After the help of November and December losing all my eggs from pre chemo and the only embryo implanted failed me and my partner don’t have the money for a full IVF cycle which broke out hearts after lots of therapy and medication and help I’ve come to terms I’m 41 and won’t be a parent. During this lock down I found out I’m naturally pregnant on Friday I had a scan to confirm and I’m 6 weeks pregnant and seen the heart beat. I’ve been cramping and bleeding this whole time not enough to soak a pad but today bleeding is heavier and tiny little clots and a couple small white tissue lumps. I’m devastated and terrified I’m miscarrying I know there is nothing I can do, on top of it all a girl messaged me sending my screen shots of messages between her and my partner this tore me apart he’s been my rock my hero through all my pain and suffering it’s broken my heart the last person I would ever believe would do this and while I’m pregnant everything he’s always wanted too. At the moment I’m crying my heart out that I’ve lost my baby too and there is nothing I can do. Sorry I just wanted to write this down before my head explodes from all this heartache.
****SENSITIVE***: After the help of... - Fertility Network UK

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:(. My heart goes out to you Linzmm78. I am so sorry that you are having to go through all of this. Sending you a big virtual hug. Are you able to see if you can have a scan so that you know what is happening? Re partner - i dont know what to say - but at the moment, you and your health come first. Any additional stress is not going to help - you dont HAVE to make any decisions about your relationship right now. Just concentrate on you. Thinking of you xxx
Thinking of you. I don’t even know what to say as this is one of the most stressful posts I think I’ve ever read on this forum. I am hoping that your baby is safe and well. Try your best to focus on that only... easy for me to say. I will say a prayer for you tonight - I hope you don’t mind. Sending a virtual hug ❤️ Xx
My dear I will advice you focuse on your health, buke for a scan , then much later you can have heart to heart discussion with your partner, but first thing first is your health, I know it will not be easy for you this period but pls try and put yourself together, you are in my prayers and am sending you plenty of 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
This is one of the most upsetting posts and my heart really goes out to you, I really hope you and the baby are safe and okay ❤️ like the other comments, do what you need to do, to keep you stress free, try and get a scan at an EPU and best of luck ❤️
I’m so so sorry. My heart broke just reading this. I really hope you and the baby are OK. Thinking of you and wishing the best outcome for you xxx
Thank you everyone for your kind words last night at 11pm I miscarried the little one all intact, one of the most horrific experiences I have ever had to go through ...all those hopes and dreams of my little miracle! I can’t get my head round seeing the heart beat on Friday and Sunday it’s gone and in my hands. My heart 💔
I am so sorry for your loss, and am sending love and prayers to you. I hope you are being looked after by your partner right now? So so hard to deal with this, particularly in isolation. Do also phone your gp as you will need to be cared for xxxx
Im so sorry for your loss Linz, I cant imagine the devastation you are going through. Its hard enough to lose your baby (I had the same thing happen to me but mine was IVF) but to find out your partner has been up to no good must be awful! I really hope you have a good friend or some family members that you can lean on for some support at this time. We are all here for you too. You should call your local hospital and see if they advise anything for you. I had a scan to check I had passed, which of course I knew I had and they did some bloods to make sure my hCG went back to normal. Massive hugs and love. Thinking of you.xx
I'm so sorry you are experiencing this but first you must call the EPU. Many women bleed in early pregnancy and their babies are fine. Book a scan it's the only way you're really gonna know what's happening. Maybe the EPU can prescribe u progestrone or blood thinners? Maybe the blood is coming from somewhere else and the baby is fine. As for your husband please try to think of that only after you've found out what's going on with the baby. That's the list important thing right now. X best of luck. 🙏👍🤞😘
I’m so sorry x
So so sorry to hear this. Sending love and huge hugs ❤️ Xxxx
I’m so sorry your having to go through all this. If I can be of any support or someone to talk to on the phone then please DM me. Xx
I’m so so sorry your having to go through all this its heartbreaking 💔 I would contact your epu and try and get a scan or give you advice. Sending you lots of love and if you ever need someone to talk to I’m here, we are all here ❤️ xxx
I am so sorry to hear your loss. It is so upsetting. You should call your local hospital.
Do you have your family or close friends who can support you mentally? If you need to talk, please pm me. Xx
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Don't know what I can say to help heal your pain. But sending you a big hug xx
This is heartbreaking to read. I am so sorry to hear this. Please know that we are here for you.
Don't dispair and keep your chin up. I have read news of women who had chemo and still fall pregnant naturally afters. With all due respect, science helps us halfway and the other half is a god's will or the unexplained.
You will get past this and will soon look back and realise how this all happened for a reason.
My best wishes xxx
I am so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you ♡. Sending you a big virtual hug x
Thank you everyone for your kind words, I made it through today and still have tomorrow to come life is cruel xxx
Hanging there! You are a survivor. We are thinking of you.
I’m sorry I couldn’t just read and run . I’m so so sorry you are going through all this .
But did u go to the epu and get it checked whether u are miscarrying or it can be something else . Sometimes time is of essence . I would still suggest going to see a dr .
I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. I bled from 8 weeks to 11 and baby is now 18 months old. It might not be a miscarriage. Sending lots of love and praying little bean sticks for you xxx