I’ve booked a private scan tomorrow and I’ll only be 6w 1d. My official scan with my clinic is 24th this month. My anxiety and lack of symptoms was my driver to book the scan. I’m worried it’ll be too early and therefore cause even more anxiety until 24th but also wanting to confirm there’s something there because right now I feel far from pregnant (whatever that feels like, this is my first and only pregnancy) I’m so scared as a whole. Confused...
Private scan tomorrow 6w 1d - Fertility Network UK
Private scan tomorrow 6w 1d

I had a scan at 6 weeks and saw a flicker on the screen. You are doing the right thing having a scan as it will hopefully god willing ease your anxiety. I know mine did but I had bled that’s why I booked the scan. You just need some reassurance. Wishing you all the luck in the world for tomorrow xx
I’ve read so many things about some seeing things on the screen and some not because it was too early. I’m driving myself insane where I’ve had hardly any symptoms and just feel like I need that reassurance. Thank you so much. This is just the start of our ivf journey and already I don’t know how people go through it more than once. I feel like a bag of anxiety and have done since the first consultation. Believe it or not I don’t usually suffer with anxiety. Praying we see something xx
Aww bless you it’s such a hard journey isn’t it!!! Iv had a fresh cycle which gave me my 3.5 year old little boy and at the time we had an embryo frozen, 17 weeks ago I had it transferred and I’m pregnant again! Can’t believe my luck. The drugs make you feel so crap but once I hit 12 weeks I felt so much better for physically and mentally. It’s such a rollercoaster but one that is sooooo worth it!! Keep thinking positive, you can do this!! Big hug xxxx
Hey there, I had a private scan last Thursday when I was 6w 1 day as like you I had massive anxiety as I’ve had 3 miscarriages previously. Thankfully they were able to see a heartbeat and everything looked all good. Don’t be disheartened though if they can’t find the heartbeat as I’ve read that sometimes this doesn’t show until week 7. I have my clinic scan this Friday when I’ll be 7w 2d. I’ve been doing over analysing of everything where my symptoms are concerned but realise that symptoms fluctuate so not worth stressing out about but know I will 😀. Good luck with your scan!

I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through so many miscarriages. What a strong person you are. I’m exhausted and this is just the start for us. I’ve bearly had symptoms and that’s my worry. I read you should have this and you should have that and I’m like “nope”. It’s so hard being in lockdown too. I google and worry every second of the day. My sleep is so messed up as well. Thank you for your well wishes hunny xx
My sister in law had an early scan (6 weeks) with my now nephew and there was no heartbeat so she had to wait another week. He’s now 3. So don’t immediately think the worse if you don’t see one tomorrow, sometimes it genuinely is just too early. Good luck!! x
I had a scan at 5+6 saw yolk sac heartbeat etc.. but yes was told they may not be able to see anything as light be too early so dont be worried if they cant. Best of luck xx
Hope it all goes well tommorow Kelz2020 😘😘 hope u have a nice strong flicker on screen xxxxx
Thanks darling. I simply don’t know what to think. I’m the most pair I’ve personally you’ll ever meet but this journey has already knocked me for six and it’s just the start. I honestly admire the strength of some of these warriors in this group. Pray hard for me xx
Good luck today Kelz. I’m feeling the same feelings as you. Will be 14 days since transfer for me tomorrow so I think that makes me 5 weeks tomorrow and my clinic scan isn’t for 3 weeks 😩 considering calling round private scan places today. Let us know how you get on xxx
Thanks babe, after reading your post just yesterday I then went and did the digital clear blue I had (so angry with myself) which should show 3+ and it showed 2-3 which coupled with lack of symptoms is not making me hopeful for laters scan. Been using first repossessed until then and clear as anything bright line. Anyway I’ve sobbed so much this morning after that CB test even though pretty much every google post says they are the devil. Testing repetitively is too. I just don’t feel any different in myself really. Exhausted from lack of sleep and waking at 2am every morning and then not getting back to sleep. I just said to my OH either way let’s go and face the music. I’ve had nothing to say what they see will be bad but at the same time nothing to say what they will be fine. Just another victim of clear blue . I’m kicking myself for doing it. Praying for miracle later. Sending love xx
Oh no 😭 those tests!!! I’m actually going to write to clear blue today I’ve decided after you’ve been upset by them too!!! Remember though babe I took one Monday morning first wee & it said 1-2 weeks. So apparently the threshold is up to 200ml hcg for that reading. The next morning I had a blood test which is the only accurate thing we can rely on and it was 849. I did a clear blue that day (hadnt got results at this point) in the afternoon as soon as amazon delivered them with a wee I had not held at all & after drinking during the day & it had gone up! I honestly think they should be banned like they are in America. Also I’ve noticed so many women saying that they have had stronger results in the afternoon with them? Who knows how those devil sticks work but please try to erase that from your mind and concentrate on the scan today. I have everything crossed for you. Keep us updated xxxx
My pregnancy symptoms didn't start until week 7 so please try not to worry. Best of luck for your scan. X
All the best with your scan 🤞🏼 xxx
Bless you I’m glad you booked in I was told I was 5 weeks 5 days and they could see something so I think you will be fine try and relax wishing you all the best 💖💖
I keep going over in my head if it’s the right thing or not but I need to know. Maybe it’ll help me sleep one way or another. Pleased to hear yours went well hun. Praying and hoping and hanging onto positivity where I can for this next milestone xx
I think it’s 100% the right thing if your worrying it’s so nice to have some self assurance.. I’ve got my what should of been first scan tomorrow at my actual clinic so I’m hoping today goes super fast 🤦🏽♀️ let us know how you get on x
I think so too. I just wish I felt more pregnant. This is my reasoning for it. Then doing the stupid CB digital this morning has got me in a tizz but I’m trying to write that off. Anyway good luck for tomorrow. I’ll update later anyway. Let’s hope they can see something in me 🤞🏻🤞🏻X
Hi all, had the scan, seen a tiny been, sack and flicker of a heartbeat so that’s positive. I thought I was around 6w 1d and she said I’m tracking a bit behind by a few days - not sure what to make of that. Got our main scan next Friday. Will continue to pray! Xxx
Awww such good news. Enjoy it and take care of eachother ❤️
This is great news Kelz. I thought I was a little further than I am but if you google ‘IVF calculator’ and out the date you had transfer and if it was 3 or 5 day you will get accurate date and I bet it’s less than you think making your scan bang on xxx
Brilliant news exactly the same for me I thought it was 6w but she said I was looking 5w 5 days🤷🏽♀️ hope you feel better I’m getting nervous for my scan tomorrow now 🤦🏽♀️xxxx
That’s great news. I wouldn’t worry too much about tracking a couple of days behind. They are so tiny to measure accurately and also from what I have read they can be behind a couple of days or ahead and all is fine so don’t worry. The fact you got a heartbeat is great so stick with that positivity and kick out any negative thoughts you have ❤️

Hope so lovely. I’m going to try and stop googling things and try and relax till next Friday when I’ve my 7 ish week scan at the clinic xx
Hi hun, so I had my scan on Tuesday and I was a couple of days behind. Clinician told me to ignore that and concentrate with that fact of strong heart beat and that it’s in the right place etc. it so hard to threat and I must admit I was but the advise is right
It’s very difficult at this stage to get accurate measure. Week 7 Will proberly be easier. Xxx