then again there are loads of women out there that carry twins and are fine and healthy my husband is a twin and he is a 6ft built guy. And mil is healthy. With my age 37 I'm not getting any younger...so I'm in two minds hun 🙄 xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to

37 is still young! You will still have a huge majority of normal embryos than abnormal. If you look at the PGS normal embryo numbers by age here, it gives you a better idea:


in reply to KiboXX

Thanks that helps xxx

Corchi profile image

We have different meds here in greece but I was put on Estriadol patches (think that’s HRT) and progesterone and cuclacur as protocol for frozen embryo 5 day AA blast. I am currently almost 7 weeks pregnant

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